The Demons and the Nerubs live in a world, parted by a huge river.
This river prevents the races from fighting each other, but there is a valley, where the river disappears to the underground, the Valley of Anub'Rethok.
Kerolun, one of the best demonic warlords, gathered a huge demon-army and attacked the nerubian land at the valley, so the nerubs sent out their King Ish'Larakk to fight against Kerolun.
The valley has become a battlefield a long time ago, and still Nerubs and Demons are fighting.
About the map
This Map is an AoS-style map, where Nerubians fight against Demons.
To win the game your team has to kill the enemy boss, who is protected by two minibosses, that have to be killed before.
Every team has a Cave with 8 Towers in it, guarding the paths to the bosses
and 2 unit-spawn-points.
-1 Boss and 2 Mini-bosses per team with unique abilities
-4 pairs of towers per team
-2 unit-spawn-points per team
-up to 4 players per side
-spawned units get stronger for each destroyed tower
-Unique Heroes with custom abilities
-A lot of Equipment and Items
-A fountain of Mana and of Health that can be captured for additional
Available Heroes until now:
Nerubian Heroes:
- Nerubian Slayer (Strength)
- Gatekeeper (Strength)
- Swarmlord (Agility)
- Tunnel Digger (Agility)
- Spellweaver (Intelligence)
- Enchantress (Intelligence)
Demonic Heroes:
- Doomlord (Strength)
- Blood Seeker (Strength)
- Soul Harvester (Agility)
- Queen of Shadows (Agility)
- Necromancer (Intelligence)
- Dark Prophet (Intelligence)
Awesome UIs by unwirklich
Terrain: 85% - Needs some overwork
Systems: 70% - Most systems finished
Heroes: 50% - 6 Nerubian and 6 Demonic Heroes
Items: 10% - Creating Items
Abilities: 13% - Creating Abilities
Balancing: 5% - Not started yet
The project needs a modeller and icon maker for more heroes.
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