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Boss Tactics

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Level 6
Jun 8, 2008
Hi Hive!

I'm currently in the process of making a boss fighting map, where there are no tanks included, and so far no healing (though I'm thinking of maybe making some minor healing spell or possibly potions with long cooldown available), and I've already made two bosses that are okay for this, even if I intend to tweak them a bit, to make them harder.

However, now, I've already ran out of ideas, and while I know I will figure out something during the next couple of days, I'll need lots and lots more then 3 bosses, so I thought I'd ask all of you for ideas, opinions, or even a theme or setting for a boss fight.

And, even if I'm quite new to the editor, I'm learning quickly, and if there's something I don't know how to do, I'll ask for help, and I learn new things every time I do, so challenge me a bit if you like, but keep it real and don't go for JASS just yet. :grin:

I'm not ready to release my map yet, so sorry you won't get an example of what it's like, but so far I have no abilities on any of the heroes, which leaves a lot of playing room if you have any ideas.

(Edited in) May I also tempt with rep, and maybe even put in credits if it's a really good idea? :p

Thanks in advance, Shadow3
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Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
Hi Hive!

I'm currently in the process of making a boss fighting map, where there are no tanks included, and so far no healing (though I'm thinking of maybe making some minor healing spell or possibly potions with long cooldown available), and I've already made two bosses that are okay for this, even if I intend to tweak them a bit, to make them harder.

However, now, I've already ran out of ideas, and while I know I will figure out something during the next couple of days, I'll need lots and lots more then 3 bosses, so I thought I'd ask all of you for ideas, opinions, or even a theme or setting for a boss fight.

And, even if I'm quite new to the editor, I'm learning quickly, and if there's something I don't know how to do, I'll ask for help, and I learn new things every time I do, so challenge me a bit if you like, but keep it real and don't go for JASS just yet. :grin:

I'm not ready to release my map yet, so sorry you won't get an example of what it's like, but so far I have no abilities on any of the heroes, which leaves a lot of playing room if you have any ideas.

Thanks in advance, Shadow3

Well, From what I see bosses are all the same
Summoners/Tanks with lots of damage that you need to watch

Splash Boss-Hits in a huge area
Barrage Boss-Attacks Multiple units at once
Ranged Attacker Boss-
Melee Boss-Increased Movement speed/HP/Attack Speed

Summon Boss-Creates Summons that Heal the boss (Are a momentary distraction)

Change Attack Speed/HP/Movement speed per round

If your not having any Tanks or Healing Spells it sounds like your going for mostly Negative Buffs and damage per second.

You can Add in Magic Immunity to bosses, but make sure they are more suseptible to damage (Are melee/Low Health)

Spells that Use casting time and are very predictable also add to the "Cuteness" of a boss.

For example,
-If A Boss has four Healer Summons and is Casting Flamestrike. EVeryone is going to try to get out of the way of the flamestrike, giving the boss a little extra time to be healed.

If the Boss has a projectile that does splash damage, it does the same thing.

However, If you plan to put in Auras, I suggest you make their area of effect small so that people will be more likely to group in tight packs (Since they are stronger that way)

This will make them suseptible to AoE attacks/Spells yet they will have the best chance at winning if they stick close togethor.

1 more thing
Healers are actually a very awesome type of gameplay.
So long as everyone has a heal spell. then everyone can help eachother out.
Holding alt = win.

However, I can understand your perspective I think.

Please make sure that if you die, your revived in the next round...
THat pissed me off in Spellcraft Glad....
Level 6
Jun 8, 2008
Revival system already made, you'll revive back in the little town I've made.

I'll give you one example of a fight (my favorite) a boss has 2 spells, a Fireball spell that kills you, and Flamestrike that kills you if you stand in it for 1 full second (so you have to be fairly near the edge and moving out of it already to survive:p).

The Fireball has homing enabled, so it'll always hit, however, the Fireball missile is moving at less than run speed
The Flamestrike has a 4 second cast time and you can see the black rings or whatever before it goes off.
At 2 edges of the fighting area, theres a shop that sells spell shield runes, that absorb 1 spell.
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Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
Revival system already made, you'll revive back in the little town I've made.

