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Arthas Campaign - Humans

Arthas Campaign - Humans
Created by [The]Blood_Head - Sagi5533

Map Info:

I thought to myself, Why not to try something different? Why not to give Arthas Menethill other choice instead of turning to cold hearten Death Knight? this is about alternative timeline where Arthas is exposed to what might happen should he purge Stratholme, And by doing so changing the entire Warcraft III lore. I hope you would like it, Comments will be appreciated. And yes, Grammar Nazis will probably kill me.


- Story stays true to belive despite major lore changes.
- For each chapter there's special Difficulty system.

Campaigns Progress:

Arthas Campaign - Humans
Arthas Campaign - Undead
Arthas Campaign - Orc
Arthas Campaign - Curse of the Worgen
Arthas Campaign - ????
Arthas Campaign - ????
Arthas Campaign - ????
Arthas Campaign - ????

Characters and Screen Shots:

Prince Arthas Menethil:
Prince Arthas is son of Terenas and Lianne Menethil, And Brother of Calia. Heir to the throne of Lordaeron and one of the most powerful paladins on Azeroth. Since in this time line Arthas will not claim Frostmourne, There's no telling how much that will affect the warcraft III History..


Terenas Menethil:
Terenas Menethil II was born in the court of the kingdom of Lordaeron, one of the strongest human nations, as a member of the royal Menethil family, which had ruled the kingdom for generations. An old friend of Thoras Trollbane, Terenas grew up to become a wise and just ruler, greatly loved by his people. His long years of reign saw peace and brought prosperity for Lordaeron. However, now his future might change..


Lady Jaina Proudmoore:
Jaina was one of the most talented and trusted sorceresses of the Kirin Tor. She was dispatched by Antonidas to discover what was happening in the northlands of Lordaeron. She was escorted by her childhood friend and one-time romantic interest, Prince Arthas Menethil, to uncover if the plague had magical origins. In this time line she will have major affects on Azeroth's fate..


Uther The Lightbringer:
Uther The Lightbringer, was the first paladin of the Knights of the Silver Hand who led his Order in battle against the Horde during the Second war. Uther is the Mentor of Arthas and a close friend of Menethil Family. Uther has witnessed the rise of the Undeads and that might not affect him well..


Bloody The Seeker(Custom Character):
Bloody is not a real warcraft lore character, I named him after my eurobattle account However Lore should be told. Bloody was born in Darrowshire, Bloody's family were poor as his father died durning the second war. Bloody has two brothers, however durning the Orc invasion his brother Marywn fell in battle. Bloody swore to protect the innocents and joined the order of the Silver Hand as a Paladin, under the guidence of Uther The Lightbringer. he moved with his other brother and mother to Hillsbrad, however their fate is unkown.


Chapter One: The Vision:


Chapter Two: The Evacuation:


Chapter Three: The Undercity:


Chapter Four: The March to Silvermoon:


Chapter Five: The Landing:


Chapter Six: Into the Woods:


Chapter Seven: Rise of Empires:


Chapter Eight: New Starts:


Chapter Nine: The Siege of Zul'Farrak:


Difficulty Choose for each chapter:


Change Log:

  • Cheats for now are enabled
  • Difficult system on every chapter

Bugs Fixed:
  • King Terenas Icon
  • lag problems caused by Arthas's aura
  • AI on Chapter 2 and chapter 4
  • Lich Timer on Chapter 4 is fixed
  • Some other minor bugs/glitches on chapter 3, 4 and 5
  • Fixed Arthas's Rays of Light key and King Terenas's Bind keys
  • AI on chapter 4 doesn't mass towers anymore

  • 2 New Spells to King Terenas instead of Holy Light and Divine Shield
  • Custom icon for one of King Terenas's abilities
  • Custom spell model for one of King Terenas's abilities
  • Custom Aura for Arthas instead of the old one
  • Limited the number of Meat Wagons on chapter 2 for player 4 to 5.

Bugs Fixed:
  • Chapter 3 at koblads vs bandits part, the players units were turning hostile.
  • Arthas's new spell can be learned at chapter 9.
  • Goblins spawning at chapter 9.
  • Most of the Grammar issues.

