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Resurrection...The most powerful spell in a Paladin's arsenal.

"And so I called up to the heavens, and prayed to the Light to raise my dearest friend...and lo' a being of light with golden wings, and a blade to match that of a righteous king! Came down and with a single swoop, the soul of my brother breathed and his body was healed!"

-Brother Alethar, Paladin of Lordaeron-

This icon is meant to be an epic version of the "resurrect" spell in the Paladin's arsenal. Thus is is pale, and bright, with alot of gold, similar to the actual model used in the spell. So it is meant to be bright, and similar in tone.

holy, resurrect, paladin, heal, revive, angel, god, light

BTNResurrect (Icon)

21:41, 22nd Jan 2009 Traxamillion: Keep 'em coming El!




21:41, 22nd Jan 2009
Traxamillion: Keep 'em coming El!