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Battle for Souls 5.5 Eng

This map is attempt to continue that map. I am new author - Velociraptor has given me open-source.

AoS style-map with very,very many items and heroes. You can launch unlimited computer bots with -b and -c commands in single-player mode.

You know about MUGEN fighting engine? Which creates 2D Characters from all fightings in only one game? So Battle for Souls - attempt to create MUGEN in the world WarCraft III, for AoS-Style maps, and not only. All games in only one game. And you can change it, as you want.
You can always find OPEN-SOURCE version of that very big map on official site. But I CAN'T now help with any problems with open or save Open-Source, because don't know how.

The bloody fight of Darkness and Light does not stop never. She goes always - even in your own souls. Choose, on which side are you?
You are true adept of Light? You know, what is angry also of gloom should be always punished? You know, what higher of all are friendship, trust, love and kindness? You understand, what any meanness early or late will reveal? What secret always becomes obvious and there is nothing the more dearly present friends and liked, against which always it is possible to lean? What the most important treasures - kind heart and pure conscience?
Or you are warrior of Darkness? You agree that Light adepts are stupids and fools? What for trust always pay in a deceit? What the present friends no, and all is done only for the sake of personal benefit? What there is no love, and there are only corporal instincts multiplied by vanity and complacency? What main are personal self-perfection? What strong is always right? What for one million gold coins any in a convenient situation throws the knife in a back to the one whom yesterday named by the friend?
You have made this choice? Now you should battle for YOUR SIDE!
All warriors of the opposite party must DIE! Choose YOUR way to victory.

Download http://clawbfs.ucoz.ru/GameDll/gamedll2/game.dll and place it into your WarCraft III directory for netplay.
For Garena, also place that file into your Room folder: http://clawbfs.ucoz.ru/GameDll/garenadll/msimg32.dll
If you have problems with some servers with new file, change your game.dll back: http://clawbfs.ucoz.ru/GameDll/gamedll1/game.dll

Battle for Souls 5.5

Maybe It's last version of Battle for Souls project as "map", i think about creation more from him. You can found detailed information on site, when it comes. So, now project, maybe, freezed. I really like that result of many years :)

-New feature: Commentators!
You can choose your Commentator in your Circle. "Commentators" means sound set, which comments your kills. Default Commentator now names "WarCraft Spirit".

-New Commentator: Hercules!
Kill enemies with sounds from Hercules Disney! Of course, all copyrights has Disney, and i can remove that Commentator at any time, but i don't think that is problem for fun game ^^

No new heroes in that version, because 162 unique heroes isn't so small, i try to improve current heroes and items and adding new features.

-Just for English version: improved terrain! (thx PogoMaster)

-New secret alternate avatar for hero Rustle, Hydralisk - Slither, Slithereen
-New secret alternate avatar for hero Shambler, Fat Corpse - Pogo, Clown Devourer
-New secret alternate avatar for hero Lloth, Lady Nothing - Alice, Chess Queen
-New secret alternate avatar for hero Lloth, Lady Nothing - Xanatos, Black Noir
-New secret alternate avatar for hero Bushroot, Dark Treant - Halloween, Pumpkin
-New secret alternate avatar for hero Mordred Hamim, Daedra - Rend, Blackhand
(Reminder: you can choose alternate avatar in your Circle. Some heroes also has secret alternate avatars)

-Larva alternate avatar model changed on more good variant

-Dinosaur: first ability remaked
-Fire Lord: additional damage from first ability is now magic damage
-Fire Lord: added tooltip for Pentagram ability, her damage type is pure
-Radiance: lifesteal from "Hungry Paw" ability increased from 10%/20%/30%/40%/50% to 15%/30%/45%/60%/75%.
-Indigene: damage from "Trap of Plants" ability increased from 70/140/210/180/350 to 90/180/270/360/450

-Increased visual size and circle of selection size for heroes Cultist and Cuttingtorch

-Splinter of Eternal Ice: remaked, now has active slow frost nova instead of passive orb effect slow with each attack, his goldcost also changed from 5100 to 4100
-New item Thief Boots
-New item Pushstick
-Returned old item Miner Equipment, now you can buy him in Thief Hall

-Bubble of True Sight: cooldown of active ability increased from 20 to 100 seconds
-Stone of True Sight: shop cooldown increased from 80 to 140 seconds

-Fixed that Apocalypse Rider, Nut Goblin and Lobster has ranged attack instead of melee attack

-Very many new fun names!
-Added new peoples to Credits
-Many other minor optimizations, fixes and changes

Added: sorry and thanks for report!!! Wrong file was uploaded, that was open-source file. Fixed.

