Ancient Empires (Working Title) - Pre-Alpha 3 Released
Ave people of the Hive! I've only recently registered to present the map I'm working on (as well as to ask for some help and feedback) but I've been a forum lurker and map/resource downloader for maybe 4-5 years, sometimes frequently others not. I've made quite a few maps over the years, mostly for myself or lan games with friends. This time I'm revisiting a favorite concept of mine, an Altered Melee/RTS in an ancient historical setting (Greeks, Romans etc). While this would not seem easily fitting with the Warcraft resources, I've found some decent ones over here and on other sites, and the WE is the program I'm most familiar with as well as far more powerful than other RTS games editors. I've seen people here asking for such a map in various instances in the past, as well as some abandoned efforts and I hope this time we're going to make it. For more info check Help Needed.
-Download Link
-Roman, Celtic and Scythian Civs are playable with AI
-Most of the gameplay core features are implemented. Several are not balanced though.
-Most abilities, techs and triggers are ready in the map.
-Unit, building and upgrade templates are already in the map to clone and adjust for each faction.
-Many models are chosen. Need to decide on the rest and replace other (check help needed)
The Romans excel in massing powerful melee infantry. Other strong fields for them are siege weapons, defenses and navy.
Infantry: Very Strong. Great swordsmen with many upgrades. Shortage of good spearmen though.
Missile Units: Weak. Average in late game.
Cavalry: Weak. Few troop types and no specific upgrades.
Economy: Average. Free population slots granted by logistics could be invested in more villagers though.
Defenses: Above Average. Very Strong in late game.
Siege Weapons: Very Strong. All siege unit types and many upgrades.
Navy: Strong. Only Civ to get the heavy hammership upgrade.
- Infantry Train 20% Faster and Have +1 Dps.
- No limit on swordsmen. No need of the Iron resource to field massive heavy infantry armies.
- Early foot soldiers promote to stronger ones through combat (Hastatus->Princeps-Triarius).
- Marian Reforms (tech): Replaces early foot soldiers with the poweful Legionaire elite unit and gives access to auxiliary troops.
- Logistics (tech): Legion Barracks foot soldiers cost half towards the population limit.
- Imported Construction Technology (tech): Ships/Siege Weapons/Buildings get +10% Hp/Range.
- Siege Workshop (building): Replaces the archery range. Trains all siege weapon types and allows the training of battering rams at tier 2 (instead of tier 3)
- Auxiliary Barracks (building): Replaces the stables (but comes at tier 3 instead of tier 2). Trains Auxiliary Archers, Spearmen and Light Cavalry. None of these are exceptionally strong but fit roles the Romans lack.
- Auxiliary archers and spearmen can build army camps and repair.
- Army Camp (building): Replaces the fortress. Weaker than it but builds faster.
The Scythians are great riders and archers, and can field the most massive cavalry force possible. Their buildings are weak but offer a diverse and mobile gameplay
Infantry: Very Weak. Only average Axemen with almost no upgrades for most of the game. Some heavy spearmen in the end game.
Missile Units: Very Strong. Good archers and Horse Archers with most upgrades.
Cavalry: Very Strong. Most types and no build limits.
Economy: Strong. No special bonuses but their build system saves more resources for troops and upgrades.
Defenses: Very Weak. Some improvements in the late game.
Siege Weapons: Very weak. Only Ballistas in the late game.
Navy: Weak. Average in the late game.
- Pack Horses build most of the structures and the structures can pack back on horseback to be redeployed as any structure among those. Villagers build only Docks and Greek Colonies as well as doing the gathering and repair work.
- Packable Buildings have short build times (the pack horse trains slower than villagers though to kinda balance it) but also about 50% less hit points.
- Packable Buildings are free (besides the pack horse cost)
- Two Pack Horses are spawned for free at the Civ Center after each Phase research.
- No farms. Max food supply provided with each Civ Center.
- Arrow firing units and ships have +200 range.
- No Cavalry Limit
- Greek Colony (Building): replaces the academy. Contains various upgrades and allows the training of Spearmen, Ballistas and Triremes adding more diversity to the small-ish scythian techtree.
- Envenomed Weapons (tech): Horse Archer attacks cause damage over time.
