Campaign Optimizier?

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Level 14
Jul 15, 2005
As you probably know, Vexorian made an awesome map optimizer program that compressed imported blp files, cleaned up code, got rid of WE-only data and generally saved a lot of space.

However, as far as I can see it doesn't seem to support .w3n (ie, campaign) files.

Is there any program that does a similar thing for campaign files?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Yes, vexorian's optimizer should work fine on the maps inside the campaign file.

1. Export map.
2. Optimize map (remember to leave in all editor files so you can still open it in the editor).
3. Import optimized map back into campaign.

Or atleast it should work in theory. Unless WC3 resaves the map when it gets imported.

You can later use a .mpq editor (or any program that can edit campaigns) to remove the editor only files from it to save more space.

The important part of vexorian's optimize for campaigns is the script optimization as that boosts the perfromacne of the jass interpreter. All the file space optimizations and protection are irrilivent.
Level 14
Jul 15, 2005
I was actually hoping for an optimizer that would work on the w3n file itself so that it would help optimize the files imported there, but from your post and my own research it looks like that doesn't exist.

However, it's good to know that the individual map files can be optimized and still function, since that gives me the performance boost from optimization (even if it doesn't cut down the overall w3n file size quite as much as I was hoping for).

So thanks for the useful info, I appreciate it.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
That would be a dream come true for many map makers if someone would create a program like that.

It's pure nightmare for my project to export and then import 10 to 20 maps and optimize them all for every single version(and I won't do that for obvious reasons).

(The optimizer would shorten the loading time for The Chosen Ones probably a lot as it's so huge already)
I have seen evidence proving the contary. It will ignore optimizing such string unless they are created via concatination (hard to predict at save time).

I tested this last weekend with the optimizer and it shortened my global name but the string passed into TriggerRegisterVariableEvent still had the udg_ prefix and its variable name. I did not test this with ExecuteFunc.
Level 14
Nov 23, 2008
adding full vJASS support to campaign maps will be really cool (as current methods for applying vJASS on campaigns is pretty much a lot of work...)
There's a plug-in for JNGP that allows to compile campaign maps within editor. It's called ScExp. I could submit it here.

An optimizer for campaigns will be nice...
It's not a problem to write a program, which extracts and processes maps through Vexo's tool, since it supports command line. The bad thing is in lacking flexibility of command line arguments.
Also, in specific cases "Clean BLPs" option in map optimizer increases file size.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
I'm probably soon going to make a request someone could really make such a program. It would be gigantic help for my project but as well as for other projects.

People have blamed about how slow the project I'm making loads. I've tried my best to make things more faster but it isn't enough: I need that program.
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