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[Altered Melee] Valley of the Possessed

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Level 4
Mar 22, 2013
This is an interesting map concept that I am going to be starting soon. As the name suggests, the whole map will be based around the possession ability originating from the undead banshee. I am taking this concept multiple steps further.

Story/Plot: Welcome to the Valley of Possessed. This is where all the souls of Azeroth's inhabitants go when they die. You are one of few Ancient Souls that has been here since almost the beginning of Azeroth. You have gained control of one of the various Summoning Pits that dot the Valley. You plan to use its power to summon souls to create an army and gain control over the whole entire Valley. Unfortunately other Ancient Souls have gotten the same idea and will fight against you.

General map info:
Since all souls gather in the Valley your army can be composed of almost any units you want.
The Valley is completely barren forcing you to kill soul camps for gold.
Creep camps will respawn and are mostly found at the bases of plateaus.
All types of creep camps can be found.
There is a base for every major race in the Valley.
Using the Undergorund tileset. (Grey Stones or Dark Rock)

Even though the Valley is harmful to all living things, goblins have set up various shops on the plateaus where they are safe from its curse. ^*Goblin Graveyards provide both lumber for building and corpses for possessing. Goblin Factories construct war machines for those willing to pay. *Real Estate Markets sell items that can quickly turn an empty plateau into a functioning outpost.

You can only build on the empty plateaus that are scattered throughout the Valley. Plateaus are accessed by Way Gates guarded by creeps at their base. All buildings must be built on blight but no buildings will produce blight so sacrificial skulls (or my equivalent) will be required when building an "expansion". The plateau that you start will already be entirely covered in blight. Your starting units will be your Ancient Soul and 2 summoning souls (builders). Your starting buildings will be the Summoning Pit and 2 ^*Goblin Graveyards.

Information on the "Souls" race:
Summoning Souls can build almost any building as long as the requirements for it are met.
The "town hall" for a race must be built by its corresponding worker.
All buildings require their corresponding "town hall".
Souls are fast but weak while corpses are slow but strong and neither have their corresponding abilities.
"Possessed" are the equivalent to the units in a normal melee map.
Souls and corpses can not be raised after killed.
Souls are transparent but corpses and possessed look identical.
Since banshees are already souls, they can be built from the Summoning Pit at the beginning of the game.
Banshees start out weaker than their normal counterpart but can end up surpassing them with upgrades.
Banshees only have the possession spell and can possess flying and all creep units.
Banshees have their normal upgrades along with their own armor and weapon upgrades.

Information on mechanical units:
If you want mechanical units you have to get them from a Goblin Factory.
Mechanical units can be gotten as long as you have the resources but are weaker than normal.
No upgrades for mechanical units.

Changes not mentioned above:
"Town halls" do not build workers.
Workers are consumed when building a "town hall".
Altars will not provide their corresponding heroes but will still be required for the corresponding third level "town hall".
Buildings will provide the souls of units.
The Cannibalize ability has been removed, I will think about a new ability to replace it.
Graveyards and Meat Wagons will not produce corpses (Exhume corpses can not be researched).
Obsidian Statue are not available but Destroyers are.
Slaughterhouses will produce Destroyers directly instead of Obsidian Statues.
All buildings will be summoned like Undead buildings but the animations will stay the same.
All item selling buildings will only sell 6 items: Dust of Appearance, Lesser Clarity Potion, Potion of Healing, Potion of Mana, Scroll of Town Portal, and the corresponding Orb.

What I have not thought of yet:
Other Heroes?
New spell caster to replace banshee with different spell instead of possession
How exactly to always have available workers to possess (respawn?)
(want before start actual map)
Abilities/Stats for Ancient Soul
Map size and exactly which tile (Dark Rock or Grey Stones)

^I would prefer a different model for this unit/building/item
*I would prefer a different name for this unit/building/item

I will reply to any ideas, suggestions, questions, etc. asap.
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Level 4
Mar 22, 2013
Changed so that the use of possession is basically a requirement to win. Once I release the map I will give credit to anyone that can win against other people legit without using possession.
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Level 4
Mar 22, 2013
Why have you started the thread if you haven't done anything for your project?!?
It will get a NO from me if you don't intend to put some screenshots!

When I first started the thread I had all my ideas planned out and written down. I did not think that I would not have time to be able to start work on the actual map. I am also trying to figure out some things still as you can see in the main post. I would like to get some of these things set in stone before I start the actual map.
Level 4
Mar 22, 2013
@Hell Master
Yes you are correct in your assumption.

Also, as soon as the specified items under my what I have not thought of yet list are figured out by myself or someone else I will try to find time to start the map.
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