10:47, 13th Aug 2009
zombie2279: Definitely good quality, as Paladon said, the color scheme is very good. I also like the wooden texture you pulled on it, there's only a few problems I have with it. First is that you seem to have placed too many cracks on it, making it loose its shield shape. Using only one would have helped the users identify what it is. The other one being the fact that the edges don't seem to be 3D enough. The wooden tex is nearing perfection, you should have given the edges a better look, really. The last is the fact that the red rune-like thing in the middle decreases the overall quality. Either redesign it or remove it. Anyways, it's definitely good work.
zombie2279: Definitely good quality, as Paladon said, the color scheme is very good. I also like the wooden texture you pulled on it, there's only a few problems I have with it. First is that you seem to have placed too many cracks on it, making it loose its shield shape. Using only one would have helped the users identify what it is. The other one being the fact that the edges don't seem to be 3D enough. The wooden tex is nearing perfection, you should have given the edges a better look, really. The last is the fact that the red rune-like thing in the middle decreases the overall quality. Either redesign it or remove it. Anyways, it's definitely good work.