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Arcade RPG (2D)

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Level 13
May 24, 2005
Hey there!

Inspired by some 2d jump&run discussions, I just started a new project:


What is it?
It's gonna be something like a sidescrolling action rpg with jump&run styled controls. You can choose between 3 playable characters (warrior, mage, priestress). There will be multiplayer support too and you can team up with up to 2 other players. You are hacking and slaying through your enemies, collect items, fight bosses etc. Each character has a set of unique abilities.

I'm also planning to add a little story around it, but I haven't thought about it yet. All I know is, that the game will take place in a sleepy kingdom called Zaragon. You will have to rescue a princess that has been kidnapped by some kind of absolutely evil super-villain.

State of art:
- Level 1 is nearly finished.

Planned features:
- keyboard controlled movement (jump&run-) system
- special combat system (you have to press a key for each attack)
- at least 3 different characters (warrior, mage, priest and maybe more to come)
- coop-multiplayer support (each player can take control of one character)
- 7-9 completely unique stages with very different settings
- if you finish the game, you'll probably be able to set free some gimmicks (for example new difficulty modes, special weapons etc.) and you can play again (without reloading the map). Maybe I could add some codes too, to directly warp to certain levels
- maybe, if it's not too laggy, i could include a small pvp-deathmatch mode

I've attached some screenshots and a demo version of the map that features the first level and one playable character. Please give it a try and tell me what you think about it.

MAP UPDATE [2008-02-05]
Again, thanks a lot for the constructive feedback, it helped me a lot.
I've tried to cover most of the points mentioned with this update. Though there is still much work to do.
Please keep checking back.

- It does not use targetted abilities any longer. The hero can be controlled without the mouse now and a key has to be pressed for each attack
- added some objects that block the path so you have to jump over them
- fixed a bug that let you jump outside the map
- added some more enemies
- some terrain improvements
- other small changes

Any feedback, suggestions, critics and comments are very welcome and appreciated!

Thanks! :panda:


  • MoCos_Arcade_RPG_Demo.w3x
    1.6 MB · Views: 162
  • arcade_rpg02.jpg
    128.1 KB · Views: 1,468
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Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
Doesn't look 2d. Looks like a 3d side scroller.
Because this is supposed to be a side scroller let me tell you what I think is wrong.
Even in 2d side scrollers you can move closer and further. (Except in like Mario....)
You have to target units with abilities, you should instead trigger the abilities to hit w/e in front of you like a real side scroller.
After just a few seconds War3err started telling me you have an uninitialized variable somewhere.
Level 13
May 24, 2005
Thanks for your feedback and testing.

The look is 3D, movement and combat 2D.
But yepp, maybe a more 2D styled look would be better,
I'll try some more long ranged camera settings.

No ability-targetting for all spells might be a good idea to make it feel more like other 2d-scrollers. Though you have more micro management and control over the battle if you can choose targets and it combines elements of both genres (2d scroller and normal wc3). Playing with mouse can be very comfortable for example. But I think I'll try this too.

Hmm, I'm currently using New Gen Pack and it told me about no errors when saving or running the map. Did it told you which variable?
Level 13
May 24, 2005
Can someone help me out creating the non-targeted abilities?
It should work like this:
Let's take heroic strike as example. When the hero activates the dummy ability, he should perform an attack that damages the closest enemy within a range of 100 units.
Level 6
Mar 12, 2007
This is really, really cool! I personally have never ever seen something like this ever done and think it will and is coming along nicely. I really liked the sudo 3D feeling and hope you don't change much of it, except as others said, pull out the camera a bit, but not too much.
I tested it out and actually had a lot of fun with it. I didn't like how I was constantly switching between the controls to mouse, so maybe (somehow) make it so that you don't have to use the mouse at all by pressing A or something, he just attacks and it does damage in front of him or whatever. Also it would be cool to add maybe some platforming elements to it. Like you can jump on stuff above you and all that good stuff, maybe add some puzzles and things.
Other than all that it is a way good, base idea and is already good as is. Really liked the background and the feeling it gave. Don't abandon it man, this has humongous potential!
Level 6
Jun 23, 2005
Yup looks nice. This might become really good map. Adding things like megaman x series has would be nice if its possible. Like double jump, dash or something like that.
Level 13
May 24, 2005
Thanks for your feedback!
I've just uploaded a new version of the map. Still it might not be perfect but I've tried to take care of all points mentioned.
Probably, the most relevant change is the new combat system.

ps: I'll check out this megaman map!
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Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
Can someone help me out creating the non-targeted abilities?
It should work like this:
Let's take heroic strike as example. When the hero activates the dummy ability, he should perform an attack that damages the closest enemy within a range of 100 units.

Sorry for Quoting
create a variable named TempLoc
  • Events
    • Unit - Unit Starts Effect of Ability
  • Conditions
    • if Being Casting Ability is Blabla
  • Actions
    • Custom script: local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
    • Custom script: local real ang = GetUnitFacing(u)*bj_DEGTORAD
    • Custom script: set bj_wantDestroyGroup = true
    • Custom script: set udg_TempLoc = Location(GetUnitX(u)+50*Cos(ang),GetUnitY(u)+50*Sin(ang))
    • Unit Group - Pick Every Unit in 100 range of TempLoc
      • Loop Actions
        • if Conditions
          • if (Picked Unit) is Enemy of (Owner of (Triggering Unit))
          • <You can include if not magic immune or something here>
            • Then
            • Unit - Unit Damage (picked Unit) by (Triggering Unit) for <damage> attack type spell damage type spirit link
              • Else
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_TempLoc)
      • Custom script: set u = null
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
uh... My 1 minute died.
/me casts super-uber-pwnage Doom on MoCo... failed due to spell immunity... bah

And Change the no Upkeep (ops you already did)

To hide %100 in it
Go to Game Interface
Find Image - Tooltip back ground
Change it to Textures\Black32.blp so it becomes black
since its black you can make Gold Income Rate: ---%100--- black to make it invisible
Like in This Map

I love side scrolling 2d games 1, 2, 3 and all that I dont remember

Make a campaign like that or Just make it single player playable (or AI whatever I want single player)
Level 13
May 24, 2005
map source

Hey folks, sorry for the lack of updates, but I don't find enough time and motivation to finish this. So I decided to release the source.
Maybe someone wants to continue this project. I would offer help too, if needed.

There are 2 versions of the map:
- a light version concepted for 5 levels at all
- a bigger version that offers space for about 8 levels


  • MoCos_Arcade_RPG_full.w3x
    1.9 MB · Views: 73
  • MoCos_Arcade_RPG_light.w3x
    1.9 MB · Views: 75
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