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A bottle of blue liquid made to restore your mana.
By, Army-of-pandas

Comment and Rate.
1: Added a cork.
2: Made liquid little better.
3: Backround changed to "lightblue"
4: Fixed the bottom of the bottle.

Alot of Adjustments made.

Mana, Bottle, Drink, Army, Panda

BTNManaPotion (Icon)

13:15, 13th Jul 2009 zombie2279: Basically, it's some blue liquid in a black beer bottle. Not exactly the most accurate concept for a mana potion, in my opinion, but let's leave it. The bottle itself would need more details. Add scratches...




13:15, 13th Jul 2009
zombie2279: Basically, it's some blue liquid in a black beer bottle. Not exactly the most accurate concept for a mana potion, in my opinion, but let's leave it.

The bottle itself would need more details. Add scratches, markers, more accurate light reflections, whatever you feel necessary. A plug on top would also do good. Also take into account, that hawk's review is somewhat accurate and the color schemes really don't harmonise. Try choosing a light blue for the background and make the bottle transparent.

9:12, 15th Jul 2009
zombie2279: Enough changes are made, but it could be better. We discussed it via VMs.
Level 8
Mar 28, 2009
I think you should rename it to something else and change the color of the liquid. Because if you ever seen a gray beer/vine/vodka/whisky or anything than please tell me because i would love to try that out xD. Good shading with the bottle.Also the liquid seems a litle grainy ? Maybe it could be a bottle of gun powder if you would darken it a litle. Oh and you must change the background, in my opinion it doesn't fit with it at all.
