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Ban Revokation

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Level 5
Jun 21, 2011
Not entirely sure on where to post this. But either way, I'd like to have my ban revoked on the bots.

The replay is really short, approx. 5 minutes to read through the whole bit.

Not sure who is owner/admins on the bot, but either way, I'll rest my case if other people feel this is justified.
I do admit I resorted to some poor language, and that bit in the beginning could of course have been avoided.

But despite all that, I really don't feel a ban is called for in that context.
Whether Kamina did anything wrong or not, really isn't what I want pulled out from this.
Although I do think he could try to be a tiny little bit friendlier, but I suppose its up to me as to whether I'll play in his specific games or not.

Sorry about this whole post, it really makes me feel like a whiny little B****.
But I'd really like to get back to playing on the bots.

Thanks for taking your time out!


  • Kamina.w3g
    76.3 KB · Views: 60
Level 8
Oct 2, 2011
You were an absolute pain from the start. While it's annoying to have a troll in a game, its downright disgusting to have a bad troll in a game - hence my overly harsh responses. Regardless, I wouldn't think of banning anyone for that, maybe just a votekick (considering that game continued over 2 hours with 5 players and no issues whatsoever).

You mentioned having a lvl50 assassin which you cheated, thats why I banned you.

I have no control over the hostbot myself, so discussing this in the forums won't achieve anything.
He probably does not know who is (or can't get into contact with) the bot owner. I think it's good to discuss these things on the official forum, I'm all for transparency. What if I was banning people left and right for no good reason? This would be the best place to protest. As long as everything is well-mannered ofcourse.


  • WC3ScrnShot_090415_145607_01.jpg
    139.1 KB · Views: 121
Level 5
Jun 21, 2011
Not sure who is owner/admins on the bot, but either way, I'll rest my case if other people feel this is justified.

Glad this got such quick attention. Sorry about clogging the forums, and right now I'm really quite embarrassed about making this a public matter either way.

You mentioned having a lvl50 assassin which you cheated, thats why I banned you.

Anyway. I have never cheated on Gaias. The closest I've come to that would be KLoader, which is just a habit from playing another game.

Now to the embarrassing part, for which I sincerely apologize. The cheating segment was actually referring to YOU. Or, as it appears, somebody entirely else. This was long time ago when D3 recently came out, and my memory fogged up the name, all I could remember was that it was a Japanese-oriented name.

You were an absolute pain from the start. While it's annoying to have a troll in a game, its downright disgusting to have a bad troll in a game
I actually didn't have the extension package properly installed. So the intro didn't roll in AFTER picking class either, which had me thinking something was bugged. (FIXED)

Thanks for the attention on the matter, and hopefully the misunderstanding is cleared up and I can proceed to play on the bots. If not and you feel its better we talk about this over PM/TS/Vent/Skype, literally anything please do inform me of that. Either way, thanks for your time.
Level 8
Oct 2, 2011
Now to the embarrassing part, for which I sincerely apologize. The cheating segment was actually referring to YOU. Or, as it appears, somebody entirely else. This was long time ago when D3 recently came out, and my memory fogged up the name, all I could remember was that it was a Japanese-oriented name.

Upon re-reading your ingame texts, I see how it could refer to me having the cheated toon and not yourself, if you got the name wrong. Ban lifted.
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