  • Millita for the Custom High Elves race at chapter 4.
  • Arthas may learn Wave of Light instead of Holy Light durning chapter 9.
  • Water Element may be upgraded at chapter 9.
  • Custom models attachments at chapter 9 for Arthas's and Jaina's Crowns.
  • Chapter 9 changed, better spawning, Tome of Knowledge reduced to +5, Crowns give more stat, Trolls and Humans are more balanced now.
  • The campaign is no longer editable.

Bugs Fixed:
  • Dialog Speed fixed.
  • AI on chapter 2 improved.
  • Banshees spawns on chapter 6.
  • Some other minor bugs.

  • Added another attacking force (Orange) on chapter 1. (affected by the difficult)
  • More Undead Forces on chapter 2.
  • Pings on mini maps on some chapters to help the player.
  • Terrian Improved on some chapters.
  • on Chapter 9, added reinforcements spawn every 15 minutes to aid the player.


Special Thanks:
  • CY The UnGodly
  • Yuefang
  • Rufus
  • Verb8im
  • blancfaye7

Alexstrazsa - By 67chrome, Sellenisko
Inferno Knight- By Tarrasque
Forest Troll Blademaster - By Zack1996
Mummified Troll - By Red
King - By Tranquil
Thrall on foot - By strongwill
Undead Arthas on foot - By Kuhneghetz
Undead Paladin - Bart_Illidan
DivineBarrier - by JesusHipster
WarStompCaster - by JetFangInferno
BTNHolyWave - by Avex
King's Crown by hell gate, Tranquil
Pearlescence by Shyster

High Elves Models/icons:
Wandering Soul

From WoW Expansions

High Elves - Chapter 4 - CY The UnGodly

Preview map Picture:

Author's notes:

This Campaign has a sequel: Arthas Campaign - Undead. I want to add also 2P Campaign for it, but I guess I'll foucs on it later. If you have any ideas/offers/willing to help in thee campaign leave a comment/private me :)

Arthas, Lordaeron, Azeroth, Jaina, Proudmoore, Bloody, Uther, The, Lightbringer, Kalimdor, Thrall, Cenarius, Menethil, Stratholme, Fall, Destruction,

Arthas Campaign - Humans (Campaign)

[2016-05-16] Rufus ReviewMap ScoreGameplay:21 / 30Aesthetics:11 / 20Total:32 / 50 Rating Chart 45-505/5 Highly Recommended35-444/5 Recommended25-343/5 Useful15-242/5 Lacking0-141/5 Unacceptable Gameplay The gameplay is quite fun! Although the...
Level 1
Oct 23, 2016
Has anyone beaten Mission 5 on Hard? Its impossible for me to kill that bullshit Blademaster with Mask of death.... he has absurdly high dps with crit and the 3 claws +15 and kills my units too fast to actually outdamage the lifesteal.... also mirror image and windwalk are so annyoing... even if its not hard to detect the real one cause of lifesteal... its still 3 hits or something before I can focus again and he got half the life back already....
Level 2
Dec 6, 2016
I haven't played the campaign yet but I'm definitely going to, HOWEVER I want to add 1 design choice there about the elves that I noticed in the screenshots.

Since this game needs Frozen Throne the models for elven units changed as well for example sorceress and priest have BLOOD ELVEN models instead of HIGH ELVEN(I forgot how to find the old models but they definitely exist in the vanilla Frozen Throne). I know this is not that important however it can improve the experience a little since at the time they were still high elves.

I may or may not add something worthwhile here after I played the campaign.
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
IS IT SINGLEPLAYER???????????? please make it COOP.............
I'm planning to make it coop, but that's in the very far future. :)

I haven't played the campaign yet but I'm definitely going to, HOWEVER I want to add 1 design choice there about the elves that I noticed in the screenshots.

Since this game needs Frozen Throne the models for elven units changed as well for example sorceress and priest have BLOOD ELVEN models instead of HIGH ELVEN(I forgot how to find the old models but they definitely exist in the vanilla Frozen Throne). I know this is not that important however it can improve the experience a little since at the time they were still high elves.

I may or may not add something worthwhile here after I played the campaign.

Not sure I understood you well, but you should try out the campaign. ;)
not going to spoiler much but in my opinion there's no need for blood elven models for priest/sorcess. thanks for the advice though, I didn't know that O: I hope you will enjoy playing the campaigns!
Level 2
Dec 6, 2016
Not sure I understood you well, but you should try out the campaign. ;)
not going to spoiler much but in my opinion there's no need for blood elven models for priest/sorcess. thanks for the advice though, I didn't know that O: I hope you will enjoy playing the campaigns!

