[Campaign] Campaign Stage

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Level 2
Jan 26, 2012
Hello everyone =), first of all thank you for reading my thread!, now i have completed 9 missions and 4 cut scenes for my campaign, i wish to know your opinion of the campaign good or bad? what shall i add next, everything =)
few stuff to note :

1- the campaign i am making is very long like maybe more than 40 mission excluding the cinematic missions.

2-ATM its over 127 MB..... i know lol!.

3-the campaign got no base building/army management whatsoever, its like a full RPG style game like mass effect or dragon age for example, you control a group of heroes and fight enemies and solve quests as you progress.

4-There are races like orcs, undead, elves and night elves are called dark elves in the story (cause there are no night elves as the story is not a wow lore story :p) etc and probably there will be new races too =).

5-the story is based on a group of heroes from different races and cultures who join together and fight together to stop the rising evil and uncover their destiny.

6-Since i'm stilling learning WE i wanna say that lot of things may change other than the main things like the heroes themselves, the story and certain missions.

7-The campaign have custom models/icons/skins etc so of course there will be a credits for the people who made them, the credits will be listed in a credit mission to thank the creators of these stuff in a better way =).

8-The campaign itself is highly based on the story aspect but that doesn't mean it lacks fighting it has tons of fighting and i'll do my best to make lots of variety :p

9-Its worth mentioning that i'm the only one who's making the campaign and i'm still learning so it may take time for the campaign to progress but good thing is that i already made 9 missions excluding the cinematics like i previously mentioned =)


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Level 7
May 29, 2011
Can you talk anything about the campaign, before we download it?

Some personal questions from me:

Is this a typical wc3 campaign with heroes etc.? Or its a RPG? Or a different gamestyle?
Play you a normal race(Orc, humans, undeads, nightelves) or a custom race?
What is the story and what world we playing in the campaign?
Level 2
Jan 26, 2012
good questions The_New_Divide thank you =), ok here are the answers :

1-Well not really the campaign got no base building/army management whatsoever, its like a full RPG style game like mass effect or dragon age for example, you control a group of heroes and fight enemies and solve quests as you progress.

2-There are races like orcs, undead, elves etc and there are also new races too =).

3-Well the story is based on a group of heroes from different races and cultures who join together and fight together to stop the rising evil and uncover their destiny.

ok now few things from me :p :

1-Since i'm stilling learning WE i wanna say that lot of things may change other than the main things like the heroes themselves, the story and certain missions.

2-The campaign have custom models/icons/skins etc so of course there will be a credits for the people who made them, the credits will be listed in a credit mission to thank the creators of these stuff in a better way =).

3-The campaign itself is highly based on the story aspect but that doesn't mean it lacks fighting it has tons of fighting and i'll do my best to make lots of variety :p

4-Its worth mentioning that i'm the only one who's making the campaign and i'm still learning so it may take time for the campaign to progress but good thing is that i already made 9 missions excluding the cinematics like i previously mentioned =)

thank you for your time and thanks alot for all the comments.
Level 7
May 29, 2011
I have test the first chapter till now and look at the other chapters.

Firstly i see, you have no plan how do connect the chapters. You are not alone there. Me too. Ask some campaignmakers here at the hiveworkshop to know how. Also you should use the same heroes(SetVariabe, save and load them).

Second thing: You can use the importmanager and dataeditor of the campaigneditor. When you use it, you dont must import in every map the same files again. You can make the filesize much smaller!

Good Points
Bad Points

-Improve terrain please(Also in all other maps too)
-Fix cinematics
-Use other spells for heroes: I mean specialy the Ressurection-ability of the paladin
-Use the portal-ability of the portal and not trigger the effect.(I have not used 2 potions, before i entered the area nearly the portal(Ask me when you dont know how to use the portalability).
-Mark the target and use quests. I must see in the triggers to know, what is my quest.

-I have won the game without a fight against the banditlord. Also i can win the game without fighting against the bandits. Just run with the blademaster with windwalk to the end.
-Why all enemy units controlled by player 1? Why no creeps. I lied i know why xD http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/members/lichking21/midnighters/ . You can change the option at the gameplayconstants. Find "HerofactorXP" in the CrudeDatas and delete the numbers.

I hope thats can help.

BTW: Where are you from? Maybe I can help in a other language.
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Level 2
Jan 26, 2012
Thanks alot for your comment =), ok first of all i wanna talk about chapter connections, i did not want to use the same heroes intentionally cause i wanted to set their levels for each map myself :p, as for importing files from campaigneditor i tried to do it but i encountered a problem.....when i import a certain ability for a certain map that ability appears on ALL maps instead of just the map i wanted to be in =(.

now here are the answers to your other questions :p :

1-The terrain is highly improved on some of the other maps, i wanted to start simple then go bigger with each new map =), (its worth mentioning that chapter one and two are the first over 70% stable map i make since i used WE :p)

2-Sorry about the cinematics :p, its fixed on all the chapters except for chapter 1 and 2 i think i'll work on that).

3-You only use normal abilities in chapter 1 and 2, all the other chapters heroes will have a fully customized abilities =), like i said i wanted to start simple :p.

4-i intended to do that so you can't go back once you teleported :p.

5-I don't know how to make proper quests triggers yet would be very thankful if someone teaches me how =).

6-Gee thanks alot for pointing that one out i'll fix it ASAP =)

7-Thanks alot for telling me how to fix it =)

Thanks alot for your comments and i hope that you and everyone else keep playing the campaign till the end of the episode so i can upload the rest of the campaign and don't forget to tell me about bugs,ideas,everything =)

btw The_New_Divide +Rep for your comments and help =)
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