I'll give you one example of a fight (my favorite) a boss has 2 spells, a Fireball spell that kills you, and Flamestrike that kills you if you stand in it for 1 full second (so you have to be fairly near the edge and moving out of it already to survive:p).

The Fireball has homing enabled, so it'll always hit, however, the Fireball missile is moving at less than run speed
The Flamestrike has a 4 second cast time and you can see the black rings or whatever before it goes off.
At 2 edges of the fighting area, theres a shop that sells spell shield runes, that absorb 1 spell.

THe spell sheilds sound pretty solid
I'm hoping you made a stacking trigg

If you want general Boss Ideas like that, I don't have much to give

Goop Summoner (desiese/Expanding)
-Creates Mini Goop that have Spirit link Connected to All of them

Pretty Much The Goup acts as a desiese and reproduces itself, and since it all has spirit link, hurting one unit is like hurting the boss
-Trying to get in and attacking the boss is one technique to attack
-finding a way to control some goup so that you have them spawn just to make sure every unit is hit (WOuld need to be early on)

If you let it spread too much
1) You will have less areas to move to and if you don't include blink then they will not be able to
2) THe DpS will be so high that if you are left alone, you will be screwed.

Heavy Sieger
Classic Melee Boss, Pretty much all you need to do is slow them, run away and then attack them again, then slow them. Best if you gave it Mirror image also just to make things more interesting. THat way you'd have to attack each image just to find out which one is the one you must attack (Since mirrors take more damage).

Creates Runes that either heal you or hurt you (Items)
WHile having a negative Unholy Aura, and Divine Sheild. You will be forced to try to stay alive as long as possible during his Divine sheild times without healing items except the runes.
THis boss should be able to be killed in 3 cooldowns of Divine Sheild

Micro Managing Master
This Boss would create a bunch of summons with AI to do the following
1) COnstantly creates tanks which he orders to surround enemy heroes so that they will be unable to move

2) if a unit is less then 50% health they are told to run away, then attack to where they ran from in order to get the attacking unit to attack a different unit

3) Creates archers every 5 seconds. They All Focus Fire on one hero At a TIme. If they are attacked, THey are ordered to windwalk and run away then attack the Hero With The Lowest Health

thats all I can do, THe Library I'm typing this at is closing....
Good Luck, this sounds like it might be a VERY interesting project
Level 6
Jun 8, 2008
I like the 3 first ones. The last one also seems interesting, but since the map will be for max 4 players, it'll be hard to control many units.
Level 6
Jun 8, 2008
The healing the heroes can do won't be major, so I'll just tune the boss to do more damage then they can heal without the runes.
Shadow Lord

Imprisons Players heros into the shadows, keeping them out of the way for the Shadow Lord to finish off weaker Players and sends flying bolts from the shadows to Control Players to Attack other players. His Dark Magic causes units to lose mana over time and makes him almost impossible to hit, but when he depletes his mana, he will become vulnerable to attacks and must channel his energy back.

Basically, this boss will have 100% evasion and a negative mana regeneration aura that affects players while it still has mana. however it has no mana regeneration, and will keep using spells on players.

When the Boss runs out of mana, then he loses his Shadow Energy(100% evasion) and has to stand still to channel his mana back, making him vulnerable for attacking.
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Shadow Lord

Imprisons Players heros into the shadows, keeping them out of the way for the Shadow Lord to finish off weaker Players and sends flying bolts from the shadows to Control Players to Attack other players. His Dark Magic causes units to lose mana over time and makes him almost impossible to hit, but when he depletes his mana, he will become vulnerable to attacks and must channel his energy back.

Basically, this boss will have 100% evasion and a negative mana regeneration aura that affects players while it still has mana. however it has no mana regeneration, and will keep using spells on players.

When the Boss runs out of mana, then he loses his Shadow Energy(100% evasion) and has to stand still to channel his mana back, making him vulnerable for attacking.

Ahah, im glad to see people interested in boss fights, now I've got to contribute my own knowledge.

