second one looks nice. here are a few hints and tips :
1) like what lexandrite was saying, the way the white tree and the ground done match is becuase of the unsmooth contrast of colors between the tile and the tree. What i do is use a differnet tile ( the vines tile, which is the whitest one, usually fits) and then place down a nice grass at the base of the trees to make it blend a bit more.
2) the Fog when it was denser was it bit nicer. however, you might want to add some glows in there to make it more interesting.
3) i really like your castle and how it looks like it was built from the rocks.
4) the bridge loks a bit strange, perhaps fix it up a bit by instead of using those CTRL DOWNED walls, instead use floor boards and really narrow walls.
5) Lastly, the main gate looks really really plain and bland. Maybe add more intricate watch towers and replace that overhang.
other then that, its a nice high rez terrain, but could be better