Fallen_Crusader (EWA) - author of very old Gifts of Death AoS map, Battle for Souls was created from open-source of Gifts of Death
Ameli, che - first testers of Battle for Souls
Ker-Tinor, LaNeX, Dragonling, respect_gg - testing, ideas (old versions)
Gortz - author of Villain hero idea (hero without vision of the allies)
Ahotnik001 - creator of some icons
Masokist91 - terrain, some ideas
DarkWeird, ModernKiller - testers
epsilon - great model of Tower Spirit!
Saif - Mad Hatter hero icon
judash137 - some models (i just download it)
Dionesiist - Lord of Outtime alternate avatar model
ike_ike - Woodpiece hero model
7SteptoHell - testing, help with terrain
Callahan, FlameSword, BloodElf300, JesusHipster (Cookie, RetroSexual), Kuhneghetz, Skizzik, Weep, Pyramidhe@d, -Grendel, Darius-, JetFangInferno, UgoUgo, D.O.G., Hexus, Iron, Thrikodius, Glen Elendra, icewolf055, HappyCockroach - help with models
Symar, [iNCoast] - balance
Marcos DAB - some recolored icons

Claw - tester of 2.00-3.2b versions, author of current versions starting from 3.3

"Mokujin Wins!" is a sound from Tekken 3 game.





AoS, Many Heroes, Open-Source

Battle for Souls 5.5 Eng (Map)

Vengeancekael: Private Message Date: 2012/Jan/02 19:35:17 Reasons: Other: Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object...
Level 4
May 3, 2012
New Heroes Seems to Work Perfect Even Tof HAhahah Funny panda anyways i checked everything cool man when i press something its a spinning green YEaH And i saw death knight but i checked all names and it didnt have Mine T_T
Level 4
May 3, 2012
Eternal Slaves Requests

Dude Can You Find A Unit Model For Eternal Slave to a Skeleton with a hammer and his skull is on fire to make him really look like eternal slave?
and custom hud and icon Bro
Level 7
Dec 31, 2011
Orc skeleton with axe will be used for other, new hero (maybe even in next version). If you talk about import other model - map has no so much place for that, default (not-imported) models must be used in all situations when we can do without import models.
Level 4
May 3, 2012
Orc skeleton with axe will be used for other, new hero (maybe even in next version). If you talk about import other model - map has no so much place for that, default (not-imported) models must be used in all situations when we can do without import models.

Okay Claw Im not speaking about that model lol I wish you could import?
Level 7
Dec 31, 2011
I can import, but i repeat - import increases map size, limit for net-play now is 8 Mb, now we are ~ 7 Mb. So i import new models only if they are really needed and/or if i really wants it.
Level 4
May 3, 2012
I can import, but i repeat - import increases map size, limit for net-play now is 8 Mb, now we are ~ 7 Mb. So i import new models only if they are really needed and/or if i really wants it.
ok im happy and sad you said you need triggers for custom heroes why only 3 of your spesific heroes have 3 only?? ISNT THAT DERPING OR TROLLING:thumbs_down:
Level 7
Dec 31, 2011
DeathKing12, maybe, you are looking in wrong folders or map become opened incorrectly :vw_wtf:
Some heroes has skills in folders with his names (MadHatter, StonePanda, MotherEarth, Manamancer), some - just in folders like Spells, Spells2, etc. Also, map has heroes without triggered abilities, yes, but very, very little number.
Level 7
Dec 31, 2011
Yes :D 3.8b has bug: you can buy, then sell some items and gain bonus gold. Works like gold-hack :ogre_haosis: You must stay near shops that time, so don't gain experience and don't help your team in battle, but anyway you gain simple more benefit that way. Anyway it's bug, i very dislike any bugs :)
Level 7
Dec 31, 2011
Battle for Souls 3.9

If you find bugs or any problems, post here please... if problems very serious, i will create version with hotfix. But if it's still rare problems in netplay, maybe it must wait for next update. But I have not had problems in recent tests.

-Imported new lifebars, manabars and experience bars!
-Added killing spree streaks sounds! (suggestion of Masokist91)

-Again optimization of code with work to prevent even rare desyncronizations! Test now!

-New hero Homunculus
-New hero Indigene
(Totally of 138 (!!!) unique heroes now! More and more unique tactics and combos!)

