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Arvil's Compilation of Questions^^

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Level 1
Jul 10, 2006
Hi!, I'm new here.

I am making(modifying) a Tower Defense map, since I am a noob, I have a lot of questions so for me to avoid thread spamming all of my questions will go here
And thanks btw for the replies^^

My first set of question is:

I A. How can make a tower which is not attacking but only using skill
(e.g.) my ice tower would be a tower which only use frost nova to creeps moving

B. How can I make a new aura skill
(e.g.) i'd like to have a tower with cursing effects such as an aura decreasing enemy's armor under that effect.

C. How can I make an upgrade status which will trigger to upgrade all towers even allied towers
(e.g.) Research Fire Arrow (increases Arrow Tower's damage by 10) which will affect not only my tower but my allied tower also

Those are my first set of question

Reply and advice are greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance^^
More power in OUR forum
Level 6
Feb 2, 2005
A: works also with no dummy unit, just Triggers.

C: Would also work with Triggered Upgrades.

Just a matter of effort to do those Stuff

For A
  • Events
    • A Unit is attacked
  • Conditions
    • Attacking Unit is equal to YourTower
  • Actions
    • Order Attacking Unit to Cast Spell on attacked Unit
For C
  • Events
    • A Unit completes the research of an Upgrade
  • Conditions
    • Completed Upgrade Equal to FireArrow
  • Actions
    • Players - Pick every Player
      • Set Techlevel for FireArrow to ((Current Level)+1)
Those are more guessed Trigger, no WE her atm. I'll post the correct ones later on. Or if someone wants to look em up, go ahead :)

And Welcome to THW
Level 1
Jul 10, 2006
@just Spectating

Wow that was fast, and I'm so thankful

B. We had same answer at B but everytime I change it to negative integer it only choose 0.00 instead of -3.00 which I'd type

And thank you very much


Wow very fast


At B.

thanks now I understand that almost everything can be work with triggers^^
Level 1
Jul 10, 2006
I can't understand how you make a trigger for a tower,
A. Do I need to have a trigger for each tower that auto cast?
B. And how can I specify those tower that will autocast?

And at last, can you post the root folder of your triggers?
I am really such a noob
Level 1
Jul 10, 2006
A: Basically, frost nova is a damage and a slow. You could simply fake this by giving your frost tower a normal attack (with damage) and the passive FROST attack of the undeath Frost ziggurat and Necropolis.

But I am not only focusing on the ICE tower

I am also thinking of a Nuclear Tower which attacks normally and autocast a NUCLEAR BOMB ^^

But thanks anyway
Level 6
Feb 2, 2005
root folder???

A. ye you will have to create a Trigger for every Tower with a fake autocast ability

B. you can seperate them with the Condition Attacking Unit is equal to MyOwnageTower

On the Other hand, you should maybe read some basic tutorial on how to create Triggers. I'll later update my Post with the "real" Trigger, i can also attach an Example Map if you want to have one.
Level 1
Jul 10, 2006

yes! please

Weee, I am so excited, coz I am very poor manual learner and only hoping from patterns

Thank you very much Mr.
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
Hi!, I'm new here.

I am making(modifying) a Tower Defense map, since I am a noob, I have a lot of questions so for me to avoid thread spamming all of my questions will go here
And thanks btw for the replies^^

My first set of question is:

I A. How can make a tower which is not attacking but only using skill
(e.g.) my ice tower would be a tower which only use frost nova to creeps moving

B. How can I make a new aura skill
(e.g.) i'd like to have a tower with cursing effects such as an aura decreasing enemy's armor under that effect.

C. How can I make an upgrade status which will trigger to upgrade all towers even allied towers
(e.g.) Research Fire Arrow (increases Arrow Tower's damage by 10) which will affect not only my tower but my allied tower also

Those are my first set of question

Reply and advice are greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance^^
More power in OUR forum

A. You DON'T need separate triggers, use this:

  • Events
    • Unit - A unit Is attacked
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Frost Tower
    • Actions
      • Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Undead Lich - Frost Nova (Attacking unit)
B. Base the ability off of devotion aura. Change the field Level 1- Data - Armour Bonus to a negative value. Change Level - 1 Stats- Targets Allowed. to Air, Enemy, Ground, Invulnerable, Vulnerable. Change the field Stats - Hero ability to False. Give the ability to a unit.

C. Use this:
  • Events
    • Unit - A unit Finishes research
    • Conditions
      • (Researched tech-type) Equal to Your Upgrade
    • Actions
      • Custom script: Custom Script: bj_wantDestroyGroup = true
      • Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area) matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Guard Tower) and (((Matching unit) belongs to an ally of (Owner of (Triggering unit))) Equal to True))) and do (Unit - Order (Picked unit) to research Your Upgrade)
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
then you set it to 1. 1 damage won't ruin the game

Alternatively, you could do something like this:
  • Events
    • Unit - a unit is issued an order
  • Conditions
    • Issued order = attack
  • Actions
    • Unit - order triggering unit to Lich King - Frost Nova (attacked unit)
Although I'm not sure, I think whenever you order the tower to attack (auto-attack included IIRC), the tower will stop attacking and cast frost nova
Level 9
Jun 26, 2007
unit 1 damage + creep armor => 0 extra damage
unit 1 damage + negative passive skill => 0 extra damage
unit 1 damage + frost nova damage -1 => 0 extra damage

unit 1 damage +
  • Events
    • Unit - a unit is issued an order
  • Conditions
    • Issued order = attack
  • Actions
    • Unit - order triggering unit to Lich King - Frost Nova (attacked unit)
    • Unit - Set life of attacked unit ++
you need more imagination busterkomo
Level 5
Jul 12, 2007
sry to interrupt you guys, but i rerad the thread and i just can't find the option where i can allow negative values. If i put a negative value to my aura then it goes to 0. Please help me! Where can i set this right??
Level 5
Jul 12, 2007
um, ok i found out how to use negative values with the shift key, but please tell me where i can change the option. i looked at the gampley constants but i just didn't find it.
Level 1
Jul 10, 2006
Hi! My next question is how can I make a tower with skill(autocast)
that will launch a split shot attack(just like Gorgon in DotA but damage don't change) to attack multiple enemies, plz be notified that it is skill,

e.g. a tower that a Multiple Shot Ability that damage all(counted) enemies with one constant damage(not changing, radius), The damage varies with the tower's attack damage^^

Thanks for all of your help

And also thanks in advance

I promise to give big acknowledgment to Hive Workshop
And anyone who help me^^

ANd I promise that all of you would be the first players of this map^^
But it is teamwork map so I wish we can play in GG client, I don't have battle net
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