A month and ten days ago, I suggested a hero with this spell to PlayDotA. However, IceFrog never seems to look at the forums, so I decided to drop it and use it for myself.
The Watcher gathers all her knowledge of the enemy, and causes magical implosions depending on a base damage and the information she has gathered.
Level 1 - Deals base damage x (1.5x Charges) damage, gives +1 charge every 3 seconds the target was visible to the Watcher. 65 base damage.
Level 2 - Deals base damage x (1.6x Charges) damage, gives +1 charge every 2 seconds the target was visible to the Watcher. 75 base damage.
Level 3 - Deals base damage x (1.7x Charges) damage, gives +1 charge every 1 seconds the target was visible to the Watcher. 85 base damage.
Loses one charge every second the target goes out of sight.
Takes 60/40/20 seconds to deal full damage of 900/1275/1445. Cast repeatedly to maximize effect.
Yes, I know, the trigger might not respond very fast due to every 1.00 second. I did it because it seemed fine to me since the dummy has an eye model.
Almost forgot; charge cap for everyone is 10.
Credits to Vexorian for the dummy.
Give credits if you use it in your map.
Arcane, Watch, Watcher, Arcane Watch