Boss Challenge I, II and III

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Level 6
Sep 28, 2009
Hello and greez from germany!

Boss Challenge I, II and III




The bosses are waiting for you...

On nearly all warcraft maps you have to play against each other, not as a team. So i thought why? Wouldnt it be interresting to play as a team to fight against one opponent? In this moment the idea of "Boss Challenge" was born. On every map of this series you have to defeat one (or more) mightfull boss by using your skills.

The game
The game is pretty easy. At the beginning the raid leader can pick a difficulty (easy, normal or hard). After that everyone can pick a hero, but you should keep in mind that its very important to have the correct team configuration, because you cant beat the boss with a bad constellation of heroes. Theoretically everyone could buy the same hero, but it wouldnt be efficient...
After everyone picked his hero, he can buy items in a shop (22 custom made items can be bought). Every item is good for a special use. After that you just have to learn 4 skills (you can choose between 5 custom made abilitys, but you only have 4 skillpoints!) After that the fight can begin.
At first there are some easy opponents for warming up (you dont need to kill them but its a good practice ;) ) and after some time you will get to the boss, where it starts to get interresting.

The heroes
On the map there are 10 custom made heroes in wow style. Every hero has 5 custom abilites that scale (mostly) with attributs. Every hero has a special use for the team, for example one can take a lot of damage, another can deal a lot of damage and another one can support and heal the team.

The Paladin
The paladin is a very good supporter for the team, but he can also deal much damage. Moreover he can revive dead heroes and hurt enemies real hard if they have less HP.

The Rogue
The rogue deals very high damage against a single target. He can envenom it or bunk out its organs. Mainly he is really skilled with his weapons, so he can deal very high damage continiously. The rogue has energy instead of mana. He can add combopoints with his attacks and use them.

The Warrior
The warrior is very good in taking and absorbing a lot of damage. He has abilitys that allow him to get aggro of the enemys or reduce their attack speed. The warror has rage instead of mana.

The Druid
The druid is the most flexible class in the game. He can morph into a bear, who is a bit like a warrior or into a cat, which can deal a lot of damage. He can also heal the team and support its members.

The Warlock
The warlock deals very high damage against a single target. He can corrupt it or summon mightfull attenders, who support him in the fight. Besides he does never run out of mana, because of its special ability that allows him to convert HP into mana.

The Hunter
The hunter is perfect for dealing a lot of damage. In addition he can call animals which support him in fight.

The Mage
The mage is perfect for dealing a lot of damage, specially to a lot of enemies. He can also support the team by morphing enemies or buffing members.

The Priest
The priest is very important for the entire raid. He has mightfull abilities, which can heal other members and support them.

The Shaman
The shaman is perfekt to support the team and heal its members. He can also deal a lot of damage to a lot of enemies at the same time. He can also call totems.

The Deathknight
The deathknight uses the might of darkness to hurt his enemies very hard. He can corrupt enemies and drawl their HP. Because of his high strength he can also be used as a tank, like the warrior or druid. The deathknight has runemight instead of mana: as more runemight he has, as more damage he deals with normal hits. He can load up his runemight by using his spells.

The spells
After you picked your hero, you must learn your spells. The problem is: You can learn 5 useful spells, but you only have 4 skillpoints. So you have to decide witch ability is better for your team. You can see, here are a lot of strategic possibilities...

The items
At the beginning of the game you can equip your hero with 22 custom made items from 2 shops. Every item is best for a special class, so you should decide what item is good for your class and what isnt. For example: it wouldnt be intelligent for a healer to buy an item, that increases damage. Healer should for example buy itelligence or mana regeneration items.

The boss
After you picked the correct hero, bought the best items and learned the perfect abilities for your team, its time to face the boss. The boss is for sure different in every part of Boss challenge, and to make it harder to beat them i wont tell you what they exactly do. But i can tell you that every boss is scripted by 10 - 20 triggers and can use 5-10 custom made abilities. There are also a lot of special effects and tactics... To give a little example: for every boss i needed more than 10 random groups until we beat him - with difficulty easy.


