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- Sep 28, 2009
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Hello and greez from germany!
Boss Challenge I, II and III
The bosses are waiting for you...
On nearly all warcraft maps you have to play against each other, not as a team. So i thought why? Wouldnt it be interresting to play as a team to fight against one opponent? In this moment the idea of "Boss Challenge" was born. On every map of this series you have to defeat one (or more) mightfull boss by using your skills.
The game
The game is pretty easy. At the beginning the raid leader can pick a difficulty (easy, normal or hard). After that everyone can pick a hero, but you should keep in mind that its very important to have the correct team configuration, because you cant beat the boss with a bad constellation of heroes. Theoretically everyone could buy the same hero, but it wouldnt be efficient...
After everyone picked his hero, he can buy items in a shop (22 custom made items can be bought). Every item is good for a special use. After that you just have to learn 4 skills (you can choose between 5 custom made abilitys, but you only have 4 skillpoints!) After that the fight can begin.
At first there are some easy opponents for warming up (you dont need to kill them but its a good practice
) and after some time you will get to the boss, where it starts to get interresting.
The heroes
On the map there are 10 custom made heroes in wow style. Every hero has 5 custom abilites that scale (mostly) with attributs. Every hero has a special use for the team, for example one can take a lot of damage, another can deal a lot of damage and another one can support and heal the team.
The Paladin
The paladin is a very good supporter for the team, but he can also deal much damage. Moreover he can revive dead heroes and hurt enemies real hard if they have less HP.
The Rogue
The rogue deals very high damage against a single target. He can envenom it or bunk out its organs. Mainly he is really skilled with his weapons, so he can deal very high damage continiously. The rogue has energy instead of mana. He can add combopoints with his attacks and use them.
The Warrior
The warrior is very good in taking and absorbing a lot of damage. He has abilitys that allow him to get aggro of the enemys or reduce their attack speed. The warror has rage instead of mana.
The Druid
The druid is the most flexible class in the game. He can morph into a bear, who is a bit like a warrior or into a cat, which can deal a lot of damage. He can also heal the team and support its members.
The Warlock
The warlock deals very high damage against a single target. He can corrupt it or summon mightfull attenders, who support him in the fight. Besides he does never run out of mana, because of its special ability that allows him to convert HP into mana.
The Hunter
The hunter is perfect for dealing a lot of damage. In addition he can call animals which support him in fight.
The Mage
The mage is perfect for dealing a lot of damage, specially to a lot of enemies. He can also support the team by morphing enemies or buffing members.
The Priest
The priest is very important for the entire raid. He has mightfull abilities, which can heal other members and support them.
The Shaman
The shaman is perfekt to support the team and heal its members. He can also deal a lot of damage to a lot of enemies at the same time. He can also call totems.
The Deathknight
The deathknight uses the might of darkness to hurt his enemies very hard. He can corrupt enemies and drawl their HP. Because of his high strength he can also be used as a tank, like the warrior or druid. The deathknight has runemight instead of mana: as more runemight he has, as more damage he deals with normal hits. He can load up his runemight by using his spells.
The spells
After you picked your hero, you must learn your spells. The problem is: You can learn 5 useful spells, but you only have 4 skillpoints. So you have to decide witch ability is better for your team. You can see, here are a lot of strategic possibilities...
The items
At the beginning of the game you can equip your hero with 22 custom made items from 2 shops. Every item is best for a special class, so you should decide what item is good for your class and what isnt. For example: it wouldnt be intelligent for a healer to buy an item, that increases damage. Healer should for example buy itelligence or mana regeneration items.
The boss
After you picked the correct hero, bought the best items and learned the perfect abilities for your team, its time to face the boss. The boss is for sure different in every part of Boss challenge, and to make it harder to beat them i wont tell you what they exactly do. But i can tell you that every boss is scripted by 10 - 20 triggers and can use 5-10 custom made abilities. There are also a lot of special effects and tactics... To give a little example: for every boss i needed more than 10 random groups until we beat him - with difficulty easy.
- 22 custom Items
- 10 custom heroes
- 47 custom Spells
- a fully scripted boss with a lot of abilities and special effects
- a lot of strategic possibilities (heros, items, spells, boss tactics...)
- a combat text that shows damage etc
- 3 difficulties (easy, normal, hard)
- all spells triggered and nearly all scale with hero attributes
- damage meter
- energy, rage and runemight system (like in real wow)
- a lot of other usefull systems
- repick and reskill by items
- nearly no lags and leaks because of preloading and leak remove

here a little youtube video of the first public kill of the frist boss in boss challenge III, difficulty was easy.
NOTICE: VIDEO TAKEN IN BOSS CHALLENGE III BETA: (the boss has more abilities now
>>>>>> Boss Challenge III Preview <<<<<<
Terrain: 100%
Items: 100%
Spells: 100%
Heroes: 100%
Enemies: 100%
Balancing: 90%
Boss Challenge I --> http://www.epicwar.com/maps/112258/
Boss Challenge II --> http://www.epicwar.com/maps/112259/
Boss Challenge III --> http://www.epicwar.com/maps/112260/
Boss Challenge IV (NEW) --> http://www.epicwar.com/maps/112056/
Feel free to comment!!!

