Casting Text & Casting Percentage System v1.3 | Reviewed by Maker | 11th Oct 2013 | ||||
// C A S T I N G T E X T S Y S T E M
// B Y:
// E L P H I S
// V E R S I O N:
// 1.3
// C O D E A P I:
//! novjass
struct Casting..... /*
//===========================ALL ABOUT HELPING METHOD===========================
//This method help you to get current x of texttag
*/ method operator getX takes nothing returns real /*
//This method help you to get current y of texttag
*/ method operator getY takes nothing returns real /*
//This method help you to get current z of texttag
*/ method operator getZ takes nothing returns real /*
//This method help you to get current size of texttag
*/ method operator getS takes nothing returns real /*
//This method help you to set texttag position
*/ method setXYZ takes real x,real y,real z,real size returns nothing /*
//This method help you to hide text for player
*/ method hideTextForPlayer takes player p/* Which player you want to hide
*/ boolean hide /* Boolean hide text
*/ returns nothing /*
//This method help you to hide the texttag for player
*/ method hideText takes /*
*/ boolean hidetext /* Only you can see this text
*/ boolean hidetextenemies /* Only you and your allies can see this text
*/ return nothing/*
//This method help you to destroy the texttag instantly and also destroy data inside of this texttag
*/ method destroyInstantly takes nothing returns nothing /*
//This method help you to add text to method percentage when it run :)
*/ method addText takes string text returns nothing /*
static method textPoint takes /*
*/ string text /* Which text you want to display
*/ string color /* Which color you want to combine when texttag reaching
*/ real x /* x of texttag
*/ real y /* y of texttag
*/ real z /* z of texttag
*/ real size /* Size of texttag
*/ real time /* Time out
*/ boolean style /* Style of Texttag (if true, STYLE: Override font color, if false, STYLE: Increase the letter)
*/ integer savenumber /* This number very important, it's a number save with table and you can load this texttag with number :)
*/ returns nothing
//Now for Example:
call Casting.textPoint("KABOOMKABOOM","|cffFFFF00",GetRectCenterX(gg_rct_P),GetRectCenterY(gg_rct_P),5.,15.,5.,false,15)
static method textNumber takes /*
*/ string color /* Which color you want to combine when texttag reaching
*/ real x /* x of texttag
*/ real y /* y of texttag
*/ real z /* z of texttag
*/ real size /* Size of texttag
*/ real time /* Time out
*/ integer savenumber /* This number very important, it's a number save with table and you can load this texttag with number :)
*/ returns nothing
//Now for Example:
call Casting.textNumber("|cffFFFF00",GetRectCenterX(gg_rct_P),GetRectCenterY(gg_rct_P),5.,15.,5.,10)
static method TextRun takes /*
*/ unit ct /* Which unit you want to add this texttag
*/ string text /* Which text you want to display
*/ string color /* Which color you want to combine when texttag reaching
*/ real size /* Size of texttag
*/ real time /* Time out
*/ boolean hidetext /* Only you can see this text
*/ boolean hidetextenemies /* Only you and your allies can see this text
*/ boolean style /* Style of Texttag (if true, STYLE: Override font color, if false, STYLE: Increase the letter)
*/ integer savenumber /* This number very important, it's a number save with table and you can load this texttag with number :)
*/ returns nothing
//Now for Example:
call Casting.TextRunning(Player(0),"CastingSystem","|cff00CC66",5.,13.,3.,true,false,true)
static method TextChannel takes /*
*/ unit ct /* Which unit you want to add this texttag and check order
*/ string text /* Which text you want to display
*/ string color /* Which color you want to combine when texttag reaching
*/ string order /* Order of ability unit using, if order != Current order, this system will deny it and also destroy it, this texttag will be cancel
*/ real size /* Size of texttag
*/ real time /* Time out
*/ boolean hidetext /* Only you can see this text
*/ boolean hidetextenemies /* Only you and your allies can see this text
*/ boolean style /* Style of Texttag (if true, STYLE: Override font color, if false, STYLE: Increase the letter)
