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Ancient Runes (Temples of Elements)

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
I have fully completed this map, and it seems bug less to me now.

Some things i have to mentoin are :

About herbalism - There are 2 herbalism trainers first will teach you basics of herbalism,
while second one will improve your herbalism to advanced stage, that will allow you to pick
forest marshs and lukvian roots.
Picking herbs will increase your herbalism till determined lvl, it goes like this:

1)Goldbloom increases herbalism to 10
2)Blindweed increases herbalism to 20
3)Forestmarsh increases herbalism up to 35
4)Lukvian root up to 50

About reviving - There are 2 house keepers, both called tomy.
First one you will meet in starting region, second one in bloodstone village.
They can sell you egress stone, egress stone cannot be droped, and you can have only 1 in your inventory.
After you buy second egress stone first one will be removed, and your new home will be in bloodstone.
If you didnt buy egress stone, after death your hero will not be revived, and that practicly means an end.

About quests - There are many quests, most of them are linked into few big chain quests.
Important to announce is that Mike's quest, that is 2 parts chain quest that will open way to fire temple.
First quest you can start at Mike, he is located just a little bit to west after you pass trough portal
in temple of storms.
First quest will be to gather lost supplies and carry them to Gul'dan in Bloodstone village, then
Rexxar in north of village will have quest for you, when rexxar's quest is completed you will be able to
enter Fire temple's entrance on top of mountain in plagued lands.

!!!!Also important!!!! Mobs in plaguelands will not respawn after you kill them, so be carefull about Darksol's
minions, cuz they drop quest item.

All other quest are not really important and you can skip them, but they give a lot of expirience
and some nice items as rewards.

About drop - There are 3 palletes of world drop items, every mob you find out there has 12% chance to drop
item, lower lvl mobs drop weak items.Boss lvl mobs, all of them have 100% chance to drop an epic item.

About monsters - Every mob since you pass bears and wolfs have some ability, which will be heavily spamed.
Bosses, have more abilities then other monsters you fight, and i find them really hard to kill.
Aswell boss fights i find very interesting, since i have created their spells i shouldnt have much fun, but i do.
I will not reveal their powers, then you will have to take care when you are fighting one!
Bosses special abilities can be evaded, but if not they will deal heavily damage.

About hero and spells - At start your hero will have only 2 abilities + attribute bonus, that makes 3.
Later after completing temple of storms quest you will gain storm infusion spell.
And on the end in bloodstone village you can find trainer to teach you your ultimate spell.
(you will be able to pick one)

About new added temple of fire!

Temple of fire is final dungeon in this rpg, it contains 3 levels, in first you will have to fight Firelord
to activate circle of power, once you enter second level, you will find many spires, every 2 or 3 seconds
for some places will be an explosion, explosion instantly kills anyone in its region, so you will have
to open 4 eyes to pass it.And watch timings of explosions, its really important!
In third level, chamber of death, you will find Darksol to kill, but he has 3 guardians!
If you try to skip guardians and attack Darksol you will be dead soon.So kill them first.
They are hard, but killable.

And one last thing !

Do not use cheats ! By using cheats you will ruin your gameplay, and by doing that you might bug up
some vital part of the game.
I do not know how to prevent cheats, thats why i have to announce it here!
Cheats can mess up this map!

Credits are given in game and i will give credits here as well to JetFangInferno for his EmpyreanSigil!

rpg, runes, ancients, tomes, temple

Ancient Runes (Temples of Elements) (Map)

15:11, 13th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 9
May 22, 2009
if you are able to kill a boss for a quest before you accepted the quest, you're doing something wrong, hide the unit in the beggining of the game and show it when you accept the quest

Description could be better, some spaces between your text blocks, so it's more pleasant to read.

I'll try this out
I was about to make him invurneable before taking quest, but sadly i forgot to do that.Anyway he should be hard enough and requires a lot of lvling on mobs before starting him and you can take quest once you are lvl 5, so it should be ok.

Just follow quest line, and when quest is too hard go farm some xp on mobs, then come back to quest.
And yea take my advice and farm herbs for elixirs, they can help a lot.
Level 9
May 22, 2009
Played it, has some bugs, lacks some things:

-When u accept a quest there is no message you did, add that, even if it's just 'New quest added', it's better than nothing
-Creeps don't give gold until after the seer quest
-when you give your items to seer, it takes all of them(I had 55 gold bloom, he only needed 15 and took them all)
-There's no way to heal in the beginning, and you don't have gold enough to get any
-The hero has too few abilities, and it takes forever to get a new one, you don't need mana/intelligence for a long time, add some active abilities for him to learn in the start of the game
-The messages for when you pick up items are mostly wrong, I get gold bloom and it says I found lumber, you clearly didn't have an item-type condition for this trigger
-All units get the same bounty, stronger units should have higher bounty
-There are too few recipes (also you miswrote recipes as recepies), I only got the elixer, the other one I needed level 30 herbalism for, but didn't get higher then 20. Some offensive potions would be nice, or even better healing potions.
-I Bought the advanced herbalism scroll, I don't know what it did, I didn't see any change, maybe a better description would help
-Healing potion cooldown is way too long, shorten it to atleast 5 sec

The terrain was nice, like most of your maps have great terrain, just improve gameplay a little, it's really boring to not be able to do anything in the beggining of the game except for hack and slash
Ok, i will fix all of these before expand map, and when you buy advanced herbalism recipe your herbalism skill goes to lvl 2, you can see change in description, and that allows you to pick forest marsh and lukvian root herbs, these will increase your herbalism skill further.

Should i add some heroes who player can meat in his journey ?
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Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
It could be better, if I couldn't get maximum level by clicking on the dwarven sniper as many as I wish times just after completing his last quest with Turtle ;) I mean, that's a but, right? That he gives a level for every click :)

Overall map is attracting with interest, not too difficult and there a good atmosphere: both with units and terraining/decorating.

What do you mean by meeting heroes? Some additional members of the "party"? Probably one or two will be good, especially if I can take only one at a time with me. Make him meet a girl of his life! Ha-ha :)
It could be better, if I couldn't get maximum level by clicking on the dwarven sniper as many as I wish times just after completing his last quest with Turtle ;) I mean, that's a but, right? That he gives a level for every click :)

Overall map is attracting with interest, not too difficult and there a good atmosphere: both with units and terraining/decorating.

What do you mean by meeting heroes? Some additional members of the "party"? Probably one or two will be good, especially if I can take only one at a time with me. Make him meet a girl of his life! Ha-ha :)

Well i checked triggers and triger should be turned off after you complete quest, so i dunno how that bug showed up :(
Yes that was what i ask, to make some companions to aid Adventurer in his journey, but about girl, i had one map similar to this you could find your girlfirend shaman and make weding ceremony with her after some quests, that was also part of game, not an optional quest :) but sadly hive stuff didnt like that map.
Level 3
Jun 22, 2009
Well its good but the second level in the Fire Temple is in serious need of work. There's no "timing" for it. They just spam like crazy and there's no way to get past because it causes too much lag. Other than that and the fact that the second city needs a place to regen mana, its a pretty good map.