- 22 custom Items
- 10 custom heroes
- 47 custom Spells
- a fully scripted boss with a lot of abilities and special effects
- a lot of strategic possibilities (heros, items, spells, boss tactics...)
- a combat text that shows damage etc
- 3 difficulties (easy, normal, hard)
- all spells triggered and nearly all scale with hero attributes
- damage meter
- energy, rage and runemight system (like in real wow)
- a lot of other usefull systems
- repick and reskill by items
- nearly no lags and leaks because of preloading and leak remove



here a little youtube video of the first public kill of the frist boss in boss challenge III, difficulty was easy.

NOTICE: VIDEO TAKEN IN BOSS CHALLENGE III BETA: (the boss has more abilities now :D )

>>>>>> Boss Challenge III Preview <<<<<<

Terrain: 100%
Items: 100%
Spells: 100%
Heroes: 100%
Enemies: 100%
Balancing: 90%


Boss Challenge I -->
Boss Challenge II -->
Boss Challenge III -->
Boss Challenge IV (NEW) -->

Feel free to comment!!! :)

mille25 :)
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Level 2
Sep 29, 2009
nice map,
I already played it on the Battlenet(only BC1)
especially i like that you really need a lot of teamwork for this map
Level 6
Sep 28, 2009
Well, the golem fight looks quite boring, check my boss maps out (search in maps section for my name) and check some of the attacks of those out.

have you ever played the map? because in my opinion (it is only MY opinion^^) its not boring at all and the most players already had problems to manage the simple tactics^^ i think in my map i focus a bit more on managing the own hero as on moving/a lot of boss phases. its interesting to see how some people only do 25% damage of other people with same class, so u see there is a lot to think about^^

I uploaded all three parts at the maps section here, would be nice to get a bit feedback, greez ;)



Level 6
Feb 20, 2009
Bis jetzt erledigen Sie eine große Arbeit Mille25 und ich denke, dass Sie Ihre Chef, diagramme zu verbessern halten können. Ich auch weiß, wie viel Arbeit es ist, einen ehrfürchtigen/guten Chefkampf/-diagramm/-herausforderung zu verursachen. Wünschen Sie Sie am meisten des Glücks, auf mit diesen Diagrammen mit drei Chefs mehr gehen zu halten und.

So far you are doing a great job Mille25 and I think you can keep improving your boss maps.
I also do know how much work it is to create a awesome/good boss fight/map/challenge.
Wish you most of luck to keep on going with these three boss maps and more.
Level 6
Sep 28, 2009
Bis jetzt erledigen Sie eine große Arbeit Mille25 und ich denke, dass Sie Ihre Chef, diagramme zu verbessern halten können. Ich auch weiß, wie viel Arbeit es ist, einen ehrfürchtigen/guten Chefkampf/-diagramm/-herausforderung zu verursachen. Wünschen Sie Sie am meisten des Glücks, auf mit diesen Diagrammen mit drei Chefs mehr gehen zu halten und.

So far you are doing a great job Mille25 and I think you can keep improving your boss maps.
I also do know how much work it is to create a awesome/good boss fight/map/challenge.
Wish you most of luck to keep on going with these three boss maps and more.

hehe, thanks for this feedback!
but next time dont try to translate to german, because it just makes no sense (i can understand english much easier as this "german"^^)

oh btw, im already working on a part 4 and everything runs very very well. i try to focus a bit more on innovative boss abilities and more types of creeps bevore the boss.


greez ;)
Level 14
Jul 16, 2009
You should put them all on one map :p
Oh well, testing.

It was fun. Really fun.
The gameplay was fun and the terrain was great.
There are some typos though, fix them and it shall become great.
Level 6
Sep 28, 2009
You should put them all on one map :p
Oh well, testing.

there are two reasons why i didnt do that

1) if i create a new map for every boss, i can design a terrain that perfectly matches the theme of the boss (for example part 4: felwood, part 1: dungeon, ...) like this i can create a better atmosphere IMO

2) if i create more then one part, i can work on it better because i can realease part by part. if i dont want to work anymore on it i can just stop and you have your 4 parts. (5th is then maybe WIP) if i would do 6 bosses on one map for example, it might be possible that i dont want to continue anymore some day and then NO SINGLE boss would be realeased.

for sure it would also have advantages to put them all on one map. maybe i will make a final map "boss challenge compilation" or so, when i finished all parts. then i can copy everything in that compilation and you would have every boss on one map.

greez from ger
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Level 6
Sep 28, 2009
hey guys, big update from my side!