I very much like the above Idea, for it is an interesting boss fight with a diffrent approach.l However, lets make it even more difficult. Lets combine Just_Spectating's Idea with

Heavy Sieger
Classic Melee Boss, Pretty much all you need to do is slow them, run away and then attack them again, then slow them.

Formula1's idea. This is how it would go work.
During this phase, all slowing spells are removed from the players.

The Shadow boss has the 100% evasion, and sends players to the shadows as planned, knocking them out of the fight for a decent amount of time. He also does other things like a shadow AOE effect.

However, in this fight there is also a Heavy Sieger boss. He is slow moving (25-40% of players speed), and has a buff that deals 75% damage back to melee damage dealers, making him only damagable by spell casters. He does extremely heavy damage, 2-4 hits to kill a player. He random targets players, causing that player to run away.

Now, instead of the shadow boss doing shadow bolts that MC a player into attacking their allies, it gives the player a debuff. This debuff reduces the players movment speed by 100%, and causes the Heavy Siege boss to start coming to them. This will cause a death if the player cant move, but there is a way to get out of it. If another player gets near a debuffed player, the debuff splits and jumps to that player. Now, both players have the debuff. However, now, the debuff only reduces movment speed by 50 %. The heavy siege boss will only attack these 2 players. If a third player approaches a 50% player, the debuff splits and jumps yet again, and both players recieve a 25% reduce movment speed Debuff.

When the debuff is active among the players, the Shadow boss no longer sends people to the shadows. He does shadow AOE spells, and other non-debuff shadow bolts.

When the Shadow boss reaches 0 mana, he begins channeling, and a chat message appears saying "10 Seconds untill Phase 2" (The reason for the chat message will make sense later).

During this phase, slow spells are restored to players.
The shadow boss drops his evasion shield and begins channeling and restoring mana. He takes 100% MORE damage from players, but is Magically immune, meaning only Melee damagers can fight him. This is all he does in this phase.

Before the Shadow boss drops his evasion shield, he shoots somthing at the Heavy Sieger(Lets say, a lightning bolt). The Heavy Sieger enrages from this, having 110% Movment speed of the players (So now he can catch up to the players) He also has increased damage killing a player in one hit (2 if it needs to be a bit easier). He also has 100% damage evasion, which means focus on the shadow boss. He still random targets.

In this phase, since spell casters cant damage the shadow boss, their job is to now slow the Heavy sieger, so it does not kill those on the Shadow boss. This phase is pretty straight-foward, as long as everyone is on their Toes, and the melee DPS'ers now when to move out of the way.

When The shadow boss is almost at full mana, a notice comes up that says "10 seconds to phase 1"
Then, it goes back to phase one, and all slow spells are removed again.

Now, this cycle continues untill a Key thing happens.
The bosses have a special in which if one of them reaches 20%, the team must get the other boss down below 20% within a certain amount of time (Lets say 15-20 Seconds) or else the boss who was below 20% resets to 100% health, likely resulting in death. So, it is necessary to get the boss whose phase it is down to 21% or so, and watch the notices. Once the 10 second notice comes up, you DPS the boss down below 20%, let the phase change, and DPS the next boss below 20% before time is up. If both bosses get down below 20%, Phase 3 happens.

All casters have their Slow for this phase.

The 2 bosses merge into one, shadowy creature. The boss is a Heavy Sieger type, killing units in one hit. Although, he has 125% movment speed of the player. This is how this phase happens.

The boss has a mana shield up, but has unlimited mana, so the shield cannot be burnt away, and no damage can be done to the boss.

He shoots a shadowbolt, similar to phase one, that gives 100% movment speed reduction, and forces the boss to attack that player. However there are a view variations
-Now the shadow bolt does heavy damage over time, making the timing of the splits vital.
-When the 100% Debuff splits to 50%, the boss now attacks any of the players again, instead of focusing on the 2 players with the Debuff.
-The Players who have the 50% Debuff can move in close to the boss, and spread the Debuff to the BOSS, further reducing the movment speed of the boss. If the Debuff spreads to the boss, it also deactivates his mana shield while he has the debuff, allowing damage to be done.

