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arrows that stick into the ground and targets

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Level 2
Aug 19, 2007

I'm pretty new to this site, and this is the first question I wanted to ask to you guys. I wanted to make archers that fire arrows that would stick in the ground and on the targets. The arrow must stick into the ground for about 1minute.

I really don't know how to do it. :eekani:
I really hope that you guys want to help me out:infl_thumbs_up:
Level 2
Aug 19, 2007
I'm pretty sure it is possible. 2 years ago i was also playing and modding w3 and then i made a map where the arrows would stick in the targets and in the ground. But i forgot how i did it....:sad:

I really hope someone can help me:infl_thumbs_up:
Level 8
Aug 11, 2007
I've made one, about 2 months ago. Use Trigger:
[Event - Unit - Specific unit event: Unit attacks
Condition - "*Unit" is attacked equal to true
Action - wait for "0.30"
- Create a special effect "Unit missiles\...\arrow" attached to "*unit" 's chest
- wait for "30.00" seconds
- Destroy the "last created special effect"]

*[Event - Unit - Generic unit event - A unit is attacked
Condition - Attacking unit equal to "Archer"
Action - Set variable - Unit equal to the "attacked unit"]

I'm not sure it works. I maybe made some mistakes. This is it...
Level 2
Aug 19, 2007
Hey guys thanks for all the replies.

((karmine)) I will wait for your answer. Thanks for trying to find this out for me.

((Ham ham)) Thanks for the reply:wink: but im pretty sure i done it a few years ago.. And that model you gave is already in the editor. It's the standart missle of the archer right? But i don't really know how to make it so it would stick on the ground in the right direction when a archer fire the arrow. I'll hope you will reply soon for some further explanation.

((adythewolf))?Thanks for the trigger. But I'm trying to make it for all the archers in the game and the arrows need to stick to all units in the game.
I can't really find out how to make this trigger. Sorry guys it's a long time ago when i used this editor. Then w3campaigns still existed.

((adythewolf)) maybe you can put this trigger in a new map? :thumbs_up:
Level 2
Aug 19, 2007
oow alright. Thanks anyway.
but I'm trying to make this trigger but it doesnt really work out. So would somebody please put this trigger in a map and put it in this forum?

And how can i make it so arrows would stick into the ground?
Level 3
Sep 17, 2007
yes this is possible, i played a WC3 predator game where the "spear throw" ability was an item with cooldown, and when it was used it stick through the unit and stayed stuck inside for a little while even if they moved. Dont know exactly how long it managed to stay because the spear did massive damage so the unit died quickly ending the spear impale ability haha.
Back on topic- yes this is possible but i have no clue how to do it.
Level 4
Jan 17, 2008
I just checked and even if you turn homing off they may fall twenty yards away but the unit still takes damage so it still counts as a hit! >< You may want to consider that, if the trigger doesn't take that into account then every arrow might teleport to the body!
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