i worked a lot on part 4 and i can present you the first footage of the boss fight (alpha version)
this time i tried to make to boss fight different from the others and a bit harder. in this fight you also have to move much more because you shouldnt come close to the whisps ;) but you also have to kill a lot and make enaugh damage

this is what the boss can do right now:

- enrage after X minutes (standart in my maps, its a must have)
- all X seconds every player gets roots around him, that damage him and make him unable to move
- every X seconds there spawn 2-4 mushrooms, which make it harder to move around, but they are killable (important for boss tactics ;) )
- every x seconds there spawn 5 deadly whisps which deal a lot of damage to all units that come close to them, also they move randomly around the room (this is the "move" part)
- every x seconds there spawn 4 healing treants that move slowly to the boss, if they come to him they die and heal him by 5% HP. addicionally there spawn 3-6 bugs when the treants die (it doesnt matter if they get killed bevore or heal the boss)
- all x seconds thunder clap (nothing special i know, but i think it fits to the boss very well and it makes it harder to get aggro as the warrior because after the clap there is aggro reset)

X goes smaller if the difficulty is higher^^

i hope you like it, here the video ;)

NEW Youtube Video of Boss Challenge IV ALPHA:

Level 6
Sep 28, 2009
Another point: those fights and classes look very familiar... from world of warcraft, for example the 4. looks like a mix of two boss fights in wow.

to the classes: i think if the classes are wow style (like i wrote in my presentation) its easier for the people to find into the game. even then sometimes there is no healer or whatever. if i would do everything custom it would end in a disaster, and from my experience the people leave instantly if they dont understand the game. i also wanted to hit the "wow community" of wc3 a bit more, because there are also other games like imp. bosses which have custom heroes.

to the bossfights: the bossfights are all custom made. in wow there are about 100 bosses or whatever, its hard NOT to have some element of any bossfight of wow in the own fight. i really invented all fights by my own and did not orientate on wow there.

Now the news:

i finished the beta of boss challenge IV and tested it on battle net. i found out that the boss fight was really easy and i had to make it harder 3 or 4 times. but i think right now its perfect. So here i will give you the new Boss challenge IV beta download, if you find any bugs or have any suggestions pls tell me ;)

EDIT: i added a new feature: instead of the damage meter there is now a detailed multiboard that shows much more information and makes healing more easy


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Level 6
Sep 28, 2009
Maybe you should play with people which have more than 1 brain cell, and add some documentation to the heroes, with a selection system, that would make many things easier, and stealing wow classes is BAD, creativity tends to zero.... make please something on your own...

dude, the problem is, in battle net you cant choose your players. u open the map and someone joins, thats reality. and most players just dont want to learn how to play a map for hours, thats also reality.

by the way, there is a documentation when u buy the heroes, it answers all basic questions.

What are you talking? I never said one thing about a any complicated things, just ideas by yourself, stealing from other games is lame, especially from WoW, and now, please, learn to create own ideas, which are easy to understand, original, and entertaining, if you can't do that: Quit mapmaking.

By the way, you can make challenging bosses without a problem, just look at impossible bosses, these bosses are complicated as hell, and everyone plays the game, because it is challenging, creative and entertaining.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
I thought something could only be a boss if it is meant to oversee, employ or lead some kind of force.
So what minions do these bosses have? I am prety sure they can not be called bosses unless they are accompanied by much weaker badies or minions before fighting them or something like that.
Level 6
Sep 28, 2009
I thought something could only be a boss if it is meant to oversee, employ or lead some kind of force.
So what minions do these bosses have? I am prety sure they can not be called bosses unless they are accompanied by much weaker badies or minions before fighting them or something like that.

sry, dont really get what u mean (my english...^^) u mean some kind of story or...?


@red: thats your point of view. in my opinion imp. bosses is to hard for random grps and the most people will leave after some time. even in my "easy" maps the people leave if they die. so my experience is a bit different at that point. i think you should try to find a ballance between hard and easy, then u can hold the players in the game, and thats what i try to do. the bosses are not easy, but also not hard, also u can choose 3 difficulties and like this you can play the map like you want.

little example: yesterday i played bc 4 on bnet, and we had a grp of 6 people. we tried the boss on "easy" and we failed one time. after that one person left the game, so we were 5. but the rest wanted to continue and we tried it again. again wie didnt do it and failed. but then we tried it a third time and did it and the people were happy and spammed "yesss" in the chat (i have replay if u want). so thats exactly how it should be. the map should hold the players until they do it.
Then get a team of people which test with you, and you can't create a map for the mass, or it will end like dota, a disaster, in case of mapping.