*/ returns nothing
//Now for Example:
call Casting.TextChanneling(GetTriggerUnit(),"CastingSystem","carrionswarm","|cff00CC66",GetUnitX(GetTriggerUnit()),GetUnitY(GetTriggerUnit()),5.,13.,3.,true,false,true)
static method NumberRun takes /*
*/ unit ct /* Which unit you want to add this texttag
*/ string color /* Which color you want to combine with number
*/ real size /* Size of texttag
*/ real time /* Time out
*/ boolean hidetext /* Only you can see this text
*/ boolean hidetextenemies /* Only you and your allies can see this text
*/ integer savenumber /* This number very important, it's a number save with table and you can load this texttag with number :)
//Hint: Different with Text, this method display percent of time 1 -> 100% :)
*/ returns nothing
//Now for Example:
call Casting.NumberRunning(Player(0),"|cff00CC66",5.,13.,3.,true,false,true)
static method NumberChannel takes /*
*/ unit ct /* Which unit you want to add this texttag and check order
*/ string color /* Which color you want to combine with number
*/ string order /* Order of ability unit using, if order != Current order, this system will deny it and also destroy it, this texttag will be cancel
*/ real size /* Size of texttag
*/ real time /* Time out
*/ boolean hidetext /* Only you can see this text
*/ boolean hidetextenemies /* Only you and your allies can see this text
*/ boolean style /* Style of Texttag (if true, STYLE: Override font color, if false, STYLE: Increase the letter)
//Hint: Different with Text, this method display percent of time 1 -> 100% :)
*/ returns nothing
//Now for Example:
call Casting.NumberChanneling(GetTriggerUnit(),"CastingSystem","carrionswarm","|cff00CC66",GetUnitX(GetTriggerUnit()),GetUnitY(GetTriggerUnit()),5.,13.,3.,true,false,true)
//! endnovjass
// - Installation:
// - Import/copy the required libraries and Casting Text code to your map
// - Read system API
// - You may play with the configurables below
// C A S T I N G T E X T S Y S T E M
// B Y:
// E L P H I S
// V E R S I O N:
// 1.3
// C O D E A P I:
//! novjass
struct Casting..... /*
//===========================ALL ABOUT HELPING METHOD===========================
//This method help you to get current x of texttag
*/ method operator getX takes nothing returns real /*
//This method help you to get current y of texttag
*/ method operator getY takes nothing returns real /*
//This method help you to get current z of texttag
*/ method operator getZ takes nothing returns real /*
//This method help you to get current size of texttag
*/ method operator getS takes nothing returns real /*
//This method help you to set texttag position
*/ method setXYZ takes real x,real y,real z,real size returns nothing /*
//This method help you to hide text for player
*/ method hideTextForPlayer takes player p/* Which player you want to hide
*/ boolean hide /* Boolean hide text
*/ returns nothing /*
//This method help you to hide the texttag for player
*/ method hideText takes /*
*/ boolean hidetext /* Only you can see this text
*/ boolean hidetextenemies /* Only you and your allies can see this text
*/ return nothing/*
//This method help you to destroy the texttag instantly and also destroy data inside of this texttag
*/ method destroyInstantly takes nothing returns nothing /*
//This method help you to add text to method percentage when it run :)
*/ method addText takes string text returns nothing /*
static method textPoint takes /*
*/ string text /* Which text you want to display
*/ string color /* Which color you want to combine when texttag reaching
*/ real x /* x of texttag
*/ real y /* y of texttag
*/ real z /* z of texttag
*/ real size /* Size of texttag
*/ real time /* Time out
*/ boolean style /* Style of Texttag (if true, STYLE: Override font color, if false, STYLE: Increase the letter)
*/ integer savenumber /* This number very important, it's a number save with table and you can load this texttag with number :)
*/ returns nothing
//Now for Example:
call Casting.textPoint("KABOOMKABOOM","|cffFFFF00",GetRectCenterX(gg_rct_P),GetRectCenterY(gg_rct_P),5.,15.,5.,false,15)
static method textNumber takes /*
*/ string color /* Which color you want to combine when texttag reaching