Ok let me explain again, The default unit models for Priest, Sorceress and Dragonhawk Rider(elven units for humans) is Blood Elf Design in Frozen Throne BUT The old High Elf Models are still in the game I just said that you could change the blood elf models that game has in default human units to High Elven ones since they would fit the story models. Example the priest has black and red robes(Blood Elf) in Frozen Throne while in the original Reign of Chaos they had white ones(High Elf).

Also I played 3-4 maps of the campaign but I've experienced some bugs mainly some cutscenes does NOT play in correct place or never plays at all. For example the Meeting with bandits in undercity. When I reached the middle of the map the meeting cutscene started playing.
Level 2
Dec 6, 2016
For some reason After the 2nd level in Human campaign Arthas Jaina and Uther loses their items.... and I can't figure it out how ?
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Ok let me explain again, The default unit models for Priest, Sorceress and Dragonhawk Rider(elven units for humans) is Blood Elf Design in Frozen Throne BUT The old High Elf Models are still in the game I just said that you could change the blood elf models that game has in default human units to High Elven ones since they would fit the story models. Example the priest has black and red robes(Blood Elf) in Frozen Throne while in the original Reign of Chaos they had white ones(High Elf).

Also I played 3-4 maps of the campaign but I've experienced some bugs mainly some cutscenes does NOT play in correct place or never plays at all. For example the Meeting with bandits in undercity. When I reached the middle of the map the meeting cutscene started playing.
For some reason After the 2nd level in Human campaign Arthas Jaina and Uther loses their items.... and I can't figure it out how ?

Well hm, those sound like serious bugs.. did you use cheats by any chance?
if not I guess I will check it out, maybe the last update bugged them up or something o_O
the undercity cinematic with the bandits should work only before reaching them, not sure how exactly or what you did.. Arthas Jaina and Uther lost their items? I don't think it's possible even if the uploading goes wrong I think I added triggers to give them items just in case, though I never received complains about bugs there.. wierd :eek:
Level 2
Dec 6, 2016
Well hm, those sound like serious bugs.. did you use cheats by any chance?
if not I guess I will check it out, maybe the last update bugged them up or something o_O
the undercity cinematic with the bandits should work only before reaching them, not sure how exactly or what you did.. Arthas Jaina and Uther lost their items? I don't think it's possible even if the uploading goes wrong I think I added triggers to give them items just in case, though I never received complains about bugs there.. wierd :eek:

yea I used iseedeadpeople so I though it somehow interrupted the level so after I finished the level I exit the campaign and tried to replay the undercity and after it but it still deleted their items... But The visual effect on Arthas still remained on all levels.

The cutscenes are more "Normal" in other levels. (it is a low chance but could the 1.27a patch of Frozen Throne affect the levels maybe ?)
Level 1
Sep 8, 2016
So buddy how its going the 3rd campaign? Arthas Campaign - Orcs. Honestly its the first time im asking so much for a specific campaign your lore "new" lore amazed me a lot since i finished the last 2 campaigns. Pretty sure u still on it but if u can dont give up i think you are going on an amazing way. Your work is being apreciatted.
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
It's really a nice campaign really well-made nice works on that campaign i have fun playing it

So buddy how its going the 3rd campaign? Arthas Campaign - Orcs. Honestly its the first time im asking so much for a specific campaign your lore "new" lore amazed me a lot since i finished the last 2 campaigns. Pretty sure u still on it but if u can dont give up i think you are going on an amazing way. Your work is being apreciatted.

