Bugged worker possession

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Level 18
Oct 11, 2008
Ok so here's the problem,after you get Banshees you can posses enemy units,but if you posses enemy workers and you're player one you cant build any buildings...but if you're player two and get an enemy worker you have complete acces to the rase,which is a real bug...I mean in U06 my friend started built Tauren,a tauren cheaftain and a Shadow Hunter which should be imposible,same bug works on U07
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Level 18
Oct 11, 2008
now with that knowage for mission 6 (against the orcs) you can just build a 12 horde heroes + kel'thuzad and totaly rape the AI,same is possible for mission 7 (at dalaran) were you could probably build 12 paladins too that will just use shield and kill all the mages

well after I had to pause my alcoholisum (damn parents) I had to find something to fill my time so I played these campaigns with a firend and it was really fun,cant wait to see more ^^

P.S. gotta spread some again :/


Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
Yes, disabling the non-undead techtrees for the other players is something that I must've overlooked.
Also from what I could tell, the fact that you can build the enemy race on U5, but not on any other levels suggests that this is a bug. So maybe I should fix that? (I have fixed other bugs that I've encountered)

I'm marking this bug as confirmed. And it will be sorted soon.

But to what extent should I 'fix' it to? ... Should I?
- Disable the full techtree for both players on U6, U7, and U8
- Disable the full techtree for both players on U5, U6, U7 and U8
- Enable the RoC (no-hero) techtree for both players on U6, U7 and U8
Level 18
Oct 11, 2008
You should Disable the full techtree for both players on U6, U7, and U8 or if not atleast limit it,I mean in 06 tauren were buildable >> ...nah disable it for both in all of the possible stages exept for U5
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Disabling the tech tree for Player 4 cannot be done by accident.
Therefore, Blizzard meant to disable the techtree.

It's a strategic choice what certain units you choose to possess. I have no trouble with any player controlling a bunch of Knights, if they trained one Banshee each to capture them.
But this is the undead campaign and I'm really against building structures, both for lore (How do you control a Peasent, when it was not possessed by a Banshee? It would flee from you the first moment it was trained. Also, where do you get the limitless amounts of devoted men without first controlling their minds?) and gameplay reasons. (Using two races is just overpowered.)

I vote you disable everything on 678 and I leave it up to you what you do on 5.
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