If icons like [thread=202171]this[/thread] and [thread=202333]this[/thread] are fine, then certainly exceptions can be made for icons such as this, considering how it is extremely useful, and if the axe were freehanded, it would no longer be useful, since the usefulness is due to it having the same axe, and being able to match with the other icon.
Of course, I'm just some random member who doesn't have any authority or reputation, and anything I say has no significance, but due to this situation, I do have a bit of a suggestion:
What if the rules are amended, so that resources that do not meet freehand requirements can be voted on by all moderators in the corresponding resource section, to determine whether or not they are useful enough to be worth making an exception to the rules, requiring a 99% consensus (at least all but one vote yes), in order to ensure that such exceptions are not often made?
Of course, this is not the appropriate place to actually make that decision, so I'll be repeating the above suggestion in Site Discussion.