changing multiple doodad scale and rotation

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Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
I was just wondering if this is possible:

Let's say I have selected a group of doodads who all together form 1 castle.
This is what I want to do: I want to change the castles size and rotation :(

Whenever I have all the doodads selected and want to change the size, all the doodads would have a strange size compared to the others.

Is it possible to resize the entire castle without having to do it manually for each doodad?

The problems I run into:

1. when every doodad gets resized I'll have to re-locate every doodad so that it looks like a castle again. Is there a way to fix this?

2. when everything gets rotated I'll also have to re-locate every doodad so that it looks like a castle again. Is there also a way to fix this?

3. how can I resize the entire castle without changing every doodad to the same x-y-z?
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
No, you cannot make a group of doodads look the same if you don't do it one by one.

You see, If a single doodad is altered, All complementing doodads must then be redone according to the change.

thanks for your reply. But there is no other way in doing this? converting a group of doodads into 1 doodad/destructable/unit or something like that :)?

ow an I've found out that using Rotate Paste 90 CW you can easilly solve the rotation problem :)
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