- Steppe Hardiness (tech): Units regenerate faster - makes up for their lack of healers
- Scythian Axemen and Scythian Lancers can Pillage.
- Catafract elite unit, toughest horseman in the game
Coming Soon
The Celts are the not the strongest or weakest on any field. The bulk of their forces are their various infantry types, but Cavalry and missile units aren't particularly lacking. Their buildings are slightly weaker than average but also construct a bit faster.
Infantry: Strong. Most unit types and many upgrades.
Missile Units: Average. Most unit types with some upgrades.
Cavalry: Average. Most unit types with some upgrades.
Economy: Average. Nothing special nor lacking.
Defenses: Weak. Structures build faster though.
Siege Weapons: Weak. Only Rams but many units can pillage.
Navy: Weak. Only Boats, however they have increased base hitpoints.
- Farms are limited to 5 instead of 10 but most other buildings give a small population bonus.
- Celtic Hound (War Dogs) are trained from farms. They are relatively cheap, fast moving early game units, very effective at scouting, detecting hidden units and raiding. Like all carnivore animals, they deal more damage to damaged units. They have very few upgrades though so their combat effectiveness declines as human soldiers get weapon and armor upgrades.
- Most buildings have 25-30% less hit points but also construct 25-30% faster.
- Melee Infantry move 10% faster.
- Most Melee units can pillage
- All units have +200 acquisition range.
- Heavy Cavalry gets a warcry ability which increases the attack damage of nearby allies.
- Woad Warrior (Elite Unit). Heavy infantry with large attack, good hit points and low armor. Deals extra damage when heavily hurt. Can demoralize nearby enemies. Can get cleaving attack with upgrade.
- Warrior Cult (tech): All organic units gain 10% additional hit points.
- Advanced Blacksmithing (tech): Additional attack damage tech for melee units.
- Druidic Guidance (tech): Allows units to regenerate the morale of nearby allies.
- Boats have +20% hit points.
Coming Soon
Very Strong Navy
Strong Infantry
Strong Missile Units
Strong Buildings
Strong Economy
Weak Cavalry
- Buildings +20% Hp
- Towers and Colonies Build 50% Faster
- Ships Build 25% Faster
- Athenian Trireme Elite warship unit which generates income
- Heavy Peltast Elite skirmisher unit
- Archers and Skirmishers +10% speed/attack speed
- Hellenization: Structures restore stamina/morale faster
Very Strong Infantry
Very Weak Cavalry
- Spartan Hoplite elite unit, most powerful infantry in the game available from Tier 1, but limited to 1 per farm.
- Cleomenian Reforms: Replaces the Spartan Hoplites with Spartan Pikemen which are slightly weaker but can be trained in bigger numbers.
- Helots: Workers and Skirmishers 20% cheaper
- Agoge: +1 stamina/morale for all units.
- Barracks give 10 population.
- Infantry move 10% faster
- Hellenization: Structures restore stamina/morale faster
Coming Soon
Very Strong Cavalry
Strong Infantry
Strong Missile Units
No Early Game Melee Unit
- Cavalry +1 Dps
- Skirmishers +10% speed/Hp
- Civ Centers double Hp and Attack
- Military Settlers: If bellow the pop cap, each barracks built will spawn 2 pikemen and one horseman.
- Hetairos Elite Cavalry
- Hypaspist Elite Infantry
- Can unlock Catafracts and War Elephants
- Lighthouses with huge line of sight that also grant +15% speed/range for ships.
- Hellenization: Structures restore stamina/morale faster
Coming Soon
Strong Economy
Strong Cavalry
Strong Buildings
Strong Missile Units
Weak Infantry
- All units build 20% faster and cheaper
- Building +30% hp and build time
- Royal Road: Non-Cavalry units move 20% faster
- Double trade allowed
- More Farms Allowed
- Archer range +100
- Immortal Elite unit which resurrects (replaced losses) upon death if the player has the needed resources.
- Can get access to War Elephants.
- Palace (fort replacement) generates income.
Coming Soon
Very Strong Navy
Very Strong Buildings
Very Strong Economy
Strong Cavalry
Expensive units
- Cavalry +10% speed
- Civ Center, Tower, Fort Double Hp
- Civ Center, Colony, Farm, Temple Build 50% faster
- Exploration: All units +200 line of sight
- Ships +20% speed/attack speed
- Triple trade allowed
- No limit on War Elephants
- Sacred Band spearmen and Sacred Band Cavalry elite units trained in temples.
