Allright, I updated the map!!! Play it again and tell me if theres anything I missed, please.
And you peoples should look at the melee maps that are used on Bandits with trolls, ogers with trolls....There are some mixes even if they arent as random and stupid as mine were.....And on some of them the tiles arent very randoming either. But I agree most maps are like that.
You're right, but what I meant was, don't mix too much, and mix the right species.
Ogres go together with forest trolls (the main reason is that they even lived together in wc2). A golem can basically be put in about any creepcamp because golems are beings that are subordinated to their creator, which can be about anyone...
Dark trolls would be better together with satyrs, because they're both sinister creatures. A dark troll and an ogre is ok, but it's not as good as a forest troll and an ogre.
A murloc is a watercreature. They should be placed near water. And in my experience, murlocs and spiders don't belong together... That's why some mixed camps are ok, some others aren't...
My personal golden rule is: Small creepcamps should always be made of 1 race. Larger camps can - but don't have to - be made of 2 races, but 2 at most. And those 2 races should have something in common.
I've viewed the newer version, and I have to say: much better. I'd enjoy playing this one.
There are still 2 minor points (I didn't mention last post):
1) The borders: Try to make the borders of the playable map area unaccessible for units (e.g. top left of map). I mean: the border of the map should be covered with either trees, cliffs/rocks or water. Water wouldn't be a great idea since your map is no island, and it already has 2 rivers. Trees would be ok, but there's already plenty of them, so I'd go for cliffs. Place some cliffs on the black border and maybe a small part of it on the playable map area.
2) the cliffs: e.g. the grass cliff at the goblin merchant. Try to make the cliff tile (grass in this case) blend with the surrounding tiles. right now you suddenly go from grass to dirt. Rough dirt or Grassy dirt would be ok at some small spots to make the transition look more naturally.
Like I said, these are only minor issues, ones I wouldn't even notice in the heat of a battle