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Bug Reports

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Level 1
Jan 11, 2013
Type of problem:
Map Version:
Description of the problem:
2 of my friends goes into the arena both 33 level (druid and necro) after the arena fight druid wins and they teleport back to Mytargas and their backpack level up to 4. So basically they get extra 3 talent points. They saved and reloaded. Their backpack goes back to level 2 but talent points are still there. (Additional Info: if they were to reset their talent points it becomes 1 talent point) *Sorry for the bad English*
No extra programs are used by the way. i dont know if anyone also seen this bug its quite fortunate though :p
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
The talent abuse bug is indeed known, but it can break characters so its not exactly worth abusing. However you'll probably do it anyway.
Level 1
Jan 11, 2013
well i just found about it and post it. I don't know if people know or not but why do i need to use that bug and why are you blaming people that posts bugs? i mean i didn't invent that bug :/ (note: i was joking in my last sentence about it being fortunate. :/ )
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
idk why you said people, when I've specifically only targeted you, a known bug abuser, but hey think what you want. I'm just saying, when the bug is abused, it has consequences on the hero, preventing it from changing talent trees in future.
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Level 18
Jan 12, 2011
idk why you said people, when I've specifically only targeted you, a known bug abuser, but hey think what you want. I'm just saying, when the bug is abused, it has consequences on the hero, preventing it from changing talent trees in future.

I really don't see a problem with bug abusing since it's a bug from the map itself, i do not recomend it either tho because it may generate bugs with your save code.
Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
I really don't see a problem with bug abusing since it's a bug from the map itself

Really?...I don't understand that logic. Yeah it may be a bug in the map but it isn't supposed to be in the map and that is the problem. It's exploiting and taking advantage of something that isn't supposed to be. That's like saying athletes can take steroids to enhance their sporting performance because it's them who is actually playing and not the drugs and is just a way around things making it easier. You can do it and make things easier but if you get caught doing it it's never good and it causes a lot of drama within the spectation. I'd personally prefer a game fixed of these exploits making the game much harder and balanced
Level 1
Jan 11, 2013
Ok for everyone to know... i am a bug abuser indeed but i only did it once it was the bug in 1.1m(2). I didn't know the bug, i heard the bug from groups in garena. So i wanted to see that bug and killed shade with a sorcerer that is in the group which was not mine (i just don't like sorcerer) i didn't get any item or mc (i am bad at rolling :/). You see i never even have map hack (and yes all of you have it i know, don't lie to yourselves now) i just wanted to see shade getting one hit, that's all. For this talent bug i also didn't know it, i heard it from my buddy in another server. I am not hunting for bugs in map. I just wanted you to know that bug instead you didn't know. So Vestra, my boy, why the hate?
Level 6
Nov 3, 2011
Vestra simplely is a troll i doubt is hate he just uses bad words and u think hes being a hater but hes like just saying things the way they are in a bad language just and anyways dont you play on Garena anyways why should you even care most of veteran players of gaias are in bnet and not in garena so i dont even see why the heck u care so much if vestra "hates you" and this bug is old news there was no need on reporting something that was already known you already reported it and if they think u abusing it (wich i doubt bcuz u dont seem like a person who would) and you are not then why u even care what they think but if u are actually abusing of it no wonder why you are so careful about what this forum thinks of you
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Oh no ego, you're roughly right, there's no hate, but there is indeed a strong dislike for someone who spent half an hour abusing me because they were attempting to incorrectly justify being shit at the game.

I don't take crap, LagO.

Then again, I should not start crap here. The report is appreciated, but it has indeed been mentioned and should be kept under wraps as the abuse could lead to damaged future loads.

But yeah, for all you people that consider bugs 'part of the map'

You're immensely fucking stupid.
Level 3
Jul 8, 2012
when I try to reset my stats or talent.
I can cancel the topic in 1.1m or any past version.
But I can't do that in 1.1n.
I don't like this setting.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Apparently we lose gold in pvp now? Was this intentional?

Also, there are two points in the new boss area where pets tend to get stuck, if summoned or when you simply enter the area.

I've got a screenshot of the entrance one i believe, the area to the south side of the entrance.

Lastly, I really, really don't think those stat icons suit gaias. Personal opinion, one shared by a few people but hey, it's up to you zwieb.
They look to me like they come out of some other shitty asian wc3 rpg that I've seen hundreds of times.
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Apparently we lose gold in pvp now? Was this intentional?
Not intentional. I bet it happens when a summon kills a player.

