Just like nightmare I am a bit skeptic that this is truly your icon considering your non-existing history so I'll have to second the emotion that we need some proof. If it is your icon then bravo the only complaint I have is that I'd like to see more than just a BTN and DISBTN version of the icon. It seems like a PAS and DISPAS version would fit this one great.
I'd also like to ask why this mask falls into all of the following categories? "Orc, Night Elf, Human, Undead, Dwarf, Naga, Nerubian, Pandaren, High Elf, Blood Elf, Alien / Futuristic, World of Warcraft, Star Craft, Other, Goblin, Space, Creep, Modern Warfare, Cartoon, Anime, Troll, Mechanical, Dinosaur / Prehistoric, Tauren, Diablo, Demon, Murlocs\Mur'gul, Draenei, Gnolls, Blizzard"