Please, don't make a second dota.... I hate fame idiots like the current maker of dota.

And of course you can hold the people, if you give a "gimmick" if you win, you should make them want to win, for example, if a player dies, just show him a message which says: Wait please, you can try again after dying.

And now, create your own fucking class ideas, WoW is just so bad, in case of idea... in any case... and its so easy to create own classes which are simply and interesting.

Just trigger many spells, but not from a other game, from your own ideas, if you cannot do that, you should stop mapmaking, seriously.
Level 6
Sep 28, 2009
Then get a team of people which test with you, and you can't create a map for the mass, or it will end like dota, a disaster, in case of mapping.

Please, don't make a second dota.... I hate fame idiots.

but isnt the aim of every map to make fun for the people?
in my opinion thats the most important thing^^

what i have from a map, witch has a brilliant designt etc but isnt played? =/
if you are smart and good in your doing, you can make a map which is brilliant designed and much played.... but most mapmakers don't even try that, they are fame bastards, nothing more, and thats why those bad designed maps are loved like Tower Wars, DotA etc, they have poor concepts and no depth at all.

And the target of mapmaking is to let YOU have fun, not other, you should have fun at playing your map, we are not a developement studio, we are more than a home for small programmers which want to have fun and improve their skills.
Level 6
Sep 28, 2009
if you are smart and good in your doing, you can make a map which is brilliant designed and much played.... but most mapmakers don't even try that, they are fame bastards, nothing more, and thats why those bad designed maps are loved like Tower Wars, DotA etc, they have poor concepts and no depth at all.

And the target of mapmaking is to let YOU have fun, not other, you should have fun at playing your map, we are not a developement studio, we are more than a home for small programmers which want to have fun and improve their skills.

so you mean the "bad" maps are loved because there are to less good ones? i dont know...^^ in my opinion this maps are loved because they are easy to understand and fun to play, nothing else.

and i actually have fun creating and playing my maps, otherwise i wouldnt do it. i can do quite good terrains and trigger quite good, but my creativity leaks. thats my weakness. i like playing my heroes, even if they are "stolen", i really like it because they are done well (in my opinion!) so whats the problem? if you mean stealing from others is an absolute no go, ok that its your opinion, but im sure that its not everyones. id say over 90% of all maps copy from wow^^

Level 6
Mar 26, 2008
I watched the video of the 4th Boss fight,and I didn't want to download it=(
I don't offend.
Well, maybe you add some triggered abilities for heroes and some more features for the boss???
Because the whole process of fight looks rather similar.
Level 6
Sep 28, 2009
I watched the video of the 4th Boss fight,and I didn't want to download it=(
I don't offend.
Well, maybe you add some triggered abilities for heroes and some more features for the boss???
Because the whole process of fight looks rather similar.

it was a singleplayer test, like i said, i just right clicked. nearly all abilities are triggered ;)

i think i will upload a new video which shows the "real" fight with real players, so u can see^^

Level 6
Sep 28, 2009
Then I'll wait for the new video :p =)

uploading in this moment :p:p

EDIT: Here we go :p i hope u like it more :D
u can also see the new multiboard and u see how easy u can fail :D

NEW! Boss Challenge IV - BETA Bnet Test

PS: i would really like to play some game with this community, just that you see how the gameplay really is. the videos only give a little expression. give it a chance :O

if your creativity lacks, don't copy other games for your maps, just ask someone who can invent stories and classes, like me for example.

I can do terrains (very good, look at my showcase), triggers, systems (look in my signature), spells, stories, voice actor-work etc.

I do nearly everything by myself, I only take help when it is too much work.

Additional, the spells you have there are not really entertaining, you need something heavily triggered, not only attribute based stuff... trust me, people want custom spells.

EDIT: And your bosses need to be much more forcing, actually, the tree seems like standing around for the heroes.
Level 6
Mar 26, 2008
uploading in this moment :p:p

EDIT: Here we go :p i hope u like it more :D
u can also see the new multiboard and u see how easy u can fail :D


Well,I liked the music,but can't say so about rhe gameplay=(
Well,the boss is simply attacking,and even if not only,still he hasn't overhelming abilities, which every BOSS must have...
Idea is good,I agree,but many improvements should be done...

if your creativity lacks, don't copy other games for your maps, just ask someone who can invent stories and classes, like me for example.

