I can't create this spell can u help me

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Level 2
Nov 6, 2005
I need a spell for my second her named - Satyr DeathCaller

Death Pulse - create a pulse from his scythe that deals damage to a unit in line and drains energy(life).Last for 15 seconds.
(Level 1- 75 damage in line and drains 10 energy per second. Level 2- 125 damage in line and drains 20 energy per second. Level 3- 175 damage in line and drains 10 energy per second.)

Death - there a chance to instant die a target unit when cast a death to a non-hero target.
(Level 1 - 10 chance to instant death. Level 2 - 15 chance to instant death. Level 3 - 20 chance to instant death.)

Unrecognize death - when an enemy kills by a satyr deatcaller there's a chance to revive the dying non-hero unit and controll him for a duration(like animated dead). Last for 30 seconds.
(Level 1 - 5% chance to revive the killing unit. Level 2 - 10% chance to revive the killing unit. Level 3 - 15% chance to revive the killing unit.)

Death Wave - create a wave around the caster that make a all unit's in range die instantly. If the target is hero deals only damage. (Level 1 - 15% chance to instant death and 200 damage to hero. Level 2 - 20% chance to instant death and 300 damage to hero. Level 3 - 25% chance to instant death and 400 damage to hero.)

Death Curse - Curse an enemy target to die slowly.Note :!: last of this spell until target is die hero or non-hero unit. (Level 1 - 30 damage per second. Level 2 - 40 damage per second. Level 3 - 50 damage per second.

I hope you can make this for me.. thankz a lot for your help... :p
Level 10
Jul 2, 2004
i can make those and submit it to the archive for you, but i don't get death pulse. do you want it to move SO slowly then it only reaches its target about 15 seconds?
Level 3
Oct 16, 2005
Death Pulse - create a pulse from his scythe that deals damage to a unit in line and drains energy(life).Last for 15 seconds.
(Level 1- 75 damage in line and drains 10 energy per second. Level 2- 125 damage in line and drains 20 energy per second. Level 3- 175 damage in line and drains 10 energy per second.)

Death - there a chance to instant die a target unit when cast a death to a non-hero target.
(Level 1 - 10 chance to instant death. Level 2 - 15 chance to instant death. Level 3 - 20 chance to instant death.)

Unrecognize death - when an enemy kills by a satyr deatcaller there's a chance to revive the dying non-hero unit and controll him for a duration(like animated dead). Last for 30 seconds.
(Level 1 - 5% chance to revive the killing unit. Level 2 - 10% chance to revive the killing unit. Level 3 - 15% chance to revive the killing unit.)

Death Wave - create a wave around the caster that make a all unit's in range die instantly. If the target is hero deals only damage. (Level 1 - 15% chance to instant death and 200 damage to hero. Level 2 - 20% chance to instant death and 300 damage to hero. Level 3 - 25% chance to instant death and 400 damage to hero.)

Death Curse - Curse an enemy target to die slowly.Note last of this spell until target is die hero or non-hero unit. (Level 1 - 30 damage per second. Level 2 - 40 damage per second. Level 3 - 50 damage per second.

BAD!!!! HORRIBLE SPELLS but ill help

First 1 ShockWave with Missile art and different Effect maybe

2nd Critical Strike Change stuff and go to targets allowed do not hero.

3rd JASS or integers A or B

Level 2
Nov 6, 2005

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 6:13 am Post subject: Hmmm....


i think...

1st skill must be deal a x damage and x damage per second i think...

2nd skill must have a chance like x% to deals instant death but active skill not like critical stike that is passive skill

3rd skill if the unit kills by deathcaller x% that dying unit will revive(or animated dead have a duration.)

4th skill is like a thunder clap that no target and AoE, x% that unit instant die(like 2nd skill) if there is a hero deals x damage only.

5th skill like a .... poison or envenom weapons make the target slow and the skill duration is forever...

i cant create a trigger can you help me....
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