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Blood and Magic


It's a 3V3 Strategy game.

Work on both Reforged and Classic.

Reproduction of the old strategy game "Blood and Magic". [1996]

I really love this game and I wish for a remake of it. The gameplay is so unique and I would like to share my passion with everyone.

Mana is your only ressource to make units, structures and to cast spells. Use it wisely.

You have one type of unit to create soldiers or to gather Mana. Find the balance.

All spells are linked to your ressource. You have to choose between casting or making units.

All different spells and unique mechanics are faithfully reproduced :

Units : Basal Golem, Wizard, Paladin, Fury,...

Spells : Fear AOE, Charm AOE, Convert, Ignite,...

Items : Veil of Virtue, Jade Stone, Mana Sphere,...

Some features from the original game are a bit different to balance all type of structures.

AI is fully functional.

You can play against and with.

You can even choose the difficulty at start.

AI replaces leavers.

Credits :

Special thanks to Hive Community. Uncle (who has been very helpful), PurgeandFire (and his dynamic indexing tutorial).

Changelog: V1.1

-Fix a bug with furies.
-Fix a win and lose condition.

Changelog: V1.2

-Nerf Charm, Fear and Ignite.
-Fix Win/Lose conditon.

Changelog: V1.3

-Nerf Heal/Repair.
-Bloodforge has a rally-point.
-New tips.

Changelog: V1.4

-New tutorial.
-AI replaces leavers.
-Fix minors bugs.

Changelog: V1.4.1

- Buff Barracks.

Changelog: V1.4.2

- Fix gather mana glitch.

Changelog: V1.4.3

-Nerf Paladin Heal
-Improve Teal start

Changelog: V1.4.4

-Nerf Charm and Fear
-Buff Convert (range)
-Nerf Gnome

Changelog: V1.5

-Finely : Basal Golem turns automatically in his Obelisk form.
-Vote for tutorial
-Structures better detect obelisks nearby.

Changelog: V1.5.1

-Fixed several bugs.

Changelog: V1.5.2

-Fixed bugs with furies.
-Fixed bug double tutorial.
-Improved AI behaviour.

Changelog: V1.5.3

-Units have now buff under a spell.
-New Feature : You are able to use allies structures to make units.

Changelog: V1.5.4

- Improve units speed
- Structures have no longer defense
- Cam is set higher
- New square selection

Blood and Magic v1.5.4 (Map)

Shar Dundred
Map seems to work fine. Approved!
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
I liked blood and magic a lot.
I wondered once if I should make a map based on it.
Now I will be able to play BAM in warcraft(if it works with 1.27).
This map is 50 kinds of epic but I wonder why you did not specify that spells now have a cool-down.
I would also like to know if you kept the terrain bonuses.
Also how do I skip the starting video?
Also in regular blood and magic when I had a lot of obelisks and reached maximum mana I could store mana in obelisks by stopping to harvest then harvesting as I spent while it is no longer the case here.(maybe simulate that by raising mana cap depending on the obelisk count and lowering when you remove an obelisk?)
Can you also add autoobelisk on idle?
Last edited:
Level 4
Apr 22, 2020
I liked blood and magic a lot.
I wondered once if I should make a map based on it.
Now I will be able to play BAM in warcraft(if it works with 1.27).
This map is 50 kinds of epic but I wonder why you did not specify that spells now have a cool-down.

At first I let them without cooldown but it was hard to balance this. In the original game, all actions are way slower so it's not really a problem. In warcraft, everything is faster, I had to make choices to keep a balanced game. :) Like charm who last 30 second in the original game. This is soooo long haha. It lasts now only 5 seconds and it's enough.

I would also like to know if you kept the terrain bonuses.

I didn't set ground bonuses. I can do it but it implies not to allow some creatures in a certain type of ground and it's hard to do. However, it's a a feature not really necessary in my point. (and hard to understand for new players who don't even know the game, trust me haha)

Also how do I skip the starting video?
I didn't put a skip functionality, but I can look at it. I'm looking for making a vote at start to skip or not. But I don't know how to do and I have to learn on Hive. It's not my priority right now because there is a lot of new players and it only last 1 minute hehe. But it will be a new feature one day lol.

Also in regular blood and magic when I had a lot of obelisks and reached maximum mana I could store mana in obelisks by stopping to harvest then harvesting as I spent while it is no longer the case here.(maybe simulate that by raising mana cap depending on the obelisk count and lowering when you remove an obelisk?)
I've make an automatic harvesting you don't have in the original game, and I missed it when I played to, lol. It was hard to make a spell alike the original one.

Can you also add autoobelisk on idle?
I worked a lot to make an autoobelisk on idle and unfortunatly, I didn't achieve my goal. It's impossible to detect a standing unit in the standard worldeditor. So I used a trigger made by Bribe : "Is unit moving?". It detects the movement of a unit BUT, it didn't detect current attack order. (Even if I put the condition). So when a golem was attacking, he turned immediatly in an obelisk form...

Anyway, I'm so happy you enjoyed it ! :) It means a lot from a blood and magic player ;)
Level 1
Nov 6, 2013
This is a really interesting map. The golems/obelisks are a neat mechanic that give a good amount of strategic options without requiring a lot of micro. I've never played or even heard of the game that this is based on, but it's clear that you have a lot of love for it with how beautifully you've converted it into a WC3 map.

That said, I have some criticisms though:
-AI doesn't know how to deal with rushes. The obelisks/golems will protect themselves, but not those around them. I found that 3 ghouls is enough to entirely wipe-out an AI player.
-I don't see much reason to expand or build structures. Just 2 structures seems like more than enough, since it'll give you 8 different unit types to choose from. I think it would be better if structures either gave mana, or were required to keep vision over an area.
-The option for free-for-all or different starting positions would be nice

Overall, nice map though.