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[General] Attach Glitchy

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Level 4
Nov 17, 2015
I attach a helmet to my unit, (villager male 2).
The helmet disappears when it attacks.
This is attached through a sphere ability, on an item with the ability.
Please help me to solve this.

Thank you in advance for all your time and effort! :goblin_good_job:
Level 3
Jul 15, 2013
AFAIK sphere ability is not very trusty as its attachment will lost when unit attacks or casts spells. I'd recommend use 'Tornado Slow Aura' or 'Life Renegeration Aura' instead, just change to item ability, set zero to all field and change the Art - Target field to whatever u like to attach.:ogre_hurrhurr:
Level 12
May 22, 2015
You could even just attach this via special effect in triggers.

The problem, as was mentioned, is the sphere ability. If you watch the bloodmage, you will see that he shoots the spheres with his attack and with his spells. It looks pretty cool for that one specific application, but it breaks when used for others.

Setting the cooldown and stuff is good way to fix it quickly, however, I have had some silly problems with doing that - such as special effects that make sounds upon being created. It would play the sound every time the unit attacked or cast a spell. Definitely not ideal.
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