The Spell casters also want to cast slow on the boss, so he does not kill players.

He also does a pull ability, which pulls a random player near the a boss. There is a 2 second window before the boss reaches that player to move out of the way.

Besides that, Phase 3 is a simple DPS and Avoid until he is dead. Due to the longitivity of this fight, and difficulty, I would say this could be second to last boss, maybe last boss. However, you may want the final boss to be somthing more epic and all around, instead of simply shadow.

"Hope This helped and was enjoyable to read. Feedback please :)"
Level 6
Jun 8, 2008
Only a few problems with that.

There is very, very low healing on the heroes.
There are only 4 heroes.
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
I dont see the problem with what you listed. For, one, their is nothing that does damage to the players in this fight, besides the Heavy Sieges bosses melee attack, and the Occasionaly shadow-bolt debuff DPS at the end. So no healing is needed, as long as the players can avoid the bosses abilities, they should be fine. Health potions are drunk any time athey are hit by a shadow bolt Debuff.

Also 4 players arent a problem, since the debuff only splits 2 times. 100% to 2 50%. Then 50% to 2 25%, adding up to 4 players.

So there are no problems I see.

Level 6
Jun 8, 2008
What potions are you speaking of? :p
If people can just buy their way to victory, I might as well just add autoattacking bosses and free potions on the floor. See if you can kill it without running out of pots.
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
What potions are you speaking of? :p
If people can just buy their way to victory, I might as well just add autoattacking bosses and free potions on the floor. See if you can kill it without running out of pots.

Wow, are you series? Did my mind just make somthing up. I thought there were like 5 mana and 5 health potions the players would have for their use throughout the whole game (Like they start with it). Nothing more, nothing less. wow XD

Level 6
Jun 8, 2008
No potions. If I am adding potions, they will be somehow added into a bossfight. I've already included auto-consumed spellshields on one boss, as I've said earlier in the topic, but they don't last long enough to be used on any other boss, so it's only for that specific boss.
Level 6
Jun 8, 2008
Well, I am trying to challenge myself, and this sure will do the trick. It's the first map I've ever successfully triggered anything in.
Level 6
Jun 8, 2008
Nope :p I really don't have a story to the map. It's just a place, with evil stuff around it. I haven't planned how it's going to be. Which is also why I'm posting here about ideas! :p

So far I only have 3 bosses added, of which I consider only 2 to be 'done' yet. The 3rd was a bit boring when I tested him, because of how he works. I'll fix that though, he's my favorite themed boss :p

However, I'm going to figure out a way to make the boss spawn with a lever, so that you can kill it several times. It's probably not that hard, but I just haven't gotten started on it yet.
My biggest fear is leaks :p
Tark Amahnthon

This Boss Lingers underneath the surface, throwing giant clumps of dirt into the air as it travels and is protected by the Earth's Surface Unless it attacks, it must Claw its way to the surface, being very vulnerable for a short time as he submerges back into the gravel right after an attack.

Basically, this unit is untargetable, but you can see where it is going because of the Dirt that it will be flinging.

As it gets close to a player, it Comes out of the ground, making it targetable, attacks the player and quickly submerges back into the gravel.

stage 1) When it gets down to like say, 3/4 hp, then it gets enraged, giving it a spiked shell, impaling units that get hit by the gravel that it throws up.

stage 2) 1/2 hp, he moves alot faster

Stage 3) 1/4 hp, he digs Super deep into the ground, Sending Random Impale spots around the arena, for xx amount of seconds. comes out of the ground for xx seconds, then repeats.

That sequence will occur about 3-4 times before it starts going through stage 2 again until it dies.
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Tark Amahnthon

This Boss Lingers underneath the surface, throwing giant clumps of dirt into the air as it travels and is protected by the Earth's Surface Unless it attacks, it must Claw its way to the surface, being very vulnerable for a short time as he submerges back into the gravel right after an attack.

Basically, this unit is untargetable, but you can see where it is going because of the Dirt that it will be flinging.