Also, there are two points in the new boss area where pets tend to get stuck, if summoned or when you simply enter the area.
I'll put some more pathing blockers there. But pets get teleported if you move too far away from them, so it's not that much of a problem

Lastly, I really, really don't think those stat icons suit gaias. Personal opinion, one shared by a few people but hey, it's up to you zwieb.
They look to me like they come out of some other shitty asian wc3 rpg that I've seen hundreds of times.
To be honest, I'm not 100% please with them either, but those were the only icons I could find that at least have a pic that displays certain associations with the stats.
As there wasn't any complete contributions on the Icon thread (the stoney icons were good, but the maker never completed the set, so I couldn't use them - and I'm not going to import recolored "plus" icons -_-), I had no other choice but to take those.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Not intentional. I bet it happens when a summon kills a player.

If I recall people were complaining about it being in general combat, I'll test it when people are awake.

I'll put some more pathing blockers there. But pets get teleported if you move too far away from them, so it's not that much of a problem

They do indeed, but you tend to require quite a bit of distance, and the distance to the boss from the entrance doesn't do it I believe, I'll test that out again anyway.

To be honest, I'm not 100% please with them either, but those were the only icons I could find that at least have a pic that displays certain associations with the stats.
As there wasn't any complete contributions on the Icon thread (the stoney icons were good, but the maker never completed the set, so I couldn't use them - and I'm not going to import recolored "plus" icons -_-), I had no other choice but to take those.

Back to the drawing board then! When my lazy ass finds the time, I'll work on the icons I had planned but it would involve teaching myself the basics then applying it and I'm just too slack. I had a good idea in mind though, I did I swear.
Level 4
Mar 24, 2011
I dont know if its intended but when you break mana lamps with a merc, your char looses mana but the merc.

edit: does new encounter have a steal table ? So far only gold stolen from both.

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I dont know if its intended but when you break mana lamps with a merc, your char looses mana but the merc.
Intended. If you got no mana to get burned, you lose a good load of HP instead.

edit: does new encounter have a steal table ? So far only gold stolen from both.
Nope, as it could be abused (just steal Sarash for example and then reset the boss so Sarash respawns instantly and you can steal him again).

Same reason why Shade can not be stolen from.
All bosses that have unique ways of respawning that can possibly be abused can not be stolen.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Yeah but we went over this Zwieb, Shade can no longer be abused, it's worth putting a small steal pool in there you'd still have to fight the shit out of the boss, then wait a significant amount of time.

I'm fairly sure, pre 1.1n, you intended to add a steal pool to shade.
Yeah but we went over this Zwieb, Shade can no longer be abused, it's worth putting a small steal pool in there you'd still have to fight the shit out of the boss, then wait a significant amount of time.

I'm fairly sure, pre 1.1n, you intended to add a steal pool to shade.
I forgot about the stealtable for Shade and it's on my list, but will probably not come before 1.2 is released, as so far, there is only one major bug left (gold loss when killing players), so it's not worth a (3) version.
Level 3
Jul 8, 2012
Dude, if I say its working as intended, how can you insist its not? He casts mass lightning as soon as his mana is at 100%, no matter at which point of casting he is. I thought after like 3 weeks, everyone should have noticed that.

thanks for reply.



Level 1
Mar 4, 2011
Map Version:1.1n2

Description of the problem:

Rock Golem can be lock on the bridge and be killed ranged attacks.

(bugs only) How to reproduce the bug (if possible):

player1 stands in the middle of the bridge, player2 take agro on boss and runs behind player1. Boss locked before player1, and just standing still in front of player1
Level 3
Jul 8, 2012
a unimportant case
you could find the sample squire with 5str 4agi before choose the char
but after you chose it you would find it becomes 4agi 5str indeed
i checked about it, the unit's(H000 H00I H00J) stats setting results
Level 6
Jan 7, 2010
Squire class quest:

If you start the arena fight and beat the 1st boss, you can -repick and load again, start the quest again. You dont have to fight against the 1st boss anymore ony the 2nd one.

The abuse actually is only for saving money but might is worth a fix.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Squire class quest:

If you start the arena fight and beat the 1st boss, you can -repick and load again, start the quest again. You dont have to fight against the 1st boss anymore ony the 2nd one.

The abuse actually is only for saving money but might is worth a fix.

Truth be told, if there is a way to finish class changes that would prevent people from losing money at all that would be nice, so players don't have to repick, reload, remake, all that shit.

Would there be any way to make that work Zwieb, 'cause as it stands the only players not at risk are thieves and clerics, provided the thief has enough constitution and that a magician doesn't yet know the pattern.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Well that would work once pvp stops taking money away, it's doing that currently right, after one of the more recent versions?

That sounds pretty cool though.
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