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Level 14
Mar 4, 2009
i was wondering if there is any way to ask for suggestiong ot batlenet
and i have some questions too

Why is game auto-starting ?
-you know it sucks....
why cant we cancel when game starts ?
-because if you wanna leve you can leave when game loads and that is even worse,i want to cancel because im not in team i want because of the auto-starting...
-you know it sucks...
why cant we see how much players are in the game?
i want to join with my brother so if i see 2/4 i would ask him to join that game,but no its 3/4 i joined and game started,i cant cancel...i have to logout
-you know it sucks...
why can´t we invite a player to join if we are not host?
what/where is a TIDLE key ?
- (i have a croatian keyboard btw)

you may discuss other problems here

please but numbers if you have lot of questions
i think it meakes it easier to reply :)
Level 2
Feb 20, 2010
this is mw2 all over again but i wonder if they will actualy fix the system this time but im betting all my money they wont
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
1. so that afk hosts don't break games
2. try canceling faster. having people clog up games by joining/leaving would be gay
3. learn to use the party system.
4. learn to use the party system. also try right clicking them and clicking invite to game
5. its the squiggle ~~~~
Level 2
Feb 20, 2010
Read all this and tell me its still a good system but at least once sites start uploading there custom maps to websites i can publish them my self and play with irl freinds but since noobs go around and tell people that theres no need for that like on this forum it will be hard to find maps but at least sc2mapster is uploading there custom maps.

By luxx on teamliquid: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=139745

I get asked all the time how to create a custom game. Most people find it hard to understand there is no simple solution. The ONLY way you can host a custom game is if one of the following is true:

1. The map is one of the top 50 most popular maps

2. You recently joined someone else’s game who had the map

3. You published the map yourself

There is no other way to host a custom game. The maps in the top 50 are played plenty, and undoubtedly they will end up in your recently played list where you can host them. That is fine. The problem is the only way to get new maps that are not on the popular list is to publish them yourself.

To publish a map, you must exit the game, open the desired map in the map editor and click file -> publish and set any last settings (more on that later). Now the map will be uploaded to Blizzard’s server, and if there are no errors, you can exit the map editor and restart your game, then create the game from ‘Your Published Maps’ list. Unlike Warcraft 3, or SC1, when people join your game lobby, they will be downloading the file you uploaded to Blizzard's server, not directly from your computer.

There are a few problems with publishing:

1. On the last step of map publishing settings that I mentioned earlier, you can rename the map to whatever you want. This makes it very easy to steal someone else’s work. Or you could just turn their map name into an advertisement. Also, when you publish that map, everyone on battlenet will see your name as the author, not the person who actually made it. If you don’t believe me go try it.

2. You can only publish 5 maps at a time, which means for someone like me, who had over 4,000 custom maps in Warcraft 3, I have to plan out what I am going to play before I play it, and then keep my friends waiting while I waste a lot of time exiting the game, publishing each one, and re-entering the game.

3. Because there is no way to locally host maps from your computer, it means the publishing system will be used for temporary map hosting. Let’s say I wanted to try out 25 cool-looking new maps in a given night with my friends, I would need to exit the game, publish 5 at a time, play them and then remove them, repeating the process until I ran out of maps to try. This is not what the publishing system was designed for, but this is the only way I try out maps that are not yet on the popular list.

4. Due to the common practice of renaming other people's maps that I mentioned earlier, and the use of the publishing system for temporary map hosting, many duplicate copies of a map will be republished. Each time someone republishes a map, it will be under their name, and slightly different from every other version out there! The reason Blizzard claims to have removed the ability to create named-custom games was to prevent 100 different DOTA games – well they succeeded, except now there will be 100 different DOTA maps, each with a different author or map name. You can already see duplicates in the popular list, but this will get much worse once as soon as publishing abuse starts (more on that later).

5. Compared to the rest of the game, publishing a map quite difficult ad is not is not intuitive. The typical user has no idea what the map editor even is, much less how to publish a map. Past Blizzard games have trained people that if they download a map and put it in the right folder, they can host it – nowhere in Starcraft 2 is the user told this is no longer the case (or why the decision was made).

6. There are other problems with publishing, like the 10mb map limit. I will not go into those here, but I would encourage checking out the threads by IskatuMesk, and SCLegacy, both of which are excellent in-depth write-ups.
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
IskatuMengsk posts are too whiny for my tastes, though he has some valid points occasionally. Chances are people won't just take down their old maps, especially since someone who is a competent mapper would (probably) get more than 5 slots to store stuff and they would have no reason to delete old maps.

Also, the search feature is useful for finding maps not in the top 50, or so I hear. It's like Google, it takes a lot of practice to learn how to use it, but once you do, you can find shit much easier.