As it gets close to a player, it Comes out of the ground, making it targetable, attacks the player and quickly submerges back into the gravel.

stage 1) When it gets down to like say, 3/4 hp, then it gets enraged, giving it a spiked shell, impaling units that get hit by the gravel that it throws up.

stage 2) 1/2 hp, he moves alot faster

Stage 3) 1/4 hp, he digs Super deep into the ground, Sending Random Impale spots around the arena, for xx amount of seconds. comes out of the ground for xx seconds, then repeats.

That sequence will occur about 3-4 times before it starts going through stage 2 again until it dies.

Pretty nice. Good for a beggining to middle boss fight. Lets all put our heads together to put together a hard, interesting, final boss fight. First, we have to decide the affinity. Then come up with the actually boss fight. Alright, so lets put affinity out on the table...

Level 6
Jun 8, 2008
Alright, seems I may have enough time after all, so, reopened :p
Although, before, the spells have been a bit advanced IMO, so, unless you can help me make them, keep them more basic. I've mostly used default spells, changed their art and reversed some effects and such, so far at least. Appreciate if you help me become better, but for a first map maybe don't make it so hard on me :p

This IS the first map I'll ever finish, if I finish it ever.

List of bosses atm(I've decided they're all unfinished): Necromancer, Lich, Troll, and last, a "King".(That's 4 different ones)
I'm thinking of a boss that is fought water. Using invisible platforms and waterfalls only, but it's not easy to make it look good.

So post your ideas, concepts, anything! Even if it's just a "edit curse to give 100% miss chance for 3 seconds" as a spell idea, or a complete boss-fight idea, with terrain ideas and all.

Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Alright, seems I may have enough time after all, so, reopened :p
Although, before, the spells have been a bit advanced IMO, so, unless you can help me make them, keep them more basic. I've mostly used default spells, changed their art and reversed some effects and such, so far at least. Appreciate if you help me become better, but for a first map maybe don't make it so hard on me :p

This IS the first map I'll ever finish, if I finish it ever.

List of bosses atm(I've decided they're all unfinished): Necromancer, Lich, Troll, and last, a "King".(That's 4 different ones)
I'm thinking of a boss that is fought water. Using invisible platforms and waterfalls only, but it's not easy to make it look good.

So post your ideas, concepts, anything! Even if it's just a "edit curse to give 100% miss chance for 3 seconds" as a spell idea, or a complete boss-fight idea, with terrain ideas and all.


Ah wait, are you gonna use the long Hard boss we made up? :D


Edit: Actually change of plans, if the Boss Fight contest comes through, I may be using this "Idea" to create it. So, if it does happen, I'll let you use the fight I made after it is through.
Level 6
Jun 8, 2008
Well.. It seems very advanced to me. Especially the slowing spell, which seems impossible to me. First thing I think of when I see it is JASS.
Which is way out of my reach at the moment.

Edit because you edited: I've already figured one of those epic battles with the King-boss, and it was your idea, so you can use it if you want ofcourse.
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Well.. It seems very advanced to me. Especially the slowing spell, which seems impossible to me. First thing I think of when I see it is JASS.
Which is way out of my reach at the moment.

Actually, it would be quite simple.

"Set movment speed of "Target Unit" to 0%
"Set movment speed of "Split Unit" to 50%

But, as I said, I may want to use this as part of my idea for the Boss Contest if it gets approved.

Level 6
Jun 8, 2008
Thread died, get it up!

I need ideas for a "demon experiment" boss, it's hidden in the basement of a tower, and it's a tough one, and since it's the experiment of the towers owner, it can be pretty much.
So go crazy!
The fight is in a decent sized area, and looks a bit like an arena of some sort.
That's a rough form of it, if you ignore the dots, the outer parts are higher then the middle area, and the ramps make the corners of the middle area inaccessible.

(Sorry for doublepost, if I should rather make a new thread, please PM or respond here)
Level 6
Jun 8, 2008
Actually I've already got a skin. And I looked at all the skins by Denu, none of the ones under 100kb would fit the map, which means I won't use them, since I'm trying to keep it small.
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