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AoS map with bossfight event? nice?

Your feedback

  • Nice idea?

    Votes: 9 81.8%
  • Bad idea?

    Votes: 2 18.2%

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Level 7
Apr 18, 2007
Hi, I have a map in my mind which consists of AoS genre combining with Bossfight events and buildable event.

Map title is - League of Heroes but now Im making the prologue version.

It is a map where everything almost similar to Most AoS map (DotA, LoTR, etc) but with special bossfight events where the events will occur every 15 mins or 10 mins of the game and players have also a builable event where players can buy peasent or peon to build towers and farms to protect their kingdom.

So what are your comments of this map? Nice or bad? Any new ideas?
Level 4
Mar 23, 2008
It's a nice idea, if u manage to make the bosses balanced, so they don't require a HUGE amount of skill to win, because that would piss ppl off :grin:
Level 6
Feb 23, 2008
i've seen some. you're thinking of something like infernal arena? or something that a boss appears and even enemy heroes can attack it?
Level 7
Apr 18, 2007
i've seen some. you're thinking of something like infernal arena? or something that a boss appears and even enemy heroes can attack it?

Infernal Arena? I haven't play it so I donot about that map. Sorry. But my thinking is like, the boss appears in center of the map after the game elapse 15mins (first boss, maybe still have after this defeated) and every players can fight with him but if not, he will kills you all/ fight whoever pass by there.

Slaydon said:
Sounds great

Thank you. Do you any ideas on the boss?
Level 6
Feb 23, 2008
well, infernal arena is different. both teams get an infernal and the infernals fight, one dies, the other pushes, so it's possible to stack 2 infernals, but impossible also, cause the winning infernal can still be killed.

so like i said, you were thinking of a boss appears in the middle of the map, then both teams can kill it, or be killed.now what happens when the boss is killed? you win or something?
Level 7
Apr 18, 2007
well, infernal arena is different. both teams get an infernal and the infernals fight, one dies, the other pushes, so it's possible to stack 2 infernals, but impossible also, cause the winning infernal can still be killed.

so like i said, you were thinking of a boss appears in the middle of the map, then both teams can kill it, or be killed.now what happens when the boss is killed? you win or something?

I see. Yea,you kill the boss then you will get a special item(havent think of the item attributes yet),if the boss kill you, then you will die and confront him/her more times. Maybe I will put one time bossfight event event for demo. then only decide to put on more or another bossfight event.

Bontrager said:
My vote goes with yes. I would like to see side events during an AOS to keep things interesting.

Thank you.
Not only boss fights, but many random events would be just awesome.

  • Hail Storm - random 1-shard blizzards cast across the map
  • Darkness - disable shared vision for all players
  • Plague - one 'creep' of each team is infected with it. If you get quite near to an infected unit, you are infected, if you attack someone, you infect this person.
  • Earthquake - all ground units are slowed and the screen begins to shake badly.
Hope you like it...
Level 6
Feb 23, 2008
I see. you there also? But I rarely active there now. Because busy of my study and maps. xD

yeah, i don't go there anymore. you like i think silenced me or something on my first few weeks cause of flaming someone on my hero idea:)P). my name there is reyesryanmjaube(my brother's account. already got alot of posts so i didn't make my own).
Level 7
Apr 18, 2007
Not only boss fights, but many random events would be just awesome.

  • Hail Storm - random 1-shard blizzards cast across the map
  • Darkness - disable shared vision for all players
  • Plague - one 'creep' of each team is infected with it. If you get quite near to an infected unit, you are infected, if you attack someone, you infect this person.
  • Earthquake - all ground units are slowed and the screen begins to shake badly.
Hope you like it...

Not bad mate. Nice idea. Will probably add-in later and in the first demo. +rep to you. =) Ohya, if you have new ideas or anyone, can suggest to me as well.

yeah, i don't go there anymore. you like i think silenced me or something on my first few weeks cause of flaming someone on my hero idea:)P). my name there is reyesryanmjaube(my brother's account. already got alot of posts so i didn't make my own).

Oh ya, I remembered the name. I warn you because of spamming there if not mistaken but that was my job being a caretaker of item ideas forum. =) Hope that you not mind.
Level 6
Feb 23, 2008
no i don't actually. actually i think the site hit a bad spot when mym took over.

anyway, about the boss... i really can't think of anything besides roshan. but i would love to see how this turns out.
Level 6
Feb 23, 2008
There's already an AoS type of RPG. heroes of might and magic(or something with mayhem in it) i think. it sucked actually. and castle defense is already in the AoS. you know you defend something like frozen throne and world tree right? anyway, i don't know what will make an AoS map good, cept for something that has not been in any AoS map yet. well, there was this idea on my mind before of something like all of you are titans(big model and everything) then you fight at the sky, jumping in floating rock to floating rock. if you fall, you go to another area (well, not really go but fall. you're in the sky, you fall in the ground) full of monsters(so possibly, you can level up there or die).then get ressurected on the sky again. of course on the sky there's monsters. kinda like war of the gods on the sky and war of the humans on the ground.
Level 7
Apr 18, 2007
There's already an AoS type of RPG. heroes of might and magic(or something with mayhem in it) i think. it sucked actually. and castle defense is already in the AoS. you know you defend something like frozen throne and world tree right? anyway, i don't know what will make an AoS map good, cept for something that has not been in any AoS map yet. well, there was this idea on my mind before of something like all of you are titans(big model and everything) then you fight at the sky, jumping in floating rock to floating rock. if you fall, you go to another area (well, not really go but fall. you're in the sky, you fall in the ground) full of monsters(so possibly, you can level up there or die).then get ressurected on the sky again. of course on the sky there's monsters. kinda like war of the gods on the sky and war of the humans on the ground.

