Aura (units that leave range should immediately lose the buff)

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Level 7
Sep 22, 2008
how to set aura buff (ex: devotion aura or endurance aura) immedietly goes off when affected buff unit is already out of range of aura source ?

usually unit who get buffed from aura will still under effect for couple second altough it already out of range from aura source...

can it solve without use trigger ?
You can remove buffs via triggers - actions found in Unit section:

Unit - Remove Buffs
Unit - Remove Buffs By Type
Unit - Remove Specific Buff

I would recommend third one, and from filter choose the aura buff.

Remember though that auras (buffs) by default have ~2 second delay before actually appearing on unit's status bar, and the same situation occurs when aura goes off, delay still applies.
Level 7
Sep 22, 2008
can you give Gui trigger example for detection

"i use multiple same dummy unit which has Aura skill to create a Path"
(O = dummy unit) : OOOOOOOOOO

(my idea is like this but i still can't build that GUI trigger)
every x second ...
check dummy unit around hero in xxx range
if true then do nothing...
else remove buff from hero..

change duration field to 0 on spell section doesn't work..
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