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Level 13
Mar 19, 2010
See the latest changes of Forsaken Bastion's Fall.


  • Gravestones can't be destroyed by coaltion heroes anymore


Crypt Lord
Carrion Swarm
  • Decreased max. swarms from 3/4/5/6/7 to max. 4 per level


General Gameplay
  • Fixed a bug Hero Pick System which causes a bug for the Tower Defense (No Tower Builder after repick a new hero)

  • Fixed some hotkeys



Dark Ranger
  • Fixed a bug that changes the chance of a hit to 100% and not depending on the distance after casting the ability
  • Increased the damage from 75/125/175/225/275 to 75/150/225/300/375

Coup de Grace
  • Added a note for the killed ally by Coup de Grace

Giant Turtle
  • Decreased mana cost from 160 to 140 per level

Dread Lord
Vampire Blood
  • Increased the mana cost from 75 to 75/90/105/120/135

  • Increased cooldown from 5/4/3/2/1 seconds to 5 seconds

  • Decreased the stock regeneration of the "Roach" from 120s to 1s
  • Decreased the stock start cooldown of all buyable units to 1s Worms

  • Changed damage from (actualRound * 200) to (200 + (actualRound*100))



Dark Ranger
  • Increased the damage from 75/125/175/225/275 to 75/150/225/300/375

Death Marcher
Soul Trap
  • Fixed a bug with the target unit while teleporting back to its base (round end)

Giant Turtle
  • Fixed a bug while teleporting back to its base (round end)

Blight Cleaver
  • Fixed a bug and optimize the spell animation

  • Added gold value (+3) for kills of all new creeps in the shops

Mana Potion
  • Fixed the amount from 300 to 75


General Gameplay
  • Reduced the amount of webs per area from 5 to 4
  • Changed the name of all hero pick units to "Hero Soul"
  • Added new area for the defense units (Forsaken Heart)
  • Added some general gameplay informations to the Quest Menu
  • Removed Minimap Preview Image
  • Added attack functionality to the Forsaken Heart (will be a new challenge for the coalitions)
  • Changed gold income to 8 each 10s on both sides
  • Changed start gold to 500 on both sides
  • Increased the revivetime factor from 4 to 5 x Hero-Level

  • Optimized the hero selection usability for the coalition players

Ice Avatar
Ice Tornado
  • Increased damage per level by 7%

Fog of Death
  • Reduced the chance to miss target from 50% to 25%
  • Increased the damage per seconds and level by 30%

  • Fixed a bug that make him no damage versus graveyards

Priestess of the Moon
  • Replaced Moonlight Ability from Invulnerable to a 30% Evasion (Aura)

Malicious Curse
  • Increased the cooldown from 12s to 18s
  • Changed the mana from 120 to 120/130/140/150/160

Skeleton Mage
Spawn Zombies
  • Decreased amount of Zombies from 2/2/3/3/4 to 3 each level
  • Decreased duration from 15/20/25/30/35s to 15s each level

Druid Boots
  • Removed "Rocket Boots"

Seeing Staff
  • Added description for the "Confused Sight" ability

  • Increased the max. number of creeps on the graveyard from 12 to 15
  • Increased attack-graveyard-chance from 14% to 20%
  • Increased the gold cost for "Druid of the Claw" from 255 by 30% to 383
  • Increased the armor of the "Brood Mother" from 70 to 75
  • Increased the base armor of the "Forsaken Heart" from 69 to 55
  • Increased the base hp of all skeletons (graveyard) by 100
  • Increased the "Titan Devourers" and "Brood Mother" HP-Regeneration from 0 to 0.25
  • Decreased the "Titan Devourers" attack speed from 3.65s to 1.75s
  • Decreased the stock cooldown of all buyable creeps from 120s to 1s
  • Decreased the armor of the "Titan Devourer" from 115 to 100
  • Decreased the gold cost for "Tauren" from 420 by to 392

  • Changed damage from (200 + (actualRound*67)) to (actualRound * 200)
  • Increased the worm count from 4 to 5

Rock Towers
Hot Coals
  • Decreased crit chance from 15%/20%/25% to 15%
  • Decreased crit damage multiplier from 3.5 to 2.0


General Gameplay
  • Fixed a sound bug in the final boss event
  • Fixed a bug in the King Mithas Event (King Mithas respawned in the nightelf base after death)
  • Fixed a bug after the round end (teleport of devoured heroes)
  • Fixed a bug with showing the current round in the top right corner


Star Impact
  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to desync if a player just cast the spell

Item Shop "The Forgotten"
  • Removed spellcaster rank (Initiate) (Reporter: Evil seal) - Thank you!