I can do terrains (very good, look at my showcase), triggers, systems (look in my signature), spells, stories, voice actor-work etc.

I do nearly everything by myself, I only take help when it is too much work.

Additional, the spells you have there are not really entertaining, you need something heavily triggered, not only attribute based stuff... trust me, people want custom spells.

EDIT: And your bosses need to be much more forcing, actually, the tree seems like standing around for the heroes.

But it's only my opinion anyway=)
Mille, you are talking crap, not even 10% of the maps copy WOW, if you say the opposite, just play some maps, wintermaul-> no wow, tower wars-> no wow, DotA-> no WoW, all these world war maps -> no wow, HOSK-> no WoW, Advent of the Zenith-> no wow, now... stop taking poor excuses and get your ass up to do own classes, better spells, better bosses.... etc.

(Theres just 1 map which is much played and which is a copy of WoW, and thats WoW Allstars Arena....)
Level 6
Mar 26, 2008
Mille, you are talking crap, not even 10% of the maps copy WOW, if you say the opposite, just play some maps, wintermaul-> no wow, tower wars-> no wow, DotA-> no WoW, all these world war maps -> no wow, HOSK-> no WoW, Advent of the Zenith-> no wow, now... stop taking poor excuses and get your ass up to do own classes, better spells, better bosses.... etc.

(Theres just 1 map which is much played and which is a copy of WoW, and thats WoW Allstars Arena....)
Well there is no need to argue that way,but redscores says true...
And map can be easy-to-play-and-understand even with many pro-made triggers and with various difficult systems...
Must add Enfo's Team Survival to the list of maps redscores gave=)
Every good map is made without any idea steals (maybe just 1-2:grin:But even them should be basic, not stealing!)
But I wish you luck in your map making and imagining any original ideas!:thumbs_up:
Level 6
Sep 28, 2009
@red: after all the critizising of my maps and heroes and boss fights, and telling me that you can do everything nearly perfect, i just took a look over your maps, just in own interrest.

and what i can say is:

- you could not choose a difficulty
- you had no detailed info about the heroes
- only 4 heroes
- all heros had nearly only standart wc3 abilities with other names and dmg
- the spells doesnt scale with attributes
- the terrain was nothing special
- no multiboard or any other info
- no items
- etc

so maybe you should start thinking about your own boss maps bevore writing that my maps suck
and dont tell me this maps are old or so, you just updated them a few months ago, so...

no comment
Level 6
Mar 26, 2008
@red: after all the critizising of my maps and heroes and boss fights, and telling me that you can do everything nearly perfect, i just took a look over your maps, just in own interrest.

and what i can say is:

- you could not choose a difficulty
- you had no detailed info about the heroes
- only 4 heroes
- all heros had nearly only standart wc3 abilities with other names and dmg
- the spells doesnt scale with attributes
- the terrain was nothing special
- no multiboard or any other info
- no items
- etc

so maybe you should start thinking about your own boss maps bevore writing that my maps suck
and dont tell me this maps are old or so, you just updated them a few months ago, so...

no comment
You know,it's the thread about YOUR map,so you are far of topic of the thread...
Level 6
Sep 28, 2009
sure its about my project, but in my opinion its funny to tell someone that he should be creative if yourself a not even a bit better. that would be as if i critizie an rpg that has only 100 items and i want 200, and in my own map i have 50. thats not ok

"Just trigger many spells, but not from a other game, from your own ideas, if you cannot do that, you should stop mapmaking, seriously."

where are this spells in your two maps?

PS: i added the new multiboard to the other parts and fixed a few little bugs, download in first post^^
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Level 6
Mar 26, 2008
sure its about my project, but in my opinion its funny to tell someone that he should be creative if yourself a not even a bit better. that would be as if i critizie an rpg that has only 100 items and i want 200, and in my own map i have 50. thats not ok

"Just trigger many spells, but not from a other game, from your own ideas, if you cannot do that, you should stop mapmaking, seriously."

where are this spells in your two maps?

