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[Ask] - About Ping

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Level 1
Sep 22, 2011
Ok, I want to ask a few question about minimap Ping, Any answer is apreciated :thumbs_up:

1. Using ALT+G we can Ping the minimap, is it possible to detect the action through Triggers ?

2. In Relate to question 1, is it possible to use other Animation in ALT+G Ping action (Using Simple Ping instead of Warning for Instance)

3. When Allied or Our unit/Hero/Building is Under attack. There should be Notification "Our town is under siege" or Something Similiar. Is that Notification can be turn Off. (Just the notification, Deleting Ping model is not the answer I searching for :grin: )

Thats All for now, Thx in advance :thumbs_up:
Refrain yourself from using pseudo-prefixes on your titles, it's obvious that you'll be asking something :p

"Our town is under siege", you could replace that sound file with a sound that does nothing. For every race, find this warning in the Sound Editor and right click "Replace internal Sound". Then, use your custom sound. Here is a custom sound that does nothing: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/pastebin.php?id=g6xo7e. You could lower the file size even more, I made it last for 1 second, but you can make it in Audacity yourself, just use "Silence" for e.g. 0.1 seconds instead and maybe some other program to compress the quality (it will result a file of around 2-3Kb.

I can't find a way to detect ping of minimap, but as for your other question, so, you probably can't "replace" the the warning ping with the simple one.
Level 1
Sep 22, 2011
Thx Pharaoh

Then in "Our town is under siege" Case. The Ping still apear. Can it be removed to ?

or Is there a way to make the "Our town is under siege" attack notification never appear in the first place. I have ticked Alarm generation, and Gameplay constant with no result

and Is Trigger Ping minimap Leak ?
You could either pick every structure in the map initialization that belongs to (Picked player) [after picking every player in All players) and Unit - Turn alarm generation off and also use a trigger that checks when a unit enters the Playable Map area, if the triggering unit is a structure equal to true (Boolean comparison), then Unit - Turn alarm generation for Triggering unit off.
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