  • Decreased attack range from 800 to 650


General Gameplay
  • Fixed a bug in all cinematics - all units of a player are invulnerable while watching the cinematic


General Gameplay
  • Removed gold loss if an hero died
  • Added a limitation for the forsaken defense units (max. ~30 units)
  • Fixed a bug in the gold system which adds the wrong amount of gold for a killed unit
  • Fixed a bug in Multiboard which displayed the wrong hero status (alive/dead)
  • Added a new shop for both sides to buy units (only one atm, more coming soon)
  • Added a warning message for the coalition to avoid heroes pass a lane to enter the forsaken area


  • Increased the Death Wardens life time from 20s to 30s


General Gameplay
  • Fixed a major bug in the gold system
  • Fixed a critical bug in the creep round system


Crypt Lord
  • Bugfix (wrong beetle to a grub)
  • Bugfix (wrong position for cocoons after a round end teleport)



Naga Matriarch
Impaling Spine
  • Reduced damage over time from 60s to 8s

Master Necromancer
  • Reduced the cooldown from 45s to 25s

Dead Souls
  • Increased damage per missile from 60/120/180 to 120/180/240


Moon Guard Robe
  • Replaced the "Poisen Marker" ability with a new one called "Reflection of Illidan"


General Gameplay
  • Fixed a bug in the "gold system" that gives gold to player 1(red) when units die after a life time
  • Fixed a critical bug when a player left the game
  • Fixed repick functionality
  • Fixed a bug in the hero revival system


General Gameplay
  • Added a dialog on start to give the players the possibility to show or hide any tutorials in the game
  • At the end of a round every unit of each player get teleport to its homebase

  • Code refactoring
  • Integrated RegisterPlayerUnitEvent
  • Integrated SpellHelper for damaging and filtering and declaration of AttackType, DamageType and WeaponType for all abilities of all heroes!!! (MAIN FEATURE)

Death Marcher
Death Pact
  • Added exception units which cannot be sacrificed by the Death Marcher

Soul Trap
  • Decreased the "Casting Range" from 800 to 700
  • Decreased the "Duration" for heroes from 5s to 4s
  • Decreased the "Damage" by 25%/Level
  • Increased the "Mana" from 75 to 75/85/95/105/115
  • Increased the "Cooldown" from 12s to 15s

Boiling Blood
  • Increased the "Explode Chance" from 4%/6%/8%/10%/12% to 25%/30%/35%/40%/45%
  • Increased the "Explode Radius" from 100 to 300

Dark Ranger
Coup De Grace
  • Increased the damage from 750/1250/1750 to 1000/1500/2000
  • Increased the radius from 300 to 400
  • Increased the missile speed from 750 to 850

Naga Matriarch
  • Increased the damage per level from 50/100/150 to 150/300/450

Orcish Warlock
  • Changed AttackType from NORMAL to MAGIC
  • Removed "Ally" from targets of this ability

Tauren Chieftain
Stomp Blaster
  • Increased the stun duration by 0.85s

Ogre Warrior
  • Increased the final attack time from 5s to 10s

Royal Knight
  • Increased Damage per Level from 100/150/200 to 200/250/300

Trappy Swap
  • Added the eggs of the broodmother as a non targetable unit


Titan Devourer
  • Changed devour ability for a better gameplay
  • Removed unit classification "mechanical" to make it targetable for spells
  • Removed aura


Skull Rod
  • Changed the type of summoned units from 2xSkeleton to 1xSkeleton and 1xSkeleton Mage
  • Increased "Cooldown" from 30s to 90s
  • Increased "Life-Time" from 30s to 60s
  • Summoned Skeletons get dynamic HP/Dmg based on the current round and players on both sides

Holy Shield
Seed of Life
  • Increased the duration from 7/8/9 seconds to 15/20/25 seconds
  • Added "Self" as target


General Gameplay
  • Fixed a bug which causes a horrible lag by selecting a computer controlled player


Naga Matriarch
  • Fixed a bug with no attack to air units
Tidal Shield
  • Fixed a bug with the magic immunity

Death Marcher
Soul Trap
  • Fixed a bug after the "Spell-End" that the target ran in different directions
Boiling Blood
  • Fixed Explode Damage


General Gameplay
  • Reworked the Teleportsystem
  • Decreased the lumber-income for Round 2 - 20 from
    Round 2 = 210 to 170
    Round 3 = 280 to 190
    Round 4 = 360 to 210
    Round 5 = 430 to 230
    Round 6 = 490 to 250