The bosses are waiting for you...
On nearly all warcraft maps you have to play against each other, not as a team. So i thought why? Wouldnt it be interresting to play as a team to fight against one opponent? In this moment the idea of "Boss Challenge" was born. On every map of this series you have to defeat one (or more) mightfull boss by using your skills.
The game
The game is pretty easy. At the beginning the raid leader can pick a difficulty (easy, normal or hard). After that everyone can pick a hero, but you should keep in mind that its very important to have the correct team configuration, because you cant beat the boss with a bad constellation of heroes. Theoretically everyone could buy the same hero, but it wouldnt be efficient...
After everyone picked his hero, he can buy items in a shop (22 custom made items can be bought). Every item is good for a special use. After that you just have to learn 4 skills (you can choose between 5 custom made abilitys, but you only have 4 skillpoints!) After that the fight can begin.
At first there are some easy opponents for warming up (you dont need to kill them but its a good practice
The heroes
On the map there are 10 custom made heroes in wow style. Every hero has 5 custom abilites that scale (mostly) with attributs. Every hero has a special use for the team, for example one can take a lot of damage, another can deal a lot of damage and another one can support and heal the team.
The Paladin
The paladin is a very good supporter for the team, but he can also deal much damage. Moreover he can revive dead heroes and hurt enemies real hard if they have less HP.
The Rogue
The rogue deals very high damage against a single target. He can envenom it or bunk out its organs. Mainly he is really skilled with his weapons, so he can deal very high damage continiously. The rogue has energy instead of mana. He can add combopoints with his attacks and use them.
The Warrior
The warrior is very good in taking and absorbing a lot of damage. He has abilitys that allow him to get aggro of the enemys or reduce their attack speed. The warror has rage instead of mana.
The Druid
The druid is the most flexible class in the game. He can morph into a bear, who is a bit like a warrior or into a cat, which can deal a lot of damage. He can also heal the team and support its members.
The Warlock
The warlock deals very high damage against a single target. He can corrupt it or summon mightfull attenders, who support him in the fight. Besides he does never run out of mana, because of its special ability that allows him to convert HP into mana.
The Hunter
The hunter is perfect for dealing a lot of damage. In addition he can call animals which support him in fight.
The Mage
The mage is perfect for dealing a lot of damage, specially to a lot of enemies. He can also support the team by morphing enemies or buffing members.
The Priest
The priest is very important for the entire raid. He has mightfull abilities, which can heal other members and support them.
The Shaman
The shaman is perfekt to support the team and heal its members. He can also deal a lot of damage to a lot of enemies at the same time. He can also call totems.
The Deathknight
The deathknight uses the might of darkness to hurt his enemies very hard. He can corrupt enemies and drawl their HP. Because of his high strength he can also be used as a tank, like the warrior or druid. The deathknight has runemight instead of mana: as more runemight he has, as more damage he deals with normal hits. He can load up his runemight by using his spells.
The spells
After you picked your hero, you must learn your spells. The problem is: You can learn 5 useful spells, but you only have 4 skillpoints. So you have to decide witch ability is better for your team. You can see, here are a lot of strategic possibilities...
The items
At the beginning of the game you can equip your hero with 22 custom made items from 2 shops. Every item is best for a special class, so you should decide what item is good for your class and what isnt. For example: it wouldnt be intelligent for a healer to buy an item, that increases damage. Healer should for example buy itelligence or mana regeneration items.
The boss
After you picked the correct hero, bought the best items and learned the perfect abilities for your team, its time to face the boss. The boss is for sure different in every part of Boss challenge, and to make it harder to beat them i wont tell you what they exactly do. But i can tell you that every boss is scripted by 10 - 20 triggers and can use 5-10 custom made abilities. There are also a lot of special effects and tactics... To give a little example: for every boss i needed more than 10 random groups until we beat him - with difficulty easy.
- 22 custom Items
- 10 custom heroes
- 47 custom Spells
- a fully scripted boss with a lot of abilities and special effects
- a lot of strategic possibilities (heros, items, spells, boss tactics...)
- a combat text that shows damage etc
- 3 difficulties (easy, normal, hard)
- all spells triggered and nearly all scale with hero attributes
- damage meter
- energy, rage and runemight system (like in real wow)
- a lot of other usefull systems
- repick and reskill by items
- nearly no lags and leaks because of preloading and leak remove

here a little youtube video of the first public kill of the frist boss in boss challenge III, difficulty was easy.
NOTICE: VIDEO TAKEN IN BOSS CHALLENGE III BETA: (the boss has more abilities now
>>>>>> Boss Challenge III Preview <<<<<<
Terrain: 100%
Items: 100%
Spells: 100%
Heroes: 100%
Enemies: 100%
Balancing: 90%
Boss Challenge I --> http://www.epicwar.com/maps/112258/
Boss Challenge II --> http://www.epicwar.com/maps/112259/
Boss Challenge III --> http://www.epicwar.com/maps/112260/
Boss Challenge IV (NEW) --> http://www.epicwar.com/maps/112056/
Feel free to comment!!!
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