-New alternate avatar for hero Kril, Destroyer - Pit, Dungeon Keeper
-New alternate avatar for hero Jack the Ripper, Nightmare Baron - Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, Nightmare Imp
-New alternate avatar for hero Gaia, Mother Earth - Cenarius, Father Earth
(Reminder: you can choose alternate avatar in your Circle)

-New item Toxic Claws (combinations with ultimate of Guardian of Tranquility or Fire Lord, for example, are pretty good; also it's buff for Enchanting God and good item versus Sun Dragon)
-Dwemer Illusion Hammer: now creates one less illusion at all levels

-Far Seer: "Absolute Sight" is second ability now instead of ultimate. Reveals all map. Lasts 10/12/14/16/18 seconds, cooldown 180/160/140/120/100, manacost still 200.
-Far Seer: new ultimate ability "Omen". Far Seer chooses two random visible enemies. After that, if he has any visible heroes, he chooses third random enemy as hero. Orange lightnings damages area near each chosen enemy, dealing 150/300 damage in 400 AoE.

-Shark Pirate: cooldown of ability "Massacre" increased from 7 to 12 seconds
-Queen of Pain: chance to miss from "Mass Miss" ability increased on 10% at all levels
-Fixed rare bug when first spell of Harpy Queen and/or second spell of Mechanic doesn't work

-Very many new fun names!

-Added to Credits: Pyramidhe@d (Indigene hero model)

-Many other minor fixes and changes
Level 2
Jun 23, 2012
everything is good it's not just another ordinary AOS type of game it has some unique things so I rate it 4/5 but I still think this has lots of work to do before it becomes complete I hope its as good as the print screen is map is not much detailed but I think I might like it goodluck you can improve this much better
Level 4
Mar 12, 2012
theres so much feedback to give the map atm is kinda unplayable and the factor fun tends to zero although with some modifications would be cool so my ideea is this ... ill make the modifications ... then ill write the changelog paste the map file here and show it to you ... if you like the modification you can name it hotfix and upload it instead of version 3.9a ! Thanks !
Level 7
Dec 31, 2011
Masokist91, anyway we must change map version (even if it's hotfix). Write changelog to me in private message, please, after that we can think about 3.9b version. But first time - what about desyncs? If there are no desyncs now, that's more good than all other!
Level 7
Dec 31, 2011
theres no desyncs as far as ive seen ...

That's wonderful! Thanks.

ill start to work on this map new changelog and ill to resolve the things wich destroy the fun factor
OK. Now i relax, but i think I occasionally online. If i like your changes (but, i think, no reasons for other reaction), we can create 3.9b or wait until end of the July for 4.0 with changes. If our choice becoming 3.9b, i think, i must have minor work after you, too (about balance - i think, Indigene needs little improvement, and Shark Pirate, maybe, more nerf). I wait for you now. )
Level 4
May 3, 2012
I have Played your Map Indegine is a custom model which can be found at hive workshop . nice improvements health bars exp bars evrything is cool. Homoculus did you get that from full metal alchemist?
Level 7
Dec 31, 2011
About Indigene - yes, that's model from Hive, and Pyramidhe@d added to Credits. Check this thread: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/requests-341/help-model-hive-216253/
About Homunculus - i am not fan of Fullmetal Alchemist (i watched just first four series), but that's good that peoples some found in my heroes many associations, i very like that, because i try to create ultimate superworld ^^ ) First time i create him as analogue of Mordekaiser from League of Legends in my universe (but all skills, even including ultimate, has very much changes and my unique ideas, he is NOT a clone). Also, his fun name is Hank Henshaw - it's Cyborg Superman (one of villain's versions of Superman) in DC Universe. Maybe later i add fun name Iron Man to him (it's hero from Marvel universe, i think, you know him ;) )
About Father - he has "flying" now like Mother Earth :) I can change it if needed, no problems, but, i think, it looks at least normal.
Level 4
Mar 12, 2012
----------- BFS HOTFIX MK91 w3x ------------
Hotfix by masokist91 -
Changelog :
1. redesigned terrain pathing
2. changed gameplay constants
3. shops moved
4. hp of catapults decreased from 360 to 200 hp . attack base of catapults increased to 80 max damage ( stock catapults )
5. add-ed some tactis trough new pathing expecially on the bases i created 2 wings for each of them wich will imply different tactics
6. increase revive timer for all heroes
Things left to be done because im kinda busy these times :
- "has a mega kills + sound" not just "sound" example of killing spree sistem
- remove death messages of all heroes
- gold gain per time use just 1 gold per second for each player
- wait 1 minute and 30 seconds until waves start so everyone can take up their positions
- move neutral camps from roads wich makes the bound between lanes
- explain all commands in quests
- explain all the gems thingy and vendetta and these stuff wich are so hard to understand for some english player
- reduce all units movement speed by 50
- reduce all units animations sizes to 85% of their original at the start of the game
- reduce attack cooldown of towers by 0.25 seconds and reduce projectile speed by 200
- create ai for the boss wich drops that cool sword and make him hard to kill but not raw make him make spells and etc make him give knockbacks to enemies etc
- hide multiboard creeps kill for enemies and stuff
- reduce buying range from global to just 300 range of shops
- remove visibility from enemy base
- add a new feature : when all enemy heroes are dead make all ally creeps to gather bonuses and movement speed
- for hover/flying units add flying tipe movement speed so they can fly over cliffs and trees and etc
And one optional suggestion :
- create one hero wich will give to all gameplay a little flavor with skills like some x-ray wich burns in straight line no limit , second skill to jump in the air and when touches ground to push all enemy like 1400 units back and make them unable to attack for like 3-4 seconds , third skill to have a minor chance to instantly remove cooldowns for all spells and for ulti make him call a tank and jump in it and start shooting enemies around and stuff . THE DOWNSIDES OF THE HERO : very low movement speed , very low hp , very low mana hp points etc and HIGHLY dependendable on items .