Also, duplicate publishing would fail. People would pick the highest DotA map, exclusively play that, and the rest would crash and burn on their way to rock bottom of the popularity list.
Past Blizzard games have trained people that if they download a map and put it in the right folder, they can host it
Its a good thing we don't need to download maps and put them in the right folders anymore, we can just host them without having to find them on another website.

I mean, I'll admit, there are problems with the map system (ie popularity sort), but seriously, can we stick to actually whining about genuine issues rather than complaining because we don't know how to use a search feature?
Level 2
Feb 20, 2010
IskatuMengsk posts are too whiny for my tastes, though he has some valid points occasionally. Chances are people won't just take down their old maps, especially since someone who is a competent mapper would (probably) get more than 5 slots to store stuff and they would have no reason to delete old maps.

Also, the search feature is useful for finding maps not in the top 50, or so I hear. It's like Google, it takes a lot of practice to learn how to use it, but once you do, you can find shit much easier.

Also, duplicate publishing would fail. People would pick the highest DotA map, exclusively play that, and the rest would crash and burn on their way to rock bottom of the popularity list.
Its a good thing we don't need to download maps and put them in the right folders anymore, we can just host them without having to find them on another website.

I mean, I'll admit, there are problems with the map system (ie popularity sort), but seriously, can we stick to actually whining about genuine issues rather than complaining because we don't know how to use a search feature?

you cant search for maps unless they are the top 50 popular ones and theres realy no point in using search for those:p did you even read my post?
Level 14
Mar 4, 2009
1. so that afk hosts don't break games
2. try canceling faster. having people clog up games by joining/leaving would be gay
3. learn to use the party system.
4. learn to use the party system. also try right clicking them and clicking invite to game
5. its the squiggle ~~~~

1.)than you play with afk host?
anyway auto-starting is bad
2.) impossible unless you are a bot,when i join a game theere is no way to cancel if the room is full,alo you have to w8 25 sec -.-
3,4 that does not really have something to do with this ...
5.)adding it would not be bad ....
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
@Raizen: Bullshit. I just tested that with Poot (who isn't a real ID friend) and he was able to find a map I had just published (wasn't listed on popularity sort). If you want proof, ss is here

Also, if you use the party system, you can join as a party, meaning that you don't join a game that cannot fit your party. Simple.
Level 9
Nov 28, 2008
I like the autostart.

I would prefer if there were a way to search for maps not based on popularity too, but I mean, can't have everything right? I mean gosh, why would you want to play a map that's not popular anyways?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
1. The game is auto starting because the author of the game wanted it to. You can try hosting the game in a different mode (if available) or ask the author fixes it.

2. Because of the above, the game is autostarting cause it is set to. There is no need in reality to cancle a count down as you should simply not press start till everyone is ready.

3. Party with your brother then join. It will attempt a join as party and ask him to join. This is very useful and great for playing with friends in public games.

4. No need to if you join as a party.

5. No idea what you are on about.
Level 3
Nov 23, 2008
Hmm.. I havent thought autostart was introduced to prevent idiots :p
Anyway, it's still stupid. 30 seconds is an uneededly long period to wait since you cant press cancel anyway. A votekick or vote-host option would be much better.

The custom map system has already proven to be flawed, it is already a freaking chaos. I suspect they will fix this in the coming months, add some categories (like RPG, Arena, etc) and some advanced filters.

Dont know about the Croatian keyboard, but Tilde is this ~
Also, if you havent formed a party, I think you can use the +SUGGEST button to invite a friend in the game (havent tried it, but I suspect it does that).
Level 14
Mar 4, 2009
1. The game is auto starting because the author of the game wanted it to. You can try hosting the game in a different mode (if available) or ask the author fixes it.
2. Because of the above, the game is autostarting cause it is set to. There is no need in reality to cancle a count down as you should simply not press start till everyone is ready.

3. Party with your brother then join. It will attempt a join as party and ask him to join. This is very useful and great for playing with friends in public games.

4. No need to if you join as a party.

5. No idea what you are on about.
but every blizzard game i join is auto-starting :S + you have to wait 25 seconds + maybe you are not ready at all and you cant cancel + you will cancel when game loads and everyone will have to re-join game and wait another 25 sec to start,nice huh ?

vote-host option would be better as @Agarwa3n said,but im not sure if this is good at all since host could be afk for the whole game,better just ask someone to host instead like in WC3
ok i get it,i have to party xD
it says to hold that key to talk if you have a microphone5.)

Agarwa3n i will try holding ~ but i think its not it because it would be stupid that you have to hold Alt Gr + 1
Level 3
Nov 23, 2008
It is. I just googled it to verify (although it works for me anyway)

In US english keyboards, it's the key next to 1. It's a good placement, if the Croatian keyboard is different, just set the hotkey to be that button (whatever it may be).
Level 6
Jun 14, 2008
IskatuMengsk posts are too whiny for my tastes, though he has some valid points occasionally. Chances are people won't just take down their old maps, especially since someone who is a competent mapper would (probably) get more than 5 slots to store stuff and they would have no reason to delete old maps.

