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[Spell] Can't get phoenix fire-based ability toggling to work

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Level 1
Aug 28, 2016

First of all, I'm very new to working in the world editor so I might be overlooking something very obvious.. :)

anyway, I have been working on a pretty simple spell which makes the caster spray ice on surrounding enemies. This is supposed to be a toggle ability like mana shield or immolation so that it drains mana while spraying ice.

Currently I'm using a dummy spell, which is based on mana shield, for the toggling and then I'm using a trigger to give the caster the phoenix fire spell so that it starts spraying ice around it. Now to my problem: I can't get it to properly turn off again when the toggle turns off. I have been trying a little with "wait for condition" and set it to detect when the mana shield buff goes away from the caster but that doesn't work.

Anyone done this before or know an easy way to achieve the desired effect? :)
Level 41
Feb 27, 2007
I would use Immolate rather than Mana Shield, but if your unit also has an immolate ability then it'll need to be mana shield. You'll need to catch the orders "immolate on" and "immolate off" (there are equivalent ones for Mana Shield) on a unit with your toggle ability:
  • IceOn
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit is given order with no target
    • Conditions
      • (Issued Order) equal to Immolate (On)
      • Level of (DUMMY_IMMOLATE_ABILITY) for (Triggering Unit) greater than 0
    • Actions
      • ------- Give Phoenix Fire ability to Triggering Unit -------
  • IceOff
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit is given order with no target
    • Conditions
      • (Issued Order) equal to Immolate (Off)
      • Level of (DUMMY_IMMOLATE_ABILITY) for (Triggering Unit) greater than 0
    • Actions
      • ------- Remove Phoenix Fire ability from Triggering Unit -------
Level 1
Aug 28, 2016
Thanks for the answers! :)

I have tried a little targeting orders, but I can't seem to find how to target the On/Off of the spell. I'll submit my triggers so that maybe you can tell me what's wrong! I'm using the original Immolation spell right now but will switch it out later when it's working :)

Trigger On.PNG

Trigger Off.PNG
Level 11
Jan 2, 2016
Thanks for the answers! :)

I have tried a little targeting orders, but I can't seem to find how to target the On/Off of the spell. I'll submit my triggers so that maybe you can tell me what's wrong! I'm using the original Immolation spell right now but will switch it out later when it's working :)

View attachment 246901

View attachment 246902

The order strings are: `immolation` for On / `unimmolation` for Off.
And not Immoltaion (On) , Immolation(Off).
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