Coming Soon
- The goal is to emulate games like age of empires 1 & 2, 0 AD (Awesome Open Source RTS, check it here) with the obvious WC3 influences/limitations, my own ideas/twists and some influences from other strategy games and community maps, conscious or not. Input is welcome as well.
- Compared to WC3 micromanagement should be less critical, with very few active skills. Economy should be somewhat more important.
- The usual rock-paper-scissors of historical RTS will be tuned down in favor of a more realistic combat system.
- Unit train time/kill ratio should be only slightly faster than WC3 melee (and that because of the lack of damage active spells) to avoid the boring troop spamfest lategame of many RTS games.
- Turtling will be allowed more than WC3 but offensive players can get more population (besides the extra resources ofc) by controlling important spots to strike upon your defenses.
- Various Factions will offer different gameplay, heavily influenced by historical strengths and weaknesses to a larger extend than in AOE games. You'll have Rush, Heavy Units, Mass Units, Better Infantry/Cavalry/Ranged/Siege/Navy, Combined Arms bonuses, Extra Defenses, Better Economy, Mobility, Expansion, Migration and more bonuses with several of them available to each Faction.
-Techs and special units with auras can alter this field for good or bad.
-Units that have fought for too long without resting will eventually get slaughtered even by lesser but fresh troops.
-System is still not balanced
Morale (mana)
-The more mana a unit has, the more damage it will deal. Currently bonus damage = mana/2.
-Each time a unit attacks its mana goes down by 1.
-Each time a unit gets attacked its mana goes down by 2.
-Each time a unit dies nearby allies lose 1 mana and nearby enemies gain 1.
-Each time a unit kills a unit it gains 3 mana.
Stamina (HP percentage)
-The more HP (%) a unit has, the more damage it will deal. Currently bonus damage = attacker HP%/20.
(This means for example 5 extra damage at 100% hp, 1 at 20%)
-Some units get enraged, like Celtic Woad Warriors and War Elephants. They deal more damage when they lose HP. Currently bonus damage = 200/attacker HP%. (This means for example 2 extra damage at 100% hp, 10 at 20%)
-Some units like carnivore animals (creeps) and Celtic War Dogs deal more damage to targets with low HP%. Currently bonus damage = 100/attacked unit HP%. (This means for example 1 extra damage against targets with 100% hp, 5 at 20%)
-System is still not balanced/tested
- Not many strong counters (rock/paper/scissors)
- Heavy dependence on the the stamina/morale system, unit speeds, support abilities and troop combos/roles.
- Some units have bonuses in the form of abilities like:
Spear attack: x1.5 vs Cavalry
Pike attack: x2 vs Cavalry (maybe armor piercing)
Heavy Mace: armor piercing or bash
Siege/Fire attacks: Bonused vs buildings, Ships, Siege weapons
Missile Resistance (3 levels): 15/30/45% reduced damage from ranged attacks.
Feared (2 levels): This unit debuffs the attack damage of enemies around it.
Cleaving Attack: This unit attacks targets near the primary as well.
Run Amok: War Elephants will become neutral hostile attacking friends and foes when heavily damaged.
Heal: Priests and druids can heal allies.
Convert: Priests can convert enemy units.
Attack buff aura: Druids and possible Command units
Movement speed/life regen aura: Supply carts/animals buff
Mana regen auras: Buildings and Supply carts/animals buff
Detection: Can detect spies/assassins and other hidden units.
Not all civs have all units. Units have of the same class might have civ-specific names, stats/skills/level and often model. Some units have Elite versions.
Melee Units
Spearman: Medium/Heavy infantry, usually tier 1. Bonused against cavalry.
Swordsman: Heavy infantry, usually tier 2. All around with generally higher base attack than spearman.
Pikeman: Heavy infantry, usually tier 2. Strong, Bonused against cavalry, Slow moving.
Ranged/Siege Units
Skirmisher: Fast moving, short ranged infantry, usually tier 1.
Archer: Long ranged infantry, usually tier 2. Can upgrade with fire arrows to attack structures more efficiently.
Ballista: Long ranged siege weapon, tier 2. Good against structures.
