1. A neutral hostile barracks with watchtowers around it is destroyed by Player1(computer).
2. A peon(player1) begins constructing barracks on same spot neutral hostile barracks was in.
3. If construction is completed, watchtowers spawn around it.
4. If construction is interrupted/player2(computer) or other players destroys the constructing building, peon(player1) returns to base and a new barracks(player2) is constructed on the spot using peon(player2).
I have established 1,2,3. However at when I arrive at 4, I'm not sure what triggers to use, is it cancelled building?
I tested my map and it goes like this, player 1 destroy barracks, barracks(player1) is being built, player3 destroys constructing barracks, player1 peon stands around, player2 peon begins building barracks. Player1 destroys constructing barracks, nothing happens. It just stops there.
Am I doing it right? :O
1. A neutral hostile barracks with watchtowers around it is destroyed by Player1(computer).
2. A peon(player1) begins constructing barracks on same spot neutral hostile barracks was in.
3. If construction is completed, watchtowers spawn around it.
4. If construction is interrupted/player2(computer) or other players destroys the constructing building, peon(player1) returns to base and a new barracks(player2) is constructed on the spot using peon(player2).
I have established 1,2,3. However at when I arrive at 4, I'm not sure what triggers to use, is it cancelled building?
I tested my map and it goes like this, player 1 destroy barracks, barracks(player1) is being built, player3 destroys constructing barracks, player1 peon stands around, player2 peon begins building barracks. Player1 destroys constructing barracks, nothing happens. It just stops there.
Am I doing it right? :O
Barracks CLD Cancelled
- Unit - A unit Cancels construction
- (Unit-type of (Cancelled structure)) Equal to Barracks
- (Barracks CLD <gen> contains (Position of (Cancelled structure))) Equal to True
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- (Owner of (Cancelled structure)) Equal to Player 1 (Red)
Then - Actions
- Unit - Move Peon 0109 <gen> instantly to (Center of Red Builders <gen>)
Else - Actions
- Unit - Move Peon 0108 <gen> instantly to (Center of Blue Builders <gen>)
If - Conditions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)