*/ real x /* x of texttag
*/ real y /* y of texttag
*/ real z /* z of texttag
*/ real size /* Size of texttag
*/ real time /* Time out
*/ integer savenumber /* This number very important, it's a number save with table and you can load this texttag with number :)
*/ returns nothing
//Now for Example:
call Casting.textNumber("|cffFFFF00",GetRectCenterX(gg_rct_P),GetRectCenterY(gg_rct_P),5.,15.,5.,10)
static method TextRun takes /*
*/ unit ct /* Which unit you want to add this texttag
*/ string text /* Which text you want to display
*/ string color /* Which color you want to combine when texttag reaching
*/ real size /* Size of texttag
*/ real time /* Time out
*/ boolean hidetext /* Only you can see this text
*/ boolean hidetextenemies /* Only you and your allies can see this text
*/ boolean style /* Style of Texttag (if true, STYLE: Override font color, if false, STYLE: Increase the letter)
*/ integer savenumber /* This number very important, it's a number save with table and you can load this texttag with number :)
*/ returns nothing
//Now for Example:
call Casting.TextRunning(Player(0),"CastingSystem","|cff00CC66",5.,13.,3.,true,false,true)
static method TextChannel takes /*
*/ unit ct /* Which unit you want to add this texttag and check order
*/ string text /* Which text you want to display
*/ string color /* Which color you want to combine when texttag reaching
*/ string order /* Order of ability unit using, if order != Current order, this system will deny it and also destroy it, this texttag will be cancel
*/ real size /* Size of texttag
*/ real time /* Time out
*/ boolean hidetext /* Only you can see this text
*/ boolean hidetextenemies /* Only you and your allies can see this text
*/ boolean style /* Style of Texttag (if true, STYLE: Override font color, if false, STYLE: Increase the letter)
*/ returns nothing
//Now for Example:
call Casting.TextChanneling(GetTriggerUnit(),"CastingSystem","carrionswarm","|cff00CC66",GetWidgetX(GetTriggerUnit()),GetWidgetY(GetTriggerUnit()),5.,13.,3.,true,false,true)
static method NumberRun takes /*
*/ unit ct /* Which unit you want to add this texttag
*/ string color /* Which color you want to combine with number
*/ real size /* Size of texttag
*/ real time /* Time out
*/ boolean hidetext /* Only you can see this text
*/ boolean hidetextenemies /* Only you and your allies can see this text
*/ integer savenumber /* This number very important, it's a number save with table and you can load this texttag with number :)
//Hint: Different with Text, this method display percent of time 1 -> 100% :)
*/ returns nothing
//Now for Example:
call Casting.NumberRunning(Player(0),"|cff00CC66",5.,13.,3.,true,false,true)
static method NumberChannel takes /*
*/ unit ct /* Which unit you want to add this texttag and check order
*/ string color /* Which color you want to combine with number
*/ string order /* Order of ability unit using, if order != Current order, this system will deny it and also destroy it, this texttag will be cancel
*/ real size /* Size of texttag
*/ real time /* Time out
*/ boolean hidetext /* Only you can see this text
*/ boolean hidetextenemies /* Only you and your allies can see this text
*/ boolean style /* Style of Texttag (if true, STYLE: Override font color, if false, STYLE: Increase the letter)
//Hint: Different with Text, this method display percent of time 1 -> 100% :)
*/ returns nothing
//Now for Example:
call Casting.NumberChanneling(GetTriggerUnit(),"CastingSystem","carrionswarm","|cff00CC66",GetWidgetX(GetTriggerUnit()),GetWidgetY(GetTriggerUnit()),5.,13.,3.,true,false,true)
//! endnovjass
// - Installation:
// - Import/copy the required libraries and Casting Text code to your map
// - Read system API
// - You may play with the configurables below
library /*
*/ CastingText /*
*/ uses/*
*/ TimerUtils /*
*/ TextTag /*
*/ Table /*
*/ Alloc /*
//==================================SYSTEM SETTINGS==================================
//Delay before destroy texttag, this is useful value, don't change this unless you know what you doing !!
private constant real DELAY = 0.1
//Life span of texttag
private constant real LIFE_SPAN = 1.