    Round 7 = 490 to 270
    Round 8 = 480 to 290
    Round 9 = 460 to 310
    Round 10 = 440 to 330
    Round 11 = 420 to 350
    Round 12 = 400 to 370
    Round 13 = 370 to 390

    Round 14 = 470 to 370
    Round 15 = 475 to 375
    Round 16 = 460 to 385
    Round 17 = 560 to 400
    Round 18 = 600 to 420
    Round 19 = 620 to 445
    Round 20 = 630 to 475
  • Increased the Gold-Loss-Factor from 35 to 70 x Hero-Level
  • Added a one second delay to the new teleportes which teleports your hero from one point to the next and back
  • Increased the "Decay Time - Bones" from 15s to 30s

  • Increased the time the Broodmother lays a new egg from 4min to 6min
  • Increased the time an egg splashs from 3min to 4min
  • Decreased the dynamical calculated HP+Damage from the Broodmother and its children by 10%
  • Decreased the dynamical calculated HP+Damage from the Titan Devourer by 10%
  • Decreased the dynamical calculated HP+Damage for all Forsaken Defense Units by 75%
  • Increased the base-damage of the devour ability from 12 to 100 (Titan Devourer)

  • Double Items allowed
  • No limits to any items ( buy items as much as you can )
  • Stone of Teleportation is stackable now (max. 5)

  • Monolith of Hatred | Monolith of Terror | Monolith of Destruction
    Decreased the critical chance from 20% to 10%


  • Kodo Vest - Aura of Redemption
    Fixed a bug that makes STR Heroes "God-Like"


General Gameplay
  • Optimized Brood Mother System (BMS)
  • Added more buyable units for the coalition
  • Decreased the forsaken gold-income from 3g/5s to 2g/5s
  • Increased the coalition gold-income from 5g/5s to 10g/5s


General Gameplay
  • optimized forsaken defense system

Crypt Lord
Carrion Swarm
  • decreased swarm from 3/5/7/9/11 to 3/4/5/6/7

Nerubian Widow
Spider Web
  • decreased the cooldown from 1s to 0


General Gameplay
  • Fixed a minor bug in the Forsaken Defense System (FDS)
  • Fixed a major bug in the Creep Round System (CRS)

Holy Chains
  • Fixed a bug with the target icon

Dark Ranger
Coup De Grace
  • Fixed a bug with no damage after the kill of an allied hero

  • code refactoring


General Gameplay
  • playable from 1 - 12 players

  • code refactoring


General Gameplay
  • decreased the hp+damage of all spawing skeletons (-5% hp / -3% damage)
  • increased the spawn interval of the worms on the graveyard from 10s-20s to 10s-30s
  • decreased the damage of the worms on the graveyard by 10%
  • optimized teleporter system
  • allowed buying units from coalition units shops from all over the map

  • readjusted the lumber income for all rounds ( small changes +/- )

Trappy Swap
  • Archnathid's (Scorpions) can't control anymore

Dark Ranger
  • increased the range from 600 to 700

  • removed cooldown from all Potion Items


General Gameplay
  • Fixed some Bugs with the counters in the Multiboard

Death Marcher
Boiling Blood
  • Fixed a bug with massive lag on more units

  • Fixed a bug with the Brood Mother


Master Necromancer
Dead Souls
  • decreased the amount of flying souls from 120 to 20

Dark Ranger
Crippling Arrow
  • increased the missle speed by 15%
  • increased the missle speed by 83%


  • Fixed a bug with the hidden dummy units (XE)
  • Fixed a bug in the "Gold System" which gives gold for kills

Mountain Giant
Craggy Exterior
  • Did not work - Fixed!!!
  • Did not work - Fixed!!!


  • reopened all game slots


General Gameplay
  • changed the gold income for both sides from 2g/4.5s to 3g/5s (Forsaken) and 5g/5s (Coalition)
  • moved the second and third teleporter place for the coalitions to improv the gameplay

Skeleton Mage
Spawn Zombies
  • changed the amount of zombies from 2/3/4/5/6 to 2/2/3/3/4

Tauren Totem
  • changed the "Endurance Aura" from (10% AS/+15% MS) to (+30% AS)


  • Fixed a bug with the Brood Mother which layed to fast new eggs ( changed the "debug time" from 40s to 4min)


General Gameplay
  • added 2 new sounds for the ending of a round


  • Fixed a bug in the "Tome Damage System" which add/removes/reset the damage of all unit types (improved the complete game performance!!!)

