Arrow Burst Spell

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Level 8
Feb 1, 2015
Well, i need spell that when unit cast's, it's Jump at the high and CALLING an ARROWS that attack the point of target.

Level 1: Deals 50 damage on the per target and stunned for 1.5 seconds
Level 2: Deals 75 damage on the per target and stunned for 2 seconds
Level 3: Deals 100 damage on the per target and stunned for 2.5 seconds

I need GUI spell. Please help me.
Level 28
Sep 26, 2009
That sounds like something that belongs to Request section.

Anyway, if I get it right, the spell should do the following the order it is written:
1) Jump up
2) At certain height stop and just "levitate" there
3) Shoot arrows at the targeted area
4) Each arrow deals 50/75/100 damage to all units in the affected area and stuns them for 1,5/2/2,5 seconds

Did I get that right?
Level 8
Feb 1, 2015
That sounds like something that belongs to Request section.

Anyway, if I get it right, the spell should do the following the order it is written:
1) Jump up
2) At certain height stop and just "levitate" there
3) Shoot arrows at the targeted area
4) Each arrow deals 50/75/100 damage to all units in the affected area and stuns them for 1,5/2/2,5 seconds

Did I get that right?

Yeah that's it sorry for my BAD ENGLISH :goblin_cry:
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