Hi Manmordor here. Im just going to tell you guys a little about my map im making its called Azeroth Wars New Legends and will play 100years after Wc3:TFT. Here's a quick review about it.
Current Stage: In progress
Staff leader-Manmordor
Terrainers-Dark Soul,Tyarel
Objektive: Destroy your enemis (like in all AW maps ;P)
Gameplay: The Map is going to be a Build and conquer map with a little rpg element in it ^^. You get to choose from two locations where you start with your Faction and you will start with a special unit which can choose from two hero paths.
Income is gained by controlling Control points that generate income every x seconds
There will be lots of Events Ingame(i will try to make a random event generator so that every game the events start at a different time and are never in the same order
Like the Titel says there are going to be New legends in Azeroth whom you shall command and decide their destiny
also some heroes will have two ways of being a legend so theirs more changes to gameplay then following one destined route. ;P.
1.The Lightbringers
A Organization that was founded in memory of Uther Lightbringer. Their main goal is the destruction of the Scourge and rebuilding Lordaeron to its former glory.
Path Hero:Joseph Starts as a Peasant. Can go the path of Crusader or Prophet. Crusader path Captain/Crusader. Prophet path Priest/Prophet
arrek Lightbringer,Leon the Grandmaster,Joseph
Demi Heroes: Leon II
Units: Footmen/Crusader, Priest/Bishopf, Archer/Crossbowman, Knight/Heavy Knight, Paladin (Elite)
Capital buildings: Lightbringer HQ, Rebuilt city of Stormwind
Military buildings: Halls of light, Temple of light
Civil buildings: Farm(food), Hospital(healing)
Defence buildings: Archer Tower,Outpost,Wall
2.Choice Remenants of the Stormwind faction
Survivors of the old Stormwind faction which was destroyed in the 4th war.
Heroes: Darren(The new King),Mathäus(Leader of the Assasins),Joseph
Demi Heroes: Kevin, David
Units:Footmen/Defender, Archer, Priest, Mage, Assasin(elite), Elite Defender(elite)
Capital buildings: Rebuilt city of Stormwind, Assasin Burea(HQ)
Military buildings: Stormwind Barracks,Arcane Libary
Civil buildings: Farm(food), Hospital(healing)
Defence buildings: Archer Tower,Outpost,Wall
2.The Scourge
Even a 100years later Arthas still commands the scourge at his will he has now already taken almost all of Northern Eastern Kingdoms under his control. Arthas now faces against the south where The Lightbringer and The Dwarves make their stand against the Scourge.Path Hero Nazrel. Starts as Acolyte can go the path Lich or Deathknight. Lich: Necromancer/Lich
Death knight:Unholy Paladin/Death knight.
Heroes:Arthas (lich king),Alson Lightbringer (fallen paladin),Nazrel
Demi Heroes: Dr.Itsekk
Units: Ghouls/Abonimation, Necromancer, Nerubian, Frost Wyrm, Lich(elite), Death Knight(elite)
Capital buildings: Ice Crown, Ruins of Lordaeron City
Military buildings:Crypt, Unholy Temple, Frozen Graveyard
Civil buildings: Ziggurat(Food+defence tower), Death tent(healing)
Defence buildings: Ruined Outpost, Ruined wall
Surviving the battle against the Scourge for such long time has giving the Dwarves quite the ego they now see themselves as a race that is stronger than the rest. They only respect the Lightbringers for their help against the Scourge.
Path Hero:Chris Gransbeard Starts as Dwarven peasent. Can go to The Path Dwarf king or Rifle Commander Dwarf king: Crusher/Dwarf King. Rifle Commander:Rifleman/Rifle Commander
Starting Places: 1.Ironforge 2.Howling Fjord
Since the Alliance with the Orcs split Theramore has been under siege. The people now seek a way to drive back the Orcs and further expand their Empire.
Elain Proudmoore Starts as Female Villager. Can go to the Path of Archmage or Ranger Captain. Archmage Mage/Archmage. Ranger Captain: Ranger/Ranger Captain
Heroes:Ronald Proudmoore,Elain Proudmoore,(need a idea for last hero)
Starting Places: 1. Theramore 2.(Special) Start as ?????
5.The Horde
The Horde consisting of the three races (Orc,Troll,Tauren) Have their problems with the small Empire Theramore having tried to capture it they couldn't defend against the wave of Humans who drove them from Orgrimmar destroying it and killing the Warchief with almost all of his elites. Seeing that the Humans who call themselves The Guild build a City on the ruins of Orgrimmar are calling for their blood and will not stop at anything to kill The Guild.
