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Dragon Ball Z Base Model

BaseDBZModelFinal (Model)

» Wolverabid « Date: 16th of October, 2007 Approval status: Approved Rating: (7) Very Good Main points: [x] The model is stable and functions properly in Warcraft III. [x] The model displays properly in Warcraft3 Viewer. Notices: [-]...




» Wolverabid «

Date: 16th of October, 2007
Approval status: Approved
Rating: (7) Very Good

Main points:
[x] The model is stable and functions properly in Warcraft III.
[x] The model displays properly in Warcraft3 Viewer.

[-] This model includes no team color.
Level 6
Sep 23, 2004
Updated the chest, the normals weren't correct meaning the shading was off.

And the animations are grunt based, if you don't like them then transfer some new ones, all the bones are named as the most commonly named bones, so transferring animations should be a cinch.

I don't use this in my map because it's not a DBZ character, it's a base character for other modelers to make anime/dbz models with.

Level 2
Dec 29, 2004
Can't vote for this since its not a model that can be used for a game, but other then that its a great tool for gamers who want to make their own DBZ characters. So instead ill place a vote on that tribute game. 2/5!!!! The gameplay isnt that much fun.. all it is is a race to level up by running around and killing creatures or participating in saga's thats just about the same thing as creep hunting. And the combat stinks, it should be more dbz-like and out of the warcraft 3 genre, it ends to soon! FLYING, HUGE ENERGY ATTACKS, HUGE POWER UP AURAS THAT EXPLODE THE GROUND AROUND YOU, Kicks and punches that could send a weaker opponent flying off his feet and over the horizon, blocking and dodging and countering, all the crazy dbz goodness.. thats what im talking about :shock: . And the villains should feel more like a bad guy, cities to destroy, innoscent people to maim and slaughter, the satisfaction of hearing their screams, and the rescuing hero's approach. But I guess the game is kinda fun, but not something ide be playing over and over and over, the fun died fast. 2/5!! 2/5!! 2/5!! 2/5!!
Level 2
Dec 29, 2004
All im saying is ide like to play a dbz game with similar features and then some. And if anyone else out there doesnt have the talent or will to do so then ill just have to make it myself.
Level 4
Feb 26, 2005
dark sho gun id like to see sumthing that u can make that i sbetter the dbz tribute it will take u at least 3 years to make and only if u could be as good as gotenkz it will take u 2 yeras to make the same map as gotenkz have made so u should diss dbz tribute u proly play it alot 2
Level 2
Feb 11, 2005
To DarkShoGun: GET A LIFE, all you do is complain on every little thing, and your attempts at flaming are really poor, and just TRY to make a dbz map better than DBZTU... :?
To Apocolypse: Wow, gj spamming/flaming... :roll:

ANYWAYS... really great model, and maybe once I get modelling/skinning down, I'll be able to make some cool anime characters other than DBZ, or DBZ guys as well :D .
Level 5
Jun 19, 2005
Well, this model is great, i used it to make Hatake Kakashi for my Naruto map, but i still got one problem, you made only half the face so that both sides will be exactly alike but Kakashi always covers his left eye with his forehead protector :shock:
Level 5
Sep 19, 2005
Darkshogun u said u thought if no one else had the talent or will to make a dbz map with the features u were suggesting then u would try to make one. You think no ones got talent to make a dbz map like what you're saying? Well I sure as hell frickin do and got plenty of sweet ideas for my DBZ map. Oh and gotenkz ur tribute map and model are cool and fun, but shoguns got a point, the map should be a tad out of wc3 genre. Oh and about DBZ, Shogun take ur complaints to a different site we dont care and dont want to have to deal with them. But I am in the process of making a cool dbz map that will dominate. :)
Level 9
May 17, 2008
u kno its a great model but the only thing wrong with it is its grunt stand animation, i mean he scratches his butt and then uses the same hand to wipe his face =0
Level 1
Oct 17, 2013
yo cree un modelo a partir de este no lo ise paresido a un modelo de dbz mas bien ise un abatar para jugar un modo rpg