Hello,i tryed to add manacost for each shot on the barrage spell,but it doesn't work,is there any way to fix it/add manacost for each hit made with barrage spell?
ok thanks shadow, i would give u rep but it says i must spread some reputation before bla bla bla..
If you work with damage detection system, -Kobas- thing will happen. If you use "a unit is attacked" it can also happen,
Honestly, I don't know why I said that. It meant something then, now I can't figure it out.
How to check available mana before attacking to adjust available shoots accordingly?
But what, a constant loop that checks the amount of units available to be attacked with barrage, check the mana availble for the attack, and remove the ability if it doesn't meet the requirement?
It should consume x amount of mana per target. If you have 10 targets, and enough mana just for 2 shots, it should shoot 2 targets, but not remove barrage completely, and whithout having to use a loop to constantly check...
Uhum... but then, he would have to constantly check the number of targets around and constantly check if the mana is enough for all of them, and if it isnt, then set Barrage level accordingly... I like the Projectile system over this