Ram: Melee Siege weapon usually tier 3, can only attack structures. Can garrison units.
Catapult: Long ranged siege weapon, usually tier 3. Good against structures and massed units.
Cavalry Units (Melee and Ranged)
Light Cavalry: Very Fast moving short ranged cavalry, tier 2.
Horse Archer: Fastest Unit, Long ranged cavalry, tier 2.
Horseman: Fast moving heavy cavalry, usually tier 2.
War Elephant: Super heavy cavalry, tier 3. Cleaving attack. Feared. May run Amok.
Support Units
Supply Cart/Animal: Mobile lumber dropsite/troop enhancer, Tier 2.
Priest/Druid: healer/support, Tier 3.
Spy -> Assassin: Sneaky scout/sabotage unit
Boat: Transports units/Limited fighting skill, Tier 1.
Trireme: Transports units/Heavy Warship, Tier 2. Can ram other ships. Upgrades with siege attack.
Hammership: Melee Warship, Tier 3.
Might add:
Kings/Generals/Commanders/Captains/Satraps: heros or limited units with various buffs
Fireship/Demolition ship: Fire attack/Explosive
Besides Goldmines and forests, there are capturable resource buildings giving various tech and economic bonuses (even more might be added):
Iron: Provides gold income. Allows the training of more swordsmen.
Horses: Allows the training of more cavalry Units.
Elephants: Provides gold income. Allows the training of more war elephants.
Mercenary Camps: There are several of those, for cultures which historically provided many mercenaries, each one giving access to different troops. (examples: Thracian, Celtic, Greek, Numidian etc)
All those are randomized in preset locations to differentiate each game. If this harms balance a lot, or many maps are released there might be set resources appropriate to each map
- Settlements exist next to every goldmine and they can upgrade to Colonies and then to Civ Centers.
- They are important choke-points, not only for the mining capacity but also to add population once the farm limit is reached.
- The rest of the structures are build normally by workers.
-In game changeable alliances (and modes allowing them to change or not)
-Vassal/Protectorate System: The ability to make someone your vassal/protectorate ally instead of totally destroying them, taxing a percentage of his income as well as having his army in support.
None Yet
- (Pson) Choose your favorite faction and help craving it's gameplay (as long as it doesn't totaly stray from map vision or balance)
- (Pson) Last tier of several Upgrades requires a map resource, like Iron, Game, Cloth etc.
- (Pson) Manpower: Each unit you lose will reduce your food cap, which also increases over time.
- (Pson) Mythology Mode: Temples trains powerful myth units and grant access to god powers (like age of mythology)
- (Pson) Devote temple: An option for greek factions (Athens, Sparta, Macedon). Might also give a different priest skill for each god.
Zeus (patron): increases infantry and command unit HP
Hades (death): increases Building, Siege, Assasin attack speed, Double Detection Range for detecting units
Ares (war): increases all soldiers hp and movement speed
Artemis (Hunt): increases ranged units range and sight
Poseidon (Sea and horses): increases ship and cavalry sight and attack speed
- (ldragogode297): Periodically spawning units (I could consider it as some faction bonus or tech research, representing allies/vassals supplying you with troops periodically)
-(DotCa): Improve the camera system
-(GhostThruster): Merge Greek Factions, Micro Focus
-Model Help/Suggestions/Modeling/Skinning:
I could go with what's available, as I did with my early version and it's still quite ok. But since I've put quite a lot of time into this and will continue doing so, I'd love it to get more of an appropriate feel for it's era. Now how much will deppend on help available since I can't model. This will also count on what factions I'll first (or at all) release. For example there's almost nothing available suiting the Persians.
Best would be to get a modeler partner (or more) that will be fully credited as a team member and a possible public release of models will be totally up to them. No super high skill is needed. Something along the lines of Spear Footman and Mounted Bandits models here on The Hive, at times slightly more complex.
For Some basic units needed:
My idea is to take a basic model like footman or villager (one of those with multiple animations if edit is allowed) and edit it in few variations with small adjustments and texture changes (preferably in game ones) to fit some roles. I'd also love some versions of the archmage 's or any unarmored horse to create some mounted versions.
An example
- Simplest way: Spear version of footman with a large round shield and with appropriate spear animation or edit of this model if creator is willing to do it or grants permission.