//Fade point of texttag
private constant real FADE_POINT = 0.7
//Age of texttag
private constant real AGE = 0.5
//Periodic for this system
private constant real PERIODIC = 0.031250000
Table C_TAB
// Do not change things below
struct Casting extends array
implement Alloc
private integer SN
private unit caster
private texttag t
private string source
private string c
private string o
private string tex
private real timeout
private real intevar
private real s
private real delay
private real logic
private real mt
private real xx
private real yy
private real zz
private integer l
private boolean style
private boolean numbercast
private boolean release
method setXYZ takes real x,real y,real z,real size returns nothing
set xx = x
set yy = y
set zz = z
set s = size
method operator getS takes nothing returns real
return s
method operator getX takes nothing returns real
return xx
method operator getY takes nothing returns real
return yy
method operator getZ takes nothing returns real
return zz
private method hideText takes boolean hidetext,boolean hidetextenemies returns nothing
local integer i
local player p
if caster == null then
set p = null
set i = 0
set p = GetOwningPlayer(caster)
if hidetext then
exitwhen i == bj_MAX_PLAYERS
if Player(i) != p then
if GetLocalPlayer() == Player(i) then
call SetTextTagVisibility(t,false)
set i = i + 1
elseif hidetextenemies then
exitwhen i == bj_MAX_PLAYERS
if Player(i) != p and IsPlayerEnemy(p,Player(i)) then
if GetLocalPlayer() == Player(i) then
call SetTextTagVisibility(t,false)
set i = i + 1
method setTextHideForPlayer takes player p,boolean hidetext returns nothing
if caster == null then
if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
call SetTextTagVisibility(t,false)
method addText takes string text returns nothing
set tex = text
method destroyInstantly takes nothing returns nothing
set release = true
private method removeText takes nothing returns nothing
call C_TAB.remove(SN)
set t = null
set o = null
set tex = null
set source = null
set c = null
set caster = null
call this.deallocate()
// This method is periodic
private static method onPeriodic takes nothing returns nothing
local timer ti = GetExpiredTimer()
local thistype this = GetTimerData(ti)
local real a
local string st
//Check time
if timeout > 0 then
//This boolean check this method called is a numbercast method
if caster != null then
//Set Texttag Position
set xx = GetWidgetX(caster)
set yy = GetWidgetY(caster)
set zz = GetUnitFlyHeight(caster)
if not numbercast then
set intevar = intevar+PERIODIC
set a = (intevar/mt)*l
if style then
set st = c + SubString(source,0,R2I(a)) + "|r" + SubString(source,R2I(a),l)
set st = c + SubString(source,0,R2I(a))
if intevar > l or GetUnitCurrentOrder(caster) != OrderId(o) and o != "" then
set release = true
set intevar = intevar + logic
set st = c + tex +I2S(R2I(intevar)) + "%"
if intevar >= 100. or GetUnitCurrentOrder(caster) != OrderId(o) and o != "" then
set release = true
call ChangeTextTag(t,st,s)
call SetTextTagPos(t,xx,yy,zz)
//Decrease time
set timeout = timeout - PERIODIC
if not release then
set release = true
if release then
//Run delay
if delay < DELAY then
set delay = delay + PERIODIC
//Clean data
call ReleaseTimer(ti)
call removeText()
set st = null
set ti = null
static method textNumber takes string color,real x,real y,real z,real size,real time,integer savenumber returns nothing
local thistype this = allocate()
local integer i = 0
set release = false
set numbercast = true
set delay = 0.
set intevar = 0.
//Save with Table
set C_TAB[savenumber] = this
set SN = savenumber
set xx = x
set yy = y
set zz = z
set tex = ""
set o = ""
set caster = null
set timeout = time
set logic = PERIODIC/timeout*100.
set c = color
set s = size
set t = CreateTextTagLoc("",xx,yy,zz,s)
//Calling Periodic
call TimerStart(NewTimerEx(this),PERIODIC,true,function thistype.onPeriodic)
static method textPoint takes string text,string color,real x,real y,real z,real size,real time,boolean style,integer savenumber returns nothing
local thistype this = allocate()
local integer i = 0
set release = false
set numbercast = false
set delay = 0.
set intevar = 0.