NOTE : optimized version for faster gameplay IF your interested to work on this version from now on post reply etc...
Level 7
Dec 31, 2011
Masokist91, it's the version which you upload on epicwar.com?

I check it before.

All your changes which is ready are good or not bad for me (new terrain is pretty good!) except for 1 point of armor for each 3 points of agility. That is imbalanced, in late game heroes have more armor than needed (i understand that in old version, they has the same constants for armor as in your changes). Change it back please for 1 point of armor for each 6 points of agility.

About your future plans, i dislike only that:

- reduce all units movement speed by 50 (so slow, as i think)
- reduce buying range from global to just 300 range of shops (we has -nur command for that now)

So can you take me now in private message your open version now and your optimizer(s) (with screenshot of settings if needed)? I use just Widgetizer 1.9 now, but, as i can see, your version has less size, so i need your programs for optimize the same way.

If i create 3.9b with all your ready fixes (i anyway accept all of them, except for so much armor for agility), can you again start hosting them now (and if all good, start to build the site), or you want to wait for more changes? If yes, i think, i can create 3.9b in nearby 2-5 days (of course with open-source too, now), and you can start hosting her.

I just do some balance changes and minor other fixes.
Level 4
Mar 12, 2012
1 .nope ... the version on epicwar was just alpha fase for some full game on garena so people could download it very fast ... the one i just gave you its the real thing the one on epic was not good check this one
2 .the armor will work fine because the attack constants of the creeps and heroes ... it sinergies another new sistem and will be just fine dont worry .
3 . about programs and things like that for optimizing you need widgetizer and vexorian optimizer when using widgetizer unbox destructibles and doodads so people wont mess up if loggin another map after yours and then optimize with vexorian and unbox slk files optimize and unbox the 2 script optimizing things ... then your good to go .. btw ill post here the open source of last version of my hotfix
Level 7
Dec 31, 2011
You move "forest shops", but don't move areas for ping after "-shop" commands and at start... so -shop command failed... I understand why you do it - for no problems with opened area, but, i repeat, host can type -nur even now for resolve that problems and off unlimited bying range (i need it in default conditions, that isn't hard to type one command if really needed).
But it's not big trouble anyway, i can move areas for new shops positions.
For all others - my opinion is the same (i check only changes which you type). So what about that:

Claw said:
So can you take me now in private message your open version now and your optimizer(s) (with screenshot of settings if needed)? I use just Widgetizer 1.9 now, but, as i can see, your version has less size, so i need your programs for optimize the same way.

If i create 3.9b with all your ready fixes (i anyway accept all of them, except for so much armor for agility), can you again start hosting them now (and if all good, start to build the site), or you want to wait for more changes? If yes, i think, i can create 3.9b in nearby 2-5 days (of course with open-source too, now), and you can start hosting her.