- Middle way: Same as simple, but i'd give some instructions for minor texture edits and or a new helmet. I'd be totally happy with this.
- Hard way: Completely new/heavily edited unit to fit the hoplite.
Buildings Needed:
Something simular to units, edit/re-skin of some buildings or new buildings in WC3 style at a specific theme.
For Some Special Units:
I'd love a heavily edited mammoth to fit a war elephant role. In 1-3 variations.
Could use a Chariot and a Slinger model, but could do without them.
If anyone is interested contact me/reply here before starting, for more speciffic details/tasks.
Blizzard style prefared for all resources to fit in with WC3 resource's I'm using.
- If people want to team up for this, I'm open as long as I need help in the field you can provide it.
- I'm not a great terrainier. I guess I can manage a quite good RTS map, but if a skilled person is up for making it better I'm all in.
- I could use a skilled triggered to check my triggers for efficiency once they're finished.
- Suggestions in any field are always welcome.
- People here can shape their favorite faction's gameplay with suggestion's to a degree that it doesn't totally conflict with historical accuracy and my target gameplay.
- Once the map is in a more ready state, I'd love beta testers and balancers.
- If anyone is willing to spot the credits needed before the map is released I'd be grateful and grant an extra honored credit position. Else I'll just do it by my lazy self
Ave people of the Hive! I've only recently registered to present the map I'm working on (as well as to ask for some help and feedback) but I've been a forum lurker and map/resource downloader for maybe 4-5 years, sometimes frequently others not. I've made quite a few maps over the years, mostly for myself or lan games with friends. This time I'm revisiting a favorite concept of mine, an Altered Melee/RTS in an ancient historical setting (Greeks, Romans etc). While this would not seem easily fitting with the Warcraft resources, I've found some decent ones over here and on other sites, and the WE is the program I'm most familiar with as well as far more powerful than other RTS games editors. I've seen people here asking for such a map in various instances in the past, as well as some abandoned efforts and I hope this time we're going to make it. For more info check Help Needed.
PROGRESS (3rd Pre-Alpha released)
-Download Link
-Roman, Celtic and Scythian Civs are playable with AI
-Most of the gameplay core features are implemented. Several are not balanced though.
-Most abilities, techs and triggers are ready in the map.
-Unit, building and upgrade templates are already in the map to clone and adjust for each faction.
-Many models are chosen. Need to decide on the rest and replace other (check help needed)
The Romans excel in massing powerful melee infantry. Other strong fields for them are siege weapons, defenses and navy.
Infantry: Very Strong. Great swordsmen with many upgrades. Shortage of good spearmen though.
Missile Units: Weak. Average in late game.
Cavalry: Weak. Few troop types and no specific upgrades.
Economy: Average. Free population slots granted by logistics could be invested in more villagers though.
Defenses: Above Average. Very Strong in late game.
Siege Weapons: Very Strong. All siege unit types and many upgrades.
Navy: Strong. Only Civ to get the heavy hammership upgrade.
- Infantry Train 20% Faster and Have +1 Dps.
- No limit on swordsmen. No need of the Iron resource to field massive heavy infantry armies.
- Early foot soldiers promote to stronger ones through combat (Hastatus->Princeps-Triarius).
- Marian Reforms (tech): Replaces early foot soldiers with the poweful Legionaire elite unit and gives access to auxiliary troops.
- Logistics (tech): Legion Barracks foot soldiers cost half towards the population limit.
- Imported Construction Technology (tech): Ships/Siege Weapons/Buildings get +10% Hp/Range.
- Siege Workshop (building): Replaces the archery range. Trains all siege weapon types and allows the training of battering rams at tier 2 (instead of tier 3)
- Auxiliary Barracks (building): Replaces the stables (but comes at tier 3 instead of tier 2). Trains Auxiliary Archers, Spearmen and Light Cavalry. None of these are exceptionally strong but fit roles the Romans lack.
- Auxiliary archers and spearmen can build army camps and repair.
- Army Camp (building): Replaces the fortress. Weaker than it but builds faster.
The Scythians are great riders and archers, and can field the most massive cavalry force possible. Their buildings are weak but offer a diverse and mobile gameplay
Infantry: Very Weak. Only average Axemen with almost no upgrades for most of the game. Some heavy spearmen in the end game.