PS: i added the new multiboard to the other parts and fixed a few little bugs, download in first post^^
Well,it's not about me=))))
I advice you to ask smb.'s help in making heavy triggered spells,if you don't want to do it by yourself of course=)
If you make more spells (both hero spells and boss spells) with different awesome effects,then the map will be much better:thumbs_up:
A tip: those maps are a collection, they were thought as example maps for my boss system, so I never tried to put more as 3 hours of work in them.

Comparing example maps with own projects = FAIL.

If you want a serious project of mine, with bosses, just search for Ice Forge, the Boss fight series was never thought to be stand alone, it was more to show what is possible with a combination of my boss fight system and my other systems.

And if you are interested, here is my boss system and the other maps of the example series:


  • Boss Fight System.w3x
    52.3 KB · Views: 50
  • Boss Fight Aquaros.w3x
    56.8 KB · Views: 48
  • Boss Fight Fujin and Raijin.w3x
    340.6 KB · Views: 68
  • Boss Fight Lord Golem.w3x
    139.8 KB · Views: 61
Level 7
May 11, 2008
I can't try you'r maps right now, but why do you discuss about which map is best? You say they're not even using the same style, so whats wrong? You cannot comparison (hope i spelled it right =D) something that aren't the same
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
I think a mod should seriously end this discussion about WoW and the famous maps and stuff. Its not really healthy.

Anyway, I've tried the map. I can't say it was very fun, since the minions themself hit for about my hero's total hitpoints in damage -_-. I don't know if this was intended, but its really bad. I can't seem to kill the minions at all, unless I was doing it wrongly.

Also, the spells are not really what I would call "Triggered". You merely triggered the damage dealt, and not the actual sequence of the spell, like what it does and stuff. Not really the best kinds of "Triggered Spells" IMO. You can check out the spells section for some really nicely done spells or simply start making your own. It would enhance gameplay greatly.

I don't think there is a need for the items to cost gold. It somehow looks unprofessional when you have 1000000 gold and you use only ~600. I think the items shouldn't cost gold, since there isn't any insanely powerful items anyway.
Also, please make those items that the hero cannot use be sold automatically or removed. It staying there is kinda random.

Good luck.
Level 6
Sep 28, 2009
I think a mod should seriously end this discussion about WoW and the famous maps and stuff. Its not really healthy.

Anyway, I've tried the map. I can't say it was very fun, since the minions themself hit for about my hero's total hitpoints in damage -_-. I don't know if this was intended, but its really bad. I can't seem to kill the minions at all, unless I was doing it wrongly..

--> yep, you should have a hero in your team that takes the damage (tank) with shiedls and much HP. that i mean by "strategies" for example^^

Also, the spells are not really what I would call "Triggered". You merely triggered the damage dealt, and not the actual sequence of the spell, like what it does and stuff. Not really the best kinds of "Triggered Spells" IMO. You can check out the spells section for some really nicely done spells or simply start making your own. It would enhance gameplay greatly.

--> hm, most damage spells have a crit chance that i wouldnt call standart, also i have some aoe spells that are not standard, combopoint systems and spells that scale with buffs, so...

I don't think there is a need for the items to cost gold. It somehow looks unprofessional when you have 1000000 gold and you use only ~600. I think the items shouldn't cost gold, since there isn't any insanely powerful items anyway.

--> hm yeah, its a simple explanation: it was easier for me to give 100000 gold to everyone instead of making the item cost 0 gold. it doest really make a difference and it also has an advantige: most players might think they cant buy its if they dont have gold, so maybe like this they understand better to buy items xD but you are right, its no a very clean solution, but it doesnt really matter IMO^^

Also, please make those items that the hero cannot use be sold automatically or removed. It staying there is kinda random.

Good luck.

Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
One more comment. I think there should be an option to skip straight to the boss, in case people don't like fighting the minions (they're not very fun to fight D:)

What I meant about the spells is, they should look different from melee abilities. From what I know, most of the spells are somehow very similar to normal abilities.