Path Hero: Grashno'rok: Starts as Peon Can go to the path Warchief two different ways 1.way Grunt/Bladmaster/Warchief (Blademaster style) 2.way Shaman/Far seer/Warchief(Shaman Style)
ura'thor,Grashno'rok,Thruk Bloodfist
Starting Places: 1.Barrens 2.(Special) Start as Fel Horde
6.The Guild (Westfall)
A group which was started by three brothers. Over the years the brothers have gotten allies to help them survive in the warzone.
Ajal Mile (Headmaster)
Ecad Mile (Grand Admiral)
Leroy Mile (Youngest of the brothers and is the path hero)
Bandit/Mercenary, Brigand/Pirate, Mage/Wizard, Bandit rider/Bandit lord, Admiral (Elite)
Capital Buildings: Westfall HQ, Shipyard Nelson
Military Buildings: Bandit Camp, Dock
Civil Buildings: Farm,Tent,Equipment Tent
Defence Buildings: Tower,Outpost,Wall
2.Choice The Guild (Durotar)
A Empire of Mercanaries who formed in the Westfall and set sail from their to Orgrimmar to destroy it. After they were succesfull they built the City Antigon on it seeing the city as a Monument of their Victory over the orcs.
The Guild only seeks power and wealth.
Ecad Mile (Grand Admiral)
Isic Tediz (Slave master)
Bandit/Rogue, Slave Grunt, Slave Troll, Mage/Wizard, Slave Blademaster (elite), Slavemaster (elite)
Capital buildings: Antigon, Vafo Landing Site
Military buildings: Slave pen, Bandit Camp
Civil buildings: Farm,Tent,Equipment Tent
Defence buildings: Tower,Wall, Outpost
7.Night Elves
After 100years the Night elves are almost extinct. They are hunted by a fanatic group calling themselves Night hunters. The Night Elves having lost Tyrande to the Night hunters now follow Fangrad Staghelm in their fight for survival.
Heroes:Fangrad Staghelm,Shandris Feathermoon,(path hero)
Have only one starting place
8.Night hunters
A fanatic group of Satyrs who see the Night elves as a curse and think they must root them out. Night hunters only objective is the "cleansing" of Kalimdor by killing the night elves and anyone who dare ally them.
9.Demon Legion
Sargeras returned from the void and took over the mind of chief murloc on the broken islands. He then slowly made all the murlocs into his minions powering them with his demonic energies and taking over the broken islands. When he has taken the broken islands for himself he will start his revenge invasion against the races of azeroth.
Hero: Sargeras,Murloc Chieftan(So unimportant he doesn't get a name xD) and last but not least they also get a path hero
Tell me your ideas for improvement and if their good you'll get some credit (also searching for testers pm me if you want to help test and find bugs)
Email:[email protected]
Current Stage: In progress
Staff leader-Manmordor
Terrainers-Dark Soul,Tyarel
Objektive: Destroy your enemis (like in all AW maps ;P)
Gameplay: The Map is going to be a Build and conquer map with a little rpg element in it ^^. You get to choose from two locations where you start with your Faction and you will start with a special unit which can choose from two hero paths.
Income is gained by controlling Control points that generate income every x seconds
There will be lots of Events Ingame(i will try to make a random event generator so that every game the events start at a different time and are never in the same order
Like the Titel says there are going to be New legends in Azeroth whom you shall command and decide their destiny
also some heroes will have two ways of being a legend so theirs more changes to gameplay then following one destined route. ;P.
1.The Lightbringers
A Organization that was founded in memory of Uther Lightbringer. Their main goal is the destruction of the Scourge and rebuilding Lordaeron to its former glory.
Path Hero:Joseph Starts as a Peasant. Can go the path of Crusader or Prophet. Crusader path Captain/Crusader. Prophet path Priest/Prophet
Demi Heroes: Leon II
Units: Footmen/Crusader, Priest/Bishopf, Archer/Crossbowman, Knight/Heavy Knight, Paladin (Elite)
Capital buildings: Lightbringer HQ, Rebuilt city of Stormwind
Military buildings: Halls of light, Temple of light
Civil buildings: Farm(food), Hospital(healing)
Defence buildings: Archer Tower,Outpost,Wall
2.Choice Remenants of the Stormwind faction
Survivors of the old Stormwind faction which was destroyed in the 4th war.
Heroes: Darren(The new King),Mathäus(Leader of the Assasins),Joseph
Demi Heroes: Kevin, David
Units:Footmen/Defender, Archer, Priest, Mage, Assasin(elite), Elite Defender(elite)
Capital buildings: Rebuilt city of Stormwind, Assasin Burea(HQ)
Military buildings: Stormwind Barracks,Arcane Libary
Civil buildings: Farm(food), Hospital(healing)
Defence buildings: Archer Tower,Outpost,Wall
2.The Scourge
Even a 100years later Arthas still commands the scourge at his will he has now already taken almost all of Northern Eastern Kingdoms under his control. Arthas now faces against the south where The Lightbringer and The Dwarves make their stand against the Scourge.Path Hero Nazrel. Starts as Acolyte can go the path Lich or Deathknight. Lich: Necromancer/Lich
Death knight:Unholy Paladin/Death knight.
