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[Spell] Auras spell

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Level 9
Dec 12, 2021
actually what I need is a trigger that makes an ability turn into an aura, well to be more exact I need an aura that gives nearby units a chance to evade attacks.
Likewise, I'm sure the trigger could be used to make allied units take a % negative spell reduction. I'm not good at making triggers, so if you could show me how to do it, I'd really appreciate it.
another thing is that both benefits do not go together, one thing is evasion aura, and the other is magic resistance aura.


Warcraft Moderator
Level 67
Aug 10, 2018
There is no way to do it without triggers, which I show how to do in that thread. Download the map and mess around with it.

It's an Aura that provides Attack Speed to Ranged units, but it can provide ANY ability you want to any units you want. You simply change the added Ability and adjust the Conditions to your liking.

For example:
  • (Celerity_Target is A melee attacker) Equal to False
^ Delete that Condition and the Aura now works on both Melee/Ranged units.

The ability that is added can be changed to evasion, spell reduction, damage reduction (I don't think such an ability exists), etc:
  • Unit - Add Celerity Aura (Attack Speed) to Celerity_Target
  • Unit - Add Evasion (Aura) to Celerity_Target

To hide an ability, set it's Art - Button Positions to x: 0, y: -11. This will hide the ability icon from the unit's command card.
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Level 9
Dec 12, 2021
I've been trying to make the trigger but I can't find the option I put in the picture, after all I think it's too big a trigger for such a simple aura that just adds X ability to friendly units in X range distance.
The options I can't find are:

Unit - For Celerity_Target, Ability Celerity Aura (Attack Speed), Disable ability: True, Hide UI: False
Unit - For Celerity_Target, Ability Celerity Aura (Attack Speed), Disable ability: False, Hide UI: False

Important fact: the version that you use is higher than mine, so I can not open the files that you send me or the file that you sent in the original publication of the detonator "Celerity"


  • Detonador de Auras.w3x
    18.6 KB · Views: 25
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Warcraft Moderator
Level 67
Aug 10, 2018
Auras aren't simple though. They don't just add X ability to units in X range, they take into consideration many different factors like aura priority and aura level as well as tracking the affected units so that it knows when they're out of range. That being said, you can simplify it at the cost of losing some Aura features.

Also, you don't NEED to disable those abilities, that just helps update their values immediately. It'll still function without those 2 actions.

Side question, does detonator mean trigger or ability?
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Level 9
Dec 12, 2021
Ok I think I understand why it requires so many triggers and so much configuration that it already drove me crazy, after all I'm going to need your help, I would like you to review the file I sent earlier and tell me if something is missing, and where I should put the skills which I wish to be granted to my allied units as an aura.
To answer your question "UN DETONADOR" means trigger in Spanish
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