Missile Units: Very Strong. Good archers and Horse Archers with most upgrades.
Cavalry: Very Strong. Most types and no build limits.
Economy: Strong. No special bonuses but their build system saves more resources for troops and upgrades.
Defenses: Very Weak. Some improvements in the late game.
Siege Weapons: Very weak. Only Ballistas in the late game.
Navy: Weak. Average in the late game.
- Pack Horses build most of the structures and the structures can pack back on horseback to be redeployed as any structure among those. Villagers build only Docks and Greek Colonies as well as doing the gathering and repair work.
- Packable Buildings have short build times (the pack horse trains slower than villagers though to kinda balance it) but also about 50% less hit points.
- Packable Buildings are free (besides the pack horse cost)
- Two Pack Horses are spawned for free at the Civ Center after each Phase research.
- No farms. Max food supply provided with each Civ Center.
- Arrow firing units and ships have +200 range.
- No Cavalry Limit
- Greek Colony (Building): replaces the academy. Contains various upgrades and allows the training of Spearmen, Ballistas and Triremes adding more diversity to the small-ish scythian techtree.
- Envenomed Weapons (tech): Horse Archer attacks cause damage over time.
- Steppe Hardiness (tech): Units regenerate faster - makes up for their lack of healers
- Scythian Axemen and Scythian Lancers can Pillage.
- Catafract elite unit, toughest horseman in the game
Coming Soon
The Celts are the not the strongest or weakest on any field. The bulk of their forces are their various infantry types, but Cavalry and missile units aren't particularly lacking. Their buildings are slightly weaker than average but also construct a bit faster.
Infantry: Strong. Most unit types and many upgrades.
Missile Units: Average. Most unit types with some upgrades.
Cavalry: Average. Most unit types with some upgrades.
Economy: Average. Nothing special nor lacking.
Defenses: Weak. Structures build faster though.
Siege Weapons: Weak. Only Rams but many units can pillage.
Navy: Weak. Only Boats, however they have increased base hitpoints.
- Farms are limited to 5 instead of 10 but most other buildings give a small population bonus.
- Celtic Hound (War Dogs) are trained from farms. They are relatively cheap, fast moving early game units, very effective at scouting, detecting hidden units and raiding. Like all carnivore animals, they deal more damage to damaged units. They have very few upgrades though so their combat effectiveness declines as human soldiers get weapon and armor upgrades.
- Most buildings have 25-30% less hit points but also construct 25-30% faster.
- Melee Infantry move 10% faster.
- Most Melee units can pillage
- All units have +200 acquisition range.
- Heavy Cavalry gets a warcry ability which increases the attack damage of nearby allies.
- Woad Warrior (Elite Unit). Heavy infantry with large attack, good hit points and low armor. Deals extra damage when heavily hurt. Can demoralize nearby enemies. Can get cleaving attack with upgrade.
- Warrior Cult (tech): All organic units gain 10% additional hit points.
- Advanced Blacksmithing (tech): Additional attack damage tech for melee units.
- Druidic Guidance (tech): Allows units to regenerate the morale of nearby allies.
- Boats have +20% hit points.
Coming Soon
Very Strong Navy
Strong Infantry
Strong Missile Units
Strong Buildings
Strong Economy
Weak Cavalry
- Buildings +20% Hp
- Towers and Colonies Build 50% Faster
- Ships Build 25% Faster
- Athenian Trireme Elite warship unit which generates income
- Heavy Peltast Elite skirmisher unit
- Archers and Skirmishers +10% speed/attack speed
- Hellenization: Structures restore stamina/morale faster
Very Strong Infantry
Very Weak Cavalry
- Spartan Hoplite elite unit, most powerful infantry in the game available from Tier 1, but limited to 1 per farm.
- Cleomenian Reforms: Replaces the Spartan Hoplites with Spartan Pikemen which are slightly weaker but can be trained in bigger numbers.
- Helots: Workers and Skirmishers 20% cheaper
- Agoge: +1 stamina/morale for all units.
- Barracks give 10 population.
- Infantry move 10% faster
- Hellenization: Structures restore stamina/morale faster
Coming Soon
Very Strong Cavalry
Strong Infantry
Strong Missile Units
No Early Game Melee Unit
- Cavalry +1 Dps
- Skirmishers +10% speed/Hp
- Civ Centers double Hp and Attack
- Military Settlers: If bellow the pop cap, each barracks built will spawn 2 pikemen and one horseman.