Thank you for your support it's really appriciated indeed! :)
However I work on it mostly on weekends when I have the time since I serve in the IDF, trying to study and have a personal life too :p
anyways I didn't give up on it I'm trying to make it as best as possible!
So far in my opinion it will be even better then both Undead and Humans campaign :)
Level 3
Jan 17, 2017
I have problem. I had downloaded the map and put it in my maps file. But I can't find the map when I was in Warcraft III. Both Multiplayer and Single Player. Please help me.
Level 3
Jan 17, 2017
Honestly, I love your work. But I have something that may help improve your work.
1/At chapter 6, when Arthas and Jaina can't killed Thrall. Basically, Orc and Human came to Kalimdor based on the Prophet(Medivh)'s instruction. His intend is to build an alliance between Human(Mankind, Dwarf, Elf), Orc, Night Elf to fight the Burning Legion. The death of Thrall will make that alliance impossible. So, I don't think Medivh will just stand by and watch Arthas slain Thrall just like that. I think that, make some change, like Medivh show up to save Thrall or propose peace between them, and may be lead to Thrall and the Horde help Arthas and Jaina in the last chapter.
2/At the final chapter, you should reduce fighting between troops. It take just to long to finish it, even with cheat. Focus the battle against boss. And you should aslo prevent allies troops enter the boss chamber, they just get in the way. If you allow the Horde to ally with Human, Thrall can appear and help them fight those trolls too.
3/And what happended to Sylvanna. We saw her got caught with Uther and King Terenas. But during the breakout, I only saw Uther and King Terenas, does those undead excuted Sylvanna after?
Those are just my personal ideas. If you don't like just inogre them. Again, Your work is awesome.
P/s: Sorry for gramma and voculary mistake
Last edited:
Level 1
Nov 11, 2015
In chapter 2 after I completed the first quest and let the cutscene of arthas talking to his father role the game softl ocked after Mal'Ganis came out of the cave. The game tried to put me back at my base but it's just a black screen with that same creepy music playing, the timer did start though for holding off the undead.
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
In chapter 2 after I completed the first quest and let the cutscene of arthas talking to his father role the game softl ocked after Mal'Ganis came out of the cave. The game tried to put me back at my base but it's just a black screen with that same creepy music playing, the timer did start though for holding off the undead.

Hm wierd, Not sure what happen there but try to load that chapter again, did you skip the cinematic? if so try again without skipping/with skipping it shouldn't happen that often.
Level 1
Jan 24, 2014
Hi sagi, great campaign, one thing I noticed is that the first time we see kel'thuzad he is a lich already, but in the original campaign he only became one because arthas killed him and the resurrected, since that didnt happen how did he become a lich? Shouldnt he just be a necromancer?
Level 15
Aug 20, 2014
Hi sagi, great campaign, one thing I noticed is that the first time we see kel'thuzad he is a lich already, but in the original campaign he only became one because arthas killed him and the resurrected, since that didnt happen how did he become a lich? Shouldnt he just be a necromancer?
This can be easy solved with Tichondrius or Malganis killing Kel in a little scene with something like "- Kel: the plan must go on my lord.
-tich: yes, but your actual body can resist the energy you will need carry to contact with the great lord archimonde.
- what do you suggest then my lord?
- reborn... -tichondrius kill him.-
Level 3
Jan 17, 2017
Hi sagi, great campaign, one thing I noticed is that the first time we see kel'thuzad he is a lich already, but in the original campaign he only became one because arthas killed him and the resurrected, since that didnt happen how did he become a lich? Shouldnt he just be a necromancer?
Well, what I think is, the story begin at chapter 6, but in the origin, Arthas had killed him in chapter 4 already. So it is normal that Kel;thuzad is a Lich
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
An amazing campaign with a lot of effort obviously put into it! I beat it on hard mode, the only trouble i had in terms of difficulty was the level where you need to repel the wave of orcs at the end. Due to the blade master hero have mask of death, i found it impossible to kill him because he kept regaining life on the alley footmen and weak units, and even when i had him focusing arts, he would use mirror image and then appear in a different place, and attack the weaker units to regain hp. I could only beat this level by ignoring the blade master and destroying the base on my own :p
Otherwise completely beatable on hard mode with good strategy and micro.
Great map
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
I'll be releasing commentated videos of my playthrough on my channel soon (starting next week). I am a little over halfway through and quite enjoy the creative story liberties taken, as well as most of the gameplay!

Mission 1 on Medium seemed abnormally more challenging than the rest of the campaign. I could barely complete it, not even close to being able to destroy the purple base, and have found the following missions much easier.

I experienced the same softlock described above in Mission 2. Not skipping the cutscene caused it to happen, but skipping it allowed me to properly proceed with the rest of map.

