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Annoying problem...

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Level 5
Jul 11, 2007
My map Fortress Survival has become very popular very fast, and with that a lot of hackers have been messing with new versions I've been releasing.
It seems that even with Vexorians and Widgetizer protecting my map they can still change the map name, so although the game may be the same, people are confused and think I release a new version when I have not.

Any fixes to prevent this in the future?
Level 5
Jul 11, 2007
It happens a LOT and people are always asking which version is really the official one. I'd like a fix but life can go on if theres no solution too.
Level 11
Dec 31, 2007
actually... any protection you make to the map is "hackable"... there is nothing you can do prevent it... just make it more complicated... but.. as far as WC3 can open the map... anybody can... maybe with heavylocker... or creating a file i dont remember the name now (deletable with mpq viewer) you may do it harder
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
Heavylocker is almost useless compared to Vexorian's optimizer. However you have a point. If a map can be opened and played in wc3, it can be opened by anyone. Anyone with an mpq editor and a few jass skills can change your map however they want.

Vexorian's optimizer automatically deletes war3map.wtg (Probably what you were talking about in the above) and a whole bunch of other junk. It also goes through all jass code and obfuscates it. It even removes some bj calls. (Replacing them with natives) Then it goes through the other files and edits out the junk in them or deletes them all-together. Finally it rebuilds the attributes file.
Level 11
Dec 31, 2007
The simplest method is to create a blank text file using any text editor; Import this blank text file into your map and change the path to war3map.wtg

this is fixable with a common mpq viewer.. (i havent test this yet.. a friend told me) but.. maybe it helps...

when you open a "protected" version of a map you may edit everything inside object editor and import manager and sound... triggers appear like a huge mass of jass script in a single trigger (it is not easy to edit this way.. but... some people can do it)

if you want you can make a trigger that makes a display of the oficial versions site... but.. it isnt of much help thou
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
My map Fortress Survival has become very popular very fast, and with that a lot of hackers have been messing with new versions I've been releasing.
It seems that even with Vexorians and Widgetizer protecting my map they can still change the map name, so although the game may be the same, people are confused and think I release a new version when I have not.

Any fixes to prevent this in the future?

He's already using Vexorian's optimizer along with widigitizer. Why the heck would he want to manually use an mpq editor when Vexorian's optimizer already does that except, as I explained above it also does a hell of a lot more.
Level 11
Dec 31, 2007
dunno... maybe if wtg file exists programs to open maps wont try to retrieve it... but if it is not there... they will rebuild it... as it is blank... it will have no more info on triggers... i dont know... i was just saying
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
The real triggers are in war3map.j
war3map.wtg is just the way worledit stores triggers. The game reads war3map.j So if you delete it then triggers won't display. If you replace it with a blank file, WE won't be able to open the map. My point is that vexorian's optimizer already deletes that and does a heck of a lot of other things that keep it from being openable in WE.
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