Oh I ss. So must be something totally new in idea. So I think like what HappyCockroach said, adding random events will make an AoS something new.
There is a thread like this already.
Here it is.
I gave this idea:
You could try something risky in an AoS like this:
It's a kind of 'realism'

  • Units do not share line of sight with their allies
  • Whenever a player types something in the chat, erase the chat and display a floating text above his hero.
  • If you want all players to hear your message, you can shout, but so enemies will hear.
  • The lack of mana gives a miss chance, like full mana = 0%, empty mana = 50% (this represents fatigue in the heroes)
  • Footprints are placed on the ground for every hero
  • Blood pools are placed on the ground when the hero takes damage
  • Every attack from your enemies on your back will be 2 times harder to miss.
  • Movespeed and attack speed can have small penalties when the life is low.
  • Big damages from abilities, but every ability requires a bit of accuracy from the user (at least the most of them)
  • Never forget to avoid crazy recipes and nothing-to-do-with-each-other heroes, like dota, I hate it. Do really simple and obvious items, without much trick, so the game knowledge isn't that important, but the player's skill.
Playing a map like this would be just awesome. :thumbs_up:
Level 7
Apr 18, 2007
There is a thread like this already.
Here it is.
You could try something risky like this:
It's a kind of 'realism'

  • Units do not share line of sight with their allies
  • Whenever a player types something in the chat, erase the chat and display a floating text above his hero.
  • If you want all players to hear your message, you can shout, but so enemies will hear.
  • The lack of mana gives a miss chance, like full mana = 0%, empty mana = 50% (this represents fatigue in the heroes)
  • Footprints are placed on the ground for every hero
  • Blood pools are placed on the ground when the hero takes damage
  • Every attack from your enemies on your back will be 2 times harder to miss.
  • Movespeed and attack speed can have small penalties when the life is low.
  • Big damages from abilities, but every ability requires a bit of accuracy from the user (at least the most of them)
  • Never forget to avoid crazy recipes and nothing-to-do-with-each-other heroes, like dota, I hate it. Do really simple and obvious items, without much trick, so the game knowledge isn't that important, but the player's skill.
Playing a map like this would be just awesome. :thumbs_up:
I gave this idea:

Wow, so this would means a totally new era/ideas of AoS genre. Yeah great ideas but I have to think of the trigger to make it. Thank you for the ideas.
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
This idea is rather good. Some things you might want to consider:
The builders can only build Anti-Boss towers. This makes it such that you have to use the builders properly to help you to kill the boss instead of leaving the peasants etc. to rot.
The boss should not just be like those boring bosses where you fight to the death. Maybe make them have some death condition that is besides fighting them till they lose all their life. Something like having to lure a fire boss to someplace near water and cause him to lose health over time and stuff. You could even make the boss unkillable unless you use the other killing condition on the boss. Maybe the only way to kill some ghost boss is to lead it to the centre of the map with a powerful sun gem and pray that it dies before it kills you or run away.
Great idea though, but it would be annoying for a boss to appear out of nowhere sometimes, maybe give a warning and a ping about 10 seconds before the bosses appear, some special effects would be good too!
Good luck, here's a little rep for the wonderful idea :)
Level 7
Apr 18, 2007
This idea is rather good. Some things you might want to consider:
The builders can only build Anti-Boss towers. This makes it such that you have to use the builders properly to help you to kill the boss instead of leaving the peasants etc. to rot.
The boss should not just be like those boring bosses where you fight to the death. Maybe make them have some death condition that is besides fighting them till they lose all their life. Something like having to lure a fire boss to someplace near water and cause him to lose health over time and stuff. You could even make the boss unkillable unless you use the other killing condition on the boss. Maybe the only way to kill some ghost boss is to lead it to the centre of the map with a powerful sun gem and pray that it dies before it kills you or run away.
Great idea though, but it would be annoying for a boss to appear out of nowhere sometimes, maybe give a warning and a ping about 10 seconds before the bosses appear, some special effects would be good too!
Good luck, here's a little rep for the wonderful idea :)

Nice idea. thanks. Will consider them before making the triggers.
Level 4
Mar 23, 2008
btw you could also make questlike conditions of win, like you have a specific guy that comes with you to kill the boss, to finish the boss the guy must be alive, maybe to deliver the final blow or sumthing :D (Inspirations struck with Zack 1996). Also, you might add something like, if over 1 hour of gametime passes, there will be a final battle between the 2 factions bosses+ the faction heroes :).
Level 4
Mar 23, 2008
Well I just proposed it as the end, if the game is taking too long :p, I mean nobody likes a AoS that goes on for hours :D, anyways it should also be made disableable, if put in
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