Ayperia in Danger PROMO

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Arad MNK Presents

Ayperia in Danger: Trailer
Created by Arad MNK

Map Info:
A Cinematic for my upcoming Campaign Series:
Ayperia in Danger: Hukal returns


  • 2 Minutes Cinematic
  • A Unique Fight
  • Slow Motions


2086 Years ago, When There were only four Empires, A man rose up in order to Rule the whole of earth.
He had Immense Magical powers, And none stood In his way. The Called Him, God Of Chaos.
However, One of The Places who God of Chaos Wanted To Conquer, The Mage Tower,Called for reinforcements From ''Five jungle'' and ''Wayzagothre''.
Five jungle, lead by Familore, Reinforced The Tower; But there was no sign Of Wayzagothre.
Army of chaos reached to the Gate of The mage tower And from then, Our cinematic Begins...


Coming soon...

Change Log:

Map Released


Kuhneghetz---> Archmage on Foot Model
Hueter---> Paladin skin
HappyTauren---> Archer Model
Ampharos_222---> Ghoulie Skin
CloudWolf---> Knight and footman skins
Myfreecc.com ---> Legends of Azeroth Song


Ayperia in Danger PROMO (Map)

23:51, 7th Feb 2015 Orcnet: All the user's review posted below


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
I watched it.

1. way to short to be uploaded here.
2. the terrain is way too simple to give a good feeling while watching a cinematic.
3. the fight scene didn't really feel epic. I am not someone who enjoys fight scenes a whole lot, but since your cinematic focus on it..

overall this is a cinematic that I'd place in the 2/5 or 3/5 category if it was longer and had a proper ending. So yeah. I vote for rejection.

On the positive side, I like the chaos god. In fact I am his creation.
Last edited:
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
The cinematic is very cheap. Here's why:

- Terrain is too poor and not pleasant at all. The city, to be precise, is the one that needs more work while the battlefield would need more vegetation like bushes, shrubs but also things like remains scorched and skull piles

- First mistake I noticed is that the people "magically" appeared in front of the gate and when they approached the portal, they also "magically" disappeared BEFORE entering it. Such supernatural events should be avoided

- The fight scene was the main focus of this cinematic and it was really deluding. I saw the carrion swarm "rotating" before even moving and that ruins the epicness of the fight. Then, I thought the lich (or God of Chaos, whatever) died when Familore attacked but he just teleported. I expected a "visible" effect of teleport instead of a faint effect of carrion swarm damage and the lich playing the death animation. Final thing, the lich used a spell to kill Familore but how lame!! He just stood for some time with an effect below him followed by a war stomp and then he vanished... no death animation? To be concise, the fight was very boring, short and full of mistakes

- The cinematic is far too short and not worth at all the filesize. People would never download this map if they knew it's about 2 minutes long for a lame fight for this filesize. The cinematic even ends up with a mistake. "Only time will tell..." Nope, it's "Only time will tell us...". When you use the verb "tell", there must be someone to whom you refer this verb e.g "Tell me", "I told him"

In conclusion, I'd give this cinematic 1/5 and vote for REJECTION!