Also, the search feature is useful for finding maps not in the top 50, or so I hear. It's like Google, it takes a lot of practice to learn how to use it, but once you do, you can find shit much easier.

Also, duplicate publishing would fail. People would pick the highest DotA map, exclusively play that, and the rest would crash and burn on their way to rock bottom of the popularity list.
Its a good thing we don't need to download maps and put them in the right folders anymore, we can just host them without having to find them on another website.

I mean, I'll admit, there are problems with the map system (ie popularity sort), but seriously, can we stick to actually whining about genuine issues rather than complaining because we don't know how to use a search feature?
you cant search for maps unless they are the top 50 popular ones and theres realy no point in using search for those:p did you even read my post?

I agree.

To people complaining about people complaining - Take note that Blizzard reads complaints(well, at least on the battle.net forums, see the blue posts).

When Blizzard reads complaints, they'll address them.

Conclusion - Complaining about things brings progress to the game because Blizzard address complaints. Of course they should be valid complaints. And the complaint about the map system is a valid one in my opinion.

If Blizzard never gets any feedback(or complaints), then they'll think everyone is content with Starcraft 2 the way it is; however if everyone complains, then Blizzard will probably address those complaints by either fixing them or giving an excuse(usually the former though, which is good).

Speaking of complaining - Don't forget to complain for those old units(Valkyrie, Dark Archon, etc) and scrapped units(Tempest, etc). Though of course post your feedback on Battle.net Starcraft 2 forums so Blizzard may have a chance to read it(sadly, I'm not sure if Blizzard is even reading the Custom Map section but they do occasionally read the General section).
Level 6
Jun 14, 2008
Feedback once or twice is fine, but the same bawwwwwww for months on end is not constructive. Quit pretending it is.

Also, the Tempest's model was the same as the Carrier; it just had a Dark Templar skin.

Well, to clarify, I didn't mean to spam the forum with new threads every day, I mean post in existing threads(if there is one). If there isn't one, of course create a thread(there are plenty threads though at the moment).

Also I did not mean post things like "Blizzard sux" or "Do something Blizzard!!".

The point is, why I did say complaining brings progressed, I meant complaining as feedback about issues players do not like(those can be constructive).

Also remember that the whole RealID(real names on forums) issue was addressed because of the sheer number of people who voiced their opinions by posting.

One person may have an issue with something but if it's only one person, Blizzard will not likely to do anything.

If tons of people post, then Blizzard will know that there is a problem or concern that should be addressed.

Again I'm not saying spam the forums or start a petition(it's against the forum rules to start a /sign petition thread anyway), I'm saying people should voice their opinions and concerns with the game.

Negative opinions/feedback towards Blizzard could be considered QQing or "Bawing" as you stated but they're still feedback for Blizzard. The amount of "QQ" shows Blizzard that there's an issue with something.

Lets take the RealID issue again for example - While the analogy isn't exactly the same(real names on forums are a serious issue, no sarcasm), how the issue was resolved(through the sheer number of posts or "QQ" as some may say) was undeniable.

The real name issue was much different but how it was resolved was through massive feedback.

QQ or not, if no one says anything then Blizzard will not know about it and won't address it.

Edit: To clarify, one of the reasons for the need of posts to support a thread concerning an issue is due to the risk of the thread "dying"(that is, being moved to page 3+ then never being seen or bumped again).

The battle.net forums move fast. Also there seems to always be one spam or joke thread on every page(example, there was a thread with the topic starter asking why Starcraft 2 does not feature the ability to "craft stars", claiming false advertisement).

Of course I'm not saying to bump your own threads or spam a thread to keep it in page 1(also again the rules to bump thread but threads concerning the map systems are popular enough to not require intentional bumps).

Join an existing thread and let others know about that one thread so it stays on the first page.

One example is the "one name only" issue. There is an 80+ thread for it in the general discussion section. The reason for the massive amount of posts is:

1. People want to let Blizzard know they want the issue to be addressed.
2. People do not want to let the topic die and move to page 2+(the forums move really fast).

To clarify - The issue is that your first Starcraft 2 name is permanent(attached to your battle.net Starcraft 2 account).

People may not have read the the text warning the permanent name on the left side of the character creation screen. Maybe it's due to either the excitement of being able to play Starcraft 2 for the first time or the fact it's not in big red bold letters(reasonable) but the point is a lot of people did not know your first name is permanent and you only get one name for Starcraft 2.

And that's just an example of what I mean by "complaining to bring progress"(not spam but just feedback and joining an existing thread).

Super short and condensed version(tl;dr) - I did not mean "spam" complaining, I meant joining an existing thread(if there is one) to voice your opinions on an issue. Also take note the battle.net forums move fast so posts are required to keep the topic "bumped up" on the first page. See this 80+ page thread example on what I meant by "complaints feedback to bring attention to bring progress".
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