High Elven faction is awesome and very fun to use, I hope I'll get another opportunity to use them (again, have not completed the campaign yet, so maybe I will).
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Well, what I think is, the story begin at chapter 6, but in the origin, Arthas had killed him in chapter 4 already. So it is normal that Kel;thuzad is a Lich


An amazing campaign with a lot of effort obviously put into it! I beat it on hard mode, the only trouble i had in terms of difficulty was the level where you need to repel the wave of orcs at the end. Due to the blade master hero have mask of death, i found it impossible to kill him because he kept regaining life on the alley footmen and weak units, and even when i had him focusing arts, he would use mirror image and then appear in a different place, and attack the weaker units to regain hp. I could only beat this level by ignoring the blade master and destroying the base on my own :p
Otherwise completely beatable on hard mode with good strategy and micro.
Great map

Thanks, I'm glad you liked the campaign!:D

I'll be releasing commentated videos of my playthrough on my channel soon (starting next week). I am a little over halfway through and quite enjoy the creative story liberties taken, as well as most of the gameplay!

Mission 1 on Medium seemed abnormally more challenging than the rest of the campaign. I could barely complete it, not even close to being able to destroy the purple base, and have found the following missions much easier.

I experienced the same softlock described above in Mission 2. Not skipping the cutscene caused it to happen, but skipping it allowed me to properly proceed with the rest of map.

High Elven faction is awesome and very fun to use, I hope I'll get another opportunity to use them (again, have not completed the campaign yet, so maybe I will).

Nice, I'll watch it too. good luck! :)
Level 1
Jun 24, 2016
Hi sagi, two of my favourite custom campaign that i played so far !!! When is the chapter 3 coming out ? The orcs part ? <3 I can't wait.
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Hi sagi, two of my favourite custom campaign that i played so far !!! When is the chapter 3 coming out ? The orcs part ? <3 I can't wait.

Indeed how is going with the orc campaign development?

Well I will have much more time to work on it in about 2 weeks. I've already finished about half of it so.. It's hard to know how long anyways :O
Level 3
Jul 8, 2017
This campaign is pretty good; could be way better though. It definitely has potential. A few updates could introduce new, custom models and change some aura effects to look more legit. I'm not a fan of the Nicholas Cage Ghostrider Bloody character TBH, and neither of the unit models + buildings used for the Zul'Farak trolls. Why do they have Orc buildings, and why are they green and not orange? I guess that my complaints are all related to the cosmetics of the game, which might be superficial, but a few changes and the introduction of custom models to fix this "issue" would certainly improve the overall feeling and atmosphere of the campaign. Besides that, what I didn't like regarding level design is the first two missions, which are both hold-out missions. I think one should be enough. But, as I've said, it's a pretty good campaign overall, and I give it a 4/5.
Level 3
Jul 21, 2015
Hi sagi, I just started playing your campaign and I think I found a bug. When playing in hard difficult, the hero of the undead orange "Lorthiras", appears and appears non-stop, making the stage harder. I would like to know if this is intended or not.


  • WC3ScrnShot_071517_024746_01.tga
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Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Hi sagi, I just started playing your campaign and I think I found a bug. When playing in hard difficult, the hero of the undead orange "Lorthiras", appears and appears non-stop, making the stage harder. I would like to know if this is intended or not.

Whoa I've never seen this happen, not sure what trigger caused this but uh i'll look into it. thanks!
Level 3
Jul 21, 2015
Well, I just finished your campaign, and I liked it a lot. Great campaign and very recommedable for everyone who loves to play with humans (like me). Here's is my review:

Chapter 1:

- In hard difficulty, Lorthiras (orange undead hero) just keep coming and coming.
Chapter 5:
- Music from cinematic keep repeating after talking to Furin the dwarf hero.
- After you get to Stromgrade, level 1 Arthas and Jaina that are lying down, share vision with the player.
Chapter 6:
- "Destroy the night elf" tooltip objective is not showing coorectly in the quest tab, instead it shows "There's a nearby orcs camp which poses a threat, You must destroy it".
Chapter 8:
- No music after the intro cinematic (Not sure if this happen to everyone because I'm having this trouble in other campaigns too).
- When you choose ironforge, the ghouls that are supposed to come when Uther says "too may of them, huh" do not appear.
- Holy armor (King Terenas ability) tooltip "Holy Armor - [Level 1]", should be "Holy Armor - [Level 3]"

- In Chapter Four (hard difficult), you should let the player defend what's left of silvermoon after Uther sees the undead army, like giving five or ten minutes of pure havoc, in order to make reasonable the abundance of gold mines.
- Make the first part of Chapter 5 (before the last objective), harder. Maybe adding +2 to armor and attack to orcs and removing resurrection runes will do.
- Chapter Seven is very easy, you could add more attack waves or decrease the amount of gold in our base.
- Custom music quality is very poor, I know that every MB counts, but I'd love to see a version with good quality custom music.

