22:19, 18th Dec 2014
StoPCampinGn00b: I've tried the map in multiplayer and it appears to be working a hundred percent. The map is an outdoors type of CTF map where there are boundaries and territories rather than head on battles across the map. The map has a variety of useful items and abilities, but they are all generic ones. It may seem that some items may overlap in usability, but all items actually are better in some scenarios than others. The terrain and doodad placement could be a lot better by simply adding more themed doodads for each side of the map, but it's acceptable in it's current state. Though the quest log rule is very minor and maps are always approved without it, having one with viable information would be a lot more helpful than the cinematic.
Map approved with 3/5 rating.
StoPCampinGn00b: I've tried the map in multiplayer and it appears to be working a hundred percent. The map is an outdoors type of CTF map where there are boundaries and territories rather than head on battles across the map. The map has a variety of useful items and abilities, but they are all generic ones. It may seem that some items may overlap in usability, but all items actually are better in some scenarios than others. The terrain and doodad placement could be a lot better by simply adding more themed doodads for each side of the map, but it's acceptable in it's current state. Though the quest log rule is very minor and maps are always approved without it, having one with viable information would be a lot more helpful than the cinematic.
Map approved with 3/5 rating.