Heroes:Arthas (lich king),Alson Lightbringer (fallen paladin),Nazrel
Demi Heroes: Dr.Itsekk
Units: Ghouls/Abonimation, Necromancer, Nerubian, Frost Wyrm, Lich(elite), Death Knight(elite)
Capital buildings: Ice Crown, Ruins of Lordaeron City
Military buildings:Crypt, Unholy Temple, Frozen Graveyard
Civil buildings: Ziggurat(Food+defence tower), Death tent(healing)
Defence buildings: Ruined Outpost, Ruined wall
Surviving the battle against the Scourge for such long time has giving the Dwarves quite the ego they now see themselves as a race that is stronger than the rest. They only respect the Lightbringers for their help against the Scourge.
Path Hero:Chris Gransbeard Starts as Dwarven peasent. Can go to The Path Dwarf king or Rifle Commander Dwarf king: Crusher/Dwarf King. Rifle Commander:Rifleman/Rifle Commander
Starting Places: 1.Ironforge 2.Howling Fjord
Since the Alliance with the Orcs split Theramore has been under siege. The people now seek a way to drive back the Orcs and further expand their Empire.
Elain Proudmoore Starts as Female Villager. Can go to the Path of Archmage or Ranger Captain. Archmage Mage/Archmage. Ranger Captain: Ranger/Ranger Captain
Heroes:Ronald Proudmoore,Elain Proudmoore,(need a idea for last hero)
Starting Places: 1. Theramore 2.(Special) Start as ?????
5.The Horde
The Horde consisting of the three races (Orc,Troll,Tauren) Have their problems with the small Empire Theramore having tried to capture it they couldn't defend against the wave of Humans who drove them from Orgrimmar destroying it and killing the Warchief with almost all of his elites. Seeing that the Humans who call themselves The Guild build a City on the ruins of Orgrimmar are calling for their blood and will not stop at anything to kill The Guild.
Path Hero: Grashno'rok: Starts as Peon Can go to the path Warchief two different ways 1.way Grunt/Bladmaster/Warchief (Blademaster style) 2.way Shaman/Far seer/Warchief(Shaman Style)
Starting Places: 1.Barrens 2.(Special) Start as Fel Horde
6.The Guild (Westfall)
A group which was started by three brothers. Over the years the brothers have gotten allies to help them survive in the warzone.
Ajal Mile (Headmaster)
Ecad Mile (Grand Admiral)
Leroy Mile (Youngest of the brothers and is the path hero)
Bandit/Mercenary, Brigand/Pirate, Mage/Wizard, Bandit rider/Bandit lord, Admiral (Elite)
Capital Buildings: Westfall HQ, Shipyard Nelson
Military Buildings: Bandit Camp, Dock
Civil Buildings: Farm,Tent,Equipment Tent
Defence Buildings: Tower,Outpost,Wall
2.Choice The Guild (Durotar)
A Empire of Mercanaries who formed in the Westfall and set sail from their to Orgrimmar to destroy it. After they were succesfull they built the City Antigon on it seeing the city as a Monument of their Victory over the orcs.
The Guild only seeks power and wealth.
Ecad Mile (Grand Admiral)
Isic Tediz (Slave master)
Bandit/Rogue, Slave Grunt, Slave Troll, Mage/Wizard, Slave Blademaster (elite), Slavemaster (elite)
Capital buildings: Antigon, Vafo Landing Site
Military buildings: Slave pen, Bandit Camp
Civil buildings: Farm,Tent,Equipment Tent
Defence buildings: Tower,Wall, Outpost
7.Night Elves
After 100years the Night elves are almost extinct. They are hunted by a fanatic group calling themselves Night hunters. The Night Elves having lost Tyrande to the Night hunters now follow Fangrad Staghelm in their fight for survival.
Heroes:Fangrad Staghelm,Shandris Feathermoon,(path hero)
Have only one starting place
8.Night hunters
A fanatic group of Satyrs who see the Night elves as a curse and think they must root them out. Night hunters only objective is the "cleansing" of Kalimdor by killing the night elves and anyone who dare ally them.
9.Demon Legion
Sargeras returned from the void and took over the mind of chief murloc on the broken islands. He then slowly made all the murlocs into his minions powering them with his demonic energies and taking over the broken islands. When he has taken the broken islands for himself he will start his revenge invasion against the races of azeroth.
Hero: Sargeras,Murloc Chieftan(So unimportant he doesn't get a name xD) and last but not least they also get a path hero
Tell me your ideas for improvement and if their good you'll get some credit (also searching for testers pm me if you want to help test and find bugs)
Email:[email protected]
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