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Building Collision {can't find a big enough pathing map}

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Level 7
Jun 1, 2006
I am trying to make a modern day map and am using a custom sky scraper model in my terrain. The sky scrapers are purely aesthetic and will never be used by a player. Anyway what happens is the sky scrapers have no collision, meaning units can walk straight through them. I have had two approaches at putting in the skyscrapers. First I just replaced the city build (green, diagonal 1) in doodad with the skyscraper. As a result units could walk straight through. Then I tried to use neutral fountain of health, this made a small radius in the centre of the building non collidable, but the rest of the building units could still walk through. So my main question's:

How do I make this skyscraper model a solid object, that cannot be walked through?

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Level 4
Dec 6, 2008
Use any building, give it your skyscraper model art, change the field "Stats - Race" to "Other" and place it in the editor as "Neutral Passive". It will have the given collision size and be neutral.
Level 4
Apr 20, 2009
As far as I know, you have two options. You can use Pathing Blockers (Doodad Palette->Pathing Blockers->Pathing Blocker (Ground or Both would work, I would use Both)) or you can attempt to find a pathing map in-game that fits your building. Go to here


Try changing that to different pathing maps and see if you can find one that fits (if you go to the main World Editor screen and press P, you can see the pathing of your entire map (this will let you see if the pathing map you selected for the skyscraper fits the model, or if you completely surrounded it with pathing blockers)).

Good luck.
Level 7
Jun 1, 2006
Ty all. +rep

Edit: Crap I can't find one big enough for it, any suggestions/other solutions (do not want to spam pathing blockers)
Level 4
Apr 20, 2009
This should be able to help you. You will need an image editing program, though, and I'm not sure if paint will work. Never tried that tutorial before.
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