Campaigns feels very professional, lore is logical except for
Thrall's death. Thrall isn't that blind and proud to just attack humans and kill Arthas in sight. That is more like Hellscream personality.
and a few bugs, but nothing trascendental. I really like your work and I hope that you continue with Arthas Series. Thank you for making this.:)
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Well, I just finished your campaign, and I liked it a lot. Great campaign and very recommedable for everyone who loves to play with humans (like me). Here's is my review:

Chapter 1:

- In hard difficulty, Lorthiras (orange undead hero) just keep coming and coming.
Chapter 5:
- Music from cinematic keep repeating after talking to Furin the dwarf hero.
- After you get to Stromgrade, level 1 Arthas and Jaina that are lying down, share vision with the player.
Chapter 6:
- "Destroy the night elf" tooltip objective is not showing coorectly in the quest tab, instead it shows "There's a nearby orcs camp which poses a threat, You must destroy it".
Chapter 8:
- No music after the intro cinematic (Not sure if this happen to everyone because I'm having this trouble in other campaigns too).
- When you choose ironforge, the ghouls that are supposed to come when Uther says "too may of them, huh" do not appear.
- Holy armor (King Terenas ability) tooltip "Holy Armor - [Level 1]", should be "Holy Armor - [Level 3]"

- In Chapter Four (hard difficult), you should let the player defend what's left of silvermoon after Uther sees the undead army, like giving five or ten minutes of pure havoc, in order to make reasonable the abundance of gold mines.
- Make the first part of Chapter 5 (before the last objective), harder. Maybe adding +2 to armor and attack to orcs and removing resurrection runes will do.
- Chapter Seven is very easy, you could add more attack waves or decrease the amount of gold in our base.
- Custom music quality is very poor, I know that every MB counts, but I'd love to see a version with good quality custom music.

Campaigns feels very professional, lore is logical except for
Thrall's death. Thrall isn't that blind and proud to just attack humans and kill Arthas in sight. That is more like Hellscream personality.
and a few bugs, but nothing trascendental. I really like your work and I hope that you continue with Arthas Series. Thank you for making this.:)

Thank you for reporting these bugs i'll check them out, glad you liked the campaign :D


- In Chapter Four (hard difficult), you should let the player defend what's left of silvermoon after Uther sees the undead army, like giving five or ten minutes of pure havoc, in order to make reasonable the abundance of gold mines.
- Make the first part of Chapter 5 (before the last objective), harder. Maybe adding +2 to armor and attack to orcs and removing resurrection runes will do.
- Chapter Seven is very easy, you could add more attack waves or decrease the amount of gold in our base.
- Custom music quality is very poor, I know that every MB counts, but I'd love to see a version with good quality custom music.

- I will be honest I skipped silvermoon part for my own reasons, I might save it for the future, or I might even not use it and let the players imagen what had happend durning the fall of Silvermoon.
- overall some chapters are really hard and some aren't, I've mixed it up I know but I like the difficult of each chapter since I don't want it too hard, I want to tell the story. :)
- Size of map will be too big for really good quality music.. always was and will be mapmakers problem.
- about Thrall's death, as I've explained in many comments above. In WoW Thrall is a major character in the lore. I wanted to highlight other characters in these version of Azeroth. :)
Level 1
Jul 24, 2017
Hello! I even made an account just to say how much I was amazed by this campaign. Sagi and all other people who contributed to this, you guys did an amazing job. Really!
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Sagiii shaloom
Mah matsav?
Are you still working on the sequels?

Shalom Morris! :D
Akol sabba, vitha?
anyways, I'm currently working on the sequel Arthas campaign: Orcs, but I still don't know how long will it take. I've progressed a bit lately but not by much since there is a lot to be done, not to mention final changes/and other stuffs before I'll upload the campaign.
Level 3
Jul 21, 2015
I'm having an issue where the cut scenes during the 8th mission do not end, no matter which path I choose. Any way to fix it, is it just me or...

Well that happened to me once. I'd suggest you to load a save from before the encounter that trigger the cutscene, and approach with the heroes only, leaving the units behind, way behind. My theory is that the cutscene do not end because Uther is supposed to fight against the ghouls, that are previously killed or misplaced due to your army. Maybe the ghouls spawn just where your army was when you play the cutscene.