General Gameplay
  • Fixed a bug in the "Hero Respawn System" which did not respawn a hero after a kill by neutral units ( reported by Candybar )

  • Fixed a bug with the new dynamically assigned hp+damage value of different unit types after a player left the game
  • Fixed a bug with the Brood Mother which sometimes stayed in the hatchery

  • added the repick functionality to the quests


General Gameplay
  • increased the hp + mana regeneration of all fountains
  • new home-portals added for coalitions, these portals spawn at the same area like the forsaken ones

  • decreased Hot Coals chances from 30%/40%/50% to15%/20%/25%
  • massive reduction of lumber and damage values of all rare and unique towers
  • decreased cooldowns of all Glacier and Totem towers

Giant Turtle
Fountain Blast
  • decreased the flight time from units taken by a projectile from 1.75s to 0.9s

Naga Matriarch
Impaling Spine
  • set the hero stun from 2s/2.5s/3s/3.5s/4s to 1.5s per level

Skeleton Mage
Spawn Zombie
  • increased the hp from 150/300/450/600/750 to 225/450/675/900/1125 (+50%/level)
  • increased the damage from 9/18/27/36/45 to 11/22/32/43/54 (+20%/level)
  • increased the duration from 10s/15s/20s/25s/30s to 15s/20s/25s/30s/35s

Trappy Swap
  • Death Wardens can't control anymore

  • added Item Stack for all potions
  • decreased the critical strike bonus to 5%/0,75x for the items "Spear of Vengeance", "Dawn Bow", "War Flail" and "Assassin's Dagger" and adapted their items prices

  • increased the Brood Mothers damage by 15%
  • decreased the time for laying a new egg by the Brood Mother from 10min to 5min


General Gameplay
  • Fixed a desync of a player by clicking on a hero to see the stats
  • Fixed a bug in the multiboard in the unit state column
  • Fixed a bug with the fountains of the coalitions
  • Fixed a bug with one of the zombies from the graveyard which made others nearly undestroyable


Trappy Swap
  • Fixed a bug which made it not possible to swap a new unit
  • Fixed the green icon showing after level up

  • Fixed a bug with creeps of the coalition get slowed by the the dome
  • Fixed a bug with the 5 types of skeletons which gave no gold for a kill
  • Fixed a bug with laying new eggs by the Brood Mother

  • added 6 new short descriptions for coalition heroes ( Giant Turtle still missing )
  • added a proper name for the Farseer and Orcish Warlock


General Gameplay
  • changed Gold Income to 2/4.5s for both teams
  • reduced "Hero Kill Bonus Gold" from 150 to 100 and the level-multiplier from 7 to 5
  • reduced "Assist Bonus Gold" from 75 to 45
  • increased the "Gold Lost Multiplier" for hero kills from 25 to 35
  • decreased a few gold values of different unit types

  • readjusted the lumber income for all rounds

Fire Panda
  • decreased Hack'n Slash's damage values from 60/90/120/150/180 to 50/80/110/140/170
  • increased Hack'n Slash's target damage reducer from 10% to 15%


General Gameplay
  • Fixed a bug in hero revive system that doesn't revive the hero
  • Fixed a bug that cleared the current text messages in the tutorials for the local player
  • Fixed a bug in 4v4 that spawns the wrong amount of units per lane
  • Fixed a critical bug that make the forsaken heart invulnerable and not destroyable
  • Fixed a bug with spawning offsprings of destroyed eggs
  • Fixed a bug in the killcounter system to display the kills per player in the multiboard

Nerubian Widow
  • Fixed a bug with this size of the offspring
  • added a short description for the Adolescence to describe all 5 levels

Orcish Warlock
  • Fixed a bug of Dark Summoning, that doesn't make different units disabled

  • Fixed a bug that it does not give any gold for killing a Archnathid (Scorpion)
  • Fixed a missing tooltip of the sorceress


General Gameplay
  • Removed attack from all coalition shops under the dome
  • Optimized the text message for the tutorial to build towers


General Gameplay
  • Fixed a bug that slows allied units of the coalition under the dome


Master Necromancer
  • Fixed a bug with not set hp-values for raised skeletons by Necromancy

  • optimized multiboard display


General Gameplay
  • increased/decreased hp+damage values of some forsaken defense units

  • increased the slow effect of all common ice towers from 20%/30%/40% to 30%/40%/50%


Ogre Warrior
  • decreased INT from 1.3 to 1.0
  • increased Axe Throw damage values from 80/160/240/320/400 to 110/220/330/440/550
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