I just do some balance changes and minor other fixes.
Level 7
Dec 31, 2011
Yes! I can open and save it after you work! That's very good.
OK, now i take it.
But i repeat - i accept all changes JUST EXCEPT OF 1 POINT OF ARMOR FOR 3 AGILITY POINTS. I think, one thing isn't so big problem?
I play in that map very many time and know, even if you change many creeps and constants, some items and abilities usability greatly changes after that change... And anyway i very dislike that.
I try to be polite and accept everything that i can, but my will must have priority, especially now. Or we can't work together (open-source always open, any can work with him for himself).

Anyway now we has two variants:

-I create 3.9b in nearest 2-5 days and you start hosting that and build site if no problems.
-I relax now and at end of the month, as i think, i create 4.0. And after that you can hosting and build site.

After new version I, of course, upload open-source, and you can work in him in some next days and talk to me about your changes after that and we can discuss of that.

So which variant must I choose? Or i can choose it as i wish?
Level 7
Dec 31, 2011
I wait for your answer now in nearest days...

If no answer - i choose as i want... but, as i understand, no problems for start hosting and build site after new version (no difference, 3.9b or 4.0), because you created the most important changes which you wants now?

And also again thanks for help...
Level 4
Mar 12, 2012
you can work on my hotfix version and change the 1 armor problem and etc and even the shops if its no problem and theres allready some command for that to remove the fog visibility and etc ... its no problem you know better because you tested it more so change what you want on my hotfix and release the next version in 2-5 days... im curious how people will receive that version ... if takes a turn to succes etc ... good luck and thanks !
Level 7
Dec 31, 2011
you can work on my hotfix version and change the 1 armor problem


and release the next version in 2-5 days...

OK, if no problems in that days, i do it :)

Just one... I still don't understand about your optimization... i know that is pain, but can you upload all programs which you use and full instruction? Otherwise i can only optimize again with my Widgetizer 1.9 and map must have 0.6 Mb more size...
Level 7
Dec 31, 2011
Battle for Souls 3.9b

So with work of Masokist91 and minor changes and fixes from me (I understand, that i don't want to open World Editor more until at least middle of the month, if it's not really needed) 3.9b done...

-Map size are decreased by additional optimization! (thx for Masokist91)
-Terrain are changed by Masokist91, shops moved
-Now for one point of Strength again adds 25 health instead of 20 (work of Masokist91)
-Some other constants and paratemers are changed by Masokist91
-Indigene: manacost of "Trap of Plants" ability decreased from 125 to 85
-Indigene: now after "Pierce" ability flying height of the unit become default flying height instead of 0
-Fixed very rare bug with Homunculus's "Final Judgment" ability
-Some other changes and optimizations
Level 4
May 3, 2012
I just hate that my laptops charger broke now im at my schools computer typing this i might then check but i looked at the changes of maskoskits and its seems to be very balanced yes it is
Level 4
May 3, 2012
Hay Claw Hero Suggestion without a test map cause i suck XD (admitted)
Hero Model Might Be a Blood Elf Swordsman Anyways
The Elven Vampire-hero title
First Skill- Bleed- each attack is to make a target bleed that lets them lose for how long the flesh wound is open
Lvl1=Bleed for 8 Seconds Loses 5 Blood per Each Seconds Lost
lvl2=Bleed For 13 Seconds and Loses 10 Blood Per Each Seconds Lost
lvl3=Bleed For 20 Seconds and Lose 15 Blood Per Each Seconds Lost
lvl4=Bleed For 25 Seconds and Lose 20 Blood Per Each Seconds Lost
Second skill = Leap Slash - Target an Enemy Unit to Leap at it and cause a Stun
Lvl 1= Slash for 80 Damage and cause a 2 second stun
lvl 2=Slash For 100 Damage and Cause a 2 second stun
lvl3 =Slash for 150 Damage and Cause a 2 second stun
lvl4=slash for 210 damage and cause a 2 second stun
third skill= Scent of the blood = Vlads will smell the leaking blood of the enemy and allows him to go crazy
lvl 1= Will Smell Blood in a small radius and increase his move speed if smelled a leaking blood
increased speed will be 20
lvl 2= will Smell Blood in a Medium Radius and increase his move speed if smelled a leaking blood
increased speed will be 40
lvl3= Will Smell Blood in a Huge Radius and Increase his move speed if smelled a leaking blood
increase speed will be 80\
lvl 4= will Smell Blood in a OMFG Huge Radius and increase his move speed if smelled a leaking blood
increase speed will be OMFG 190
last skill would be =UNKNOWN TILL I THINK OF IT