//Save with Table
set C_TAB[savenumber] = this
set SN = savenumber
set xx = x
set yy = y
set zz = z
set caster = null
set o = ""
set timeout = time
set mt = timeout
set c = color
set s = size
set style = style
set source = text
set l = StringLength(source)
if style then
set t = CreateTextTagLoc(source,xx,yy,zz,s)
set t = CreateTextTagLoc(SubString(source,0,0),GetWidgetX(caster),GetWidgetY(caster),GetUnitFlyHeight(caster),s)
//Calling Periodic
call TimerStart(NewTimerEx(this),PERIODIC,true,function thistype.onPeriodic)
static method textRun takes unit ct,string text,string color,real size,real time,boolean hidetext,boolean hidetextenemies,boolean style,integer savenumber returns nothing
local thistype this = allocate()
local integer i = 0
set release = false
set numbercast = false
set delay = 0.
set intevar = 0.
//Save with Table
set C_TAB[savenumber] = this
set SN = savenumber
set tex = ""
set o = ""
set caster = ct
set timeout = time
set mt = timeout
set c = color
set s = size
set style = style
set source = text
set l = StringLength(source)
if style then
set t = CreateTextTagLoc(source,GetWidgetX(caster),GetWidgetY(caster),GetUnitFlyHeight(caster),s)
set t = CreateTextTagLoc(SubString(source,0,0),GetWidgetX(caster),GetWidgetY(caster),GetUnitFlyHeight(caster),s)
//Check 2 boolean
call hideText(hidetext,hidetextenemies)
//Calling Periodic
call TimerStart(NewTimerEx(this),PERIODIC,true,function thistype.onPeriodic)
static method textChannel takes unit ct,string text,string order,string color,real size,real time,boolean hidetext,boolean hidetextenemies,boolean style returns nothing
local thistype this = allocate()
local integer i = 0
set release = false
set numbercast = false
set delay = 0.
set intevar = 0.
set o = order
set caster = ct
set timeout = time
set mt = timeout
set c = color
set s = size
set style = style
set o = order
set source = text
set l = StringLength(source)
if style then
set t = CreateTextTagLoc(source,GetWidgetX(caster),GetWidgetY(caster),GetUnitFlyHeight(caster),s)
set t = CreateTextTagLoc(SubString(source,0,0),GetWidgetX(caster),GetWidgetY(caster),GetUnitFlyHeight(caster),s)
//Check 2 boolean
call hideText(hidetext,hidetextenemies)
//Calling Periodic
call TimerStart(NewTimerEx(this),PERIODIC,true,function thistype.onPeriodic)
static method numberRun takes unit ct, string color,real size,real time,boolean hidetext,boolean hidetextenemies,integer savenumber returns nothing
local thistype this = allocate()
local integer i = 0
set release = false
set numbercast = true
set delay = 0.
set intevar = 1.
//Save with Table
set C_TAB[savenumber] = this
set SN = savenumber
set tex = ""
set o = ""
set caster = ct
set timeout = time
set logic = PERIODIC/timeout*100.
set c = color
set s = size
set t = CreateTextTagLoc("",GetWidgetX(caster),GetWidgetY(caster),GetUnitFlyHeight(caster),s)
//Check 2 boolean
call hideText(hidetext,hidetextenemies)
//Calling Periodic
call TimerStart(NewTimerEx(this),PERIODIC,true,function thistype.onPeriodic)
static method numberChannel takes unit ct,string order,string color,real size,real time,boolean hidetext,boolean hidetextenemies returns nothing
local thistype this = allocate()
local integer i = 0
set release = false
set numbercast = true
set delay = 0.
set intevar = 0.
set o = order
set caster = ct
set timeout = time
set o = order
set logic = PERIODIC/timeout*100.
set c = color
set s = size
set t = CreateTextTagLoc("",GetWidgetX(caster),GetWidgetY(caster),GetUnitFlyHeight(caster),s)
call hideText(hidetext,hidetextenemies)
//Calling Periodic
call TimerStart(NewTimerEx(this),PERIODIC,true,function thistype.onPeriodic)
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
set C_TAB = Table.create()