Another thing, maybe you should rename Divine Shield, since Death Knights and stuff don't really use anything Divine xD

Thanks for the reply BTW. Never managed to get to the boss so... I'll give it a try again :D

EDIT: Tried it against the Boss (thanks, whosyourdaddy!). The boss fight wasn't really entertaining. It did not really use any abilities and it had insane health. Frankly, I won't say the bosses were really fun to fight. Compared to Impossible Bosses, the bosses are boring.
Level 6
Sep 28, 2009
One more comment. I think there should be an option to skip straight to the boss, in case people don't like fighting the minions (they're not very fun to fight D:)

--> like i already said, its quite easy to skip the creeps bevore the boss by just walking by (for sure in singleplayer its not easy, but this map is just no singleplayer map^^)

What I meant about the spells is, they should look different from melee abilities. From what I know, most of the spells are somehow very similar to normal abilities.

--> ok, thats right, they look mostly like standart spells, but dont know, im no fan of imported stuff (--> mapsize!) and i think the abilities dont need to spam the entire area full of effects.

Another thing, maybe you should rename Divine Shield, since Death Knights and stuff don't really use anything Divine xD

--> hm okok... xD

Thanks for the reply BTW. Never managed to get to the boss so... I'll give it a try again :D

EDIT: Tried it against the Boss (thanks, whosyourdaddy!). The boss fight wasn't really entertaining. It did not really use any abilities and it had insane health. Frankly, I won't say the bosses were really fun to fight. Compared to Impossible Bosses, the bosses are boring.

--> try it in multiplayer ~~

@vegavak: hehe yes :D but seriously, this map is really made for wow fans, the heroes and boss fights are in wow style. i just like it and a lot of other people, too. i think it just depends on the person. some love dota some hate it, some love wow maps ans some hate it. like i already said i didnt want to copy imp. bosses, so i made som wow style raid.

Level 6
Mar 26, 2008
@vegavak: hehe yes :D but seriously, this map is really made for wow fans, the heroes and boss fights are in wow style. i just like it and a lot of other people, too. i think it just depends on the person. some love dota some hate it, some love wow maps ans some hate it. like i already said i didnt want to copy imp. bosses, so i made som wow style raid.

Stop comparing other maps...And even smb. dislikes DotA, it's still VERY well made (mean triggers and ideas) as well as original. And your map is not well-triggered and I didn't see original ideas, so comparing with other maps and telling about dislikes is different with comparing triggering and ideas...
Level 6
Sep 28, 2009
Stop comparing other maps...And even smb. dislikes DotA, it's still VERY well made (mean triggers and ideas) as well as original. And your map is not well-triggered and I didn't see original ideas, so comparing with other maps and telling about dislikes is different with comparing triggering and ideas...

you dont seem to get it -.-
and why is my map badly triggered? :O
Level 6
Mar 26, 2008
you dont seem to get it -.-
and why is my map badly triggered? :O
In word "badly" I meant that triggers are too simple, and you compare your map with DotA which has maaany-many difficult systems and triggered spells...

You could compare your map and , for example, DotA if:
1. If the maps are of one type. (Your compare boss fight map with an AOS)
2. If your map as pro-made as the other one. (see above)
3. Not in this thread=) (this thread is about only your map!)

And we are talking not about people's interests (like you compared) but about how the map is made (I mean well-made or not)
Level 6
Sep 28, 2009

i worked on the 5th part of the series and i promise you that the bossfight will be much better than in the other parts. i also added a "ultra" difficulty for hardcore gamers. you can also repick the difficulty during the game, if you notice that the bossfight is to hard for u or whatever. i also reworked the shaman class. its spells now scale with attributes and i fixed a bug that shaman healing wasnt displayed in the multiboard. addicionally i just finished the new multibaord, i just added some more infos. here a few alpha screenshots out of the editor and the game:



new multiboard:

Last edited:
Level 6
Sep 28, 2009

work is going on very well. i knew that the old maps had some bad bugs that were rare but they didnt let me sleep well :D so i decided to fix everything with BC 5. here is a list of bugs i already fixed

-revive should now work to 99,9999999% :D
-revive timer bug
-damage, heal, deaths, class and HP bar bug (multiboard bugs)
-another multiboard bug with druid, when he changed his form no info was displayed any more
-a very important fix: when a player leaves the game all other players can control his hero. but when this players then repicked another hero and bought a hero with a peon they dont own but only control, the bought hero was owned by the controlling player and not by the owning player, this could cause VERY bad bugs, eg spells not working, multiboard bugs, revive bugs etc

i also added some new features to the map, for example hints that give a lot of help to behinners. The creeps and the boss are also going quite well. One more screen for u:

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