- Hetairos Elite Cavalry
- Hypaspist Elite Infantry
- Can unlock Catafracts and War Elephants
- Lighthouses with huge line of sight that also grant +15% speed/range for ships.
- Hellenization: Structures restore stamina/morale faster
Coming Soon
Strong Economy
Strong Cavalry
Strong Buildings
Strong Missile Units
Weak Infantry
- All units build 20% faster and cheaper
- Building +30% hp and build time
- Royal Road: Non-Cavalry units move 20% faster
- Double trade allowed
- More Farms Allowed
- Archer range +100
- Immortal Elite unit which resurrects (replaced losses) upon death if the player has the needed resources.
- Can get access to War Elephants.
- Palace (fort replacement) generates income.
Coming Soon
Very Strong Navy
Very Strong Buildings
Very Strong Economy
Strong Cavalry
Expensive units
- Cavalry +10% speed
- Civ Center, Tower, Fort Double Hp
- Civ Center, Colony, Farm, Temple Build 50% faster
- Exploration: All units +200 line of sight
- Ships +20% speed/attack speed
- Triple trade allowed
- No limit on War Elephants
- Sacred Band spearmen and Sacred Band Cavalry elite units trained in temples.
Coming Soon
- The goal is to emulate games like age of empires 1 & 2, 0 AD (Awesome Open Source RTS, check it here) with the obvious WC3 influences/limitations, my own ideas/twists and some influences from other strategy games and community maps, conscious or not. Input is welcome as well.
- Compared to WC3 micromanagement should be less critical, with very few active skills. Economy should be somewhat more important.
- The usual rock-paper-scissors of historical RTS will be tuned down in favor of a more realistic combat system.
- Unit train time/kill ratio should be only slightly faster than WC3 melee (and that because of the lack of damage active spells) to avoid the boring troop spamfest lategame of many RTS games.
- Turtling will be allowed more than WC3 but offensive players can get more population (besides the extra resources ofc) by controlling important spots to strike upon your defenses.
- Various Factions will offer different gameplay, heavily influenced by historical strengths and weaknesses to a larger extend than in AOE games. You'll have Rush, Heavy Units, Mass Units, Better Infantry/Cavalry/Ranged/Siege/Navy, Combined Arms bonuses, Extra Defenses, Better Economy, Mobility, Expansion, Migration and more bonuses with several of them available to each Faction.
Several Maps with different gameplay if time allows:
Mediterranean:: A central sea with a small resource full island surrounded by land. This will be the default map but I might create more.
Delphi: Fight around a mountainous region with a temple granting powers to the one who controls it on top.
Oasis: Classic age of empires style dessert map were almost all wood is located in the middle around a small lake.
North Africa: Four different layers from north to south. Sea, plains, forrest, dessert.
River Nile: A river separates the map in half, with most of the wood around it. Few choke-points (shallow passages)
Thermopylae: The narrow passages famous for the spartan last stand against the persians, where actually many ancient battles occurred. Defensive map.
Aegean Sea: Mostly sea, with many scattered islands. Might add bigger lands in some sides.
Italy: Central long land with water on either sides.
Scythian Steppes: Huge flatland with scarce forests.
Mediterranean:: A central sea with a small resource full island surrounded by land. This will be the default map but I might create more.
Delphi: Fight around a mountainous region with a temple granting powers to the one who controls it on top.
Oasis: Classic age of empires style dessert map were almost all wood is located in the middle around a small lake.
North Africa: Four different layers from north to south. Sea, plains, forrest, dessert.
River Nile: A river separates the map in half, with most of the wood around it. Few choke-points (shallow passages)
Thermopylae: The narrow passages famous for the spartan last stand against the persians, where actually many ancient battles occurred. Defensive map.
Aegean Sea: Mostly sea, with many scattered islands. Might add bigger lands in some sides.
Italy: Central long land with water on either sides.
Scythian Steppes: Huge flatland with scarce forests.
-Techs and special units with auras can alter this field for good or bad.
-Units that have fought for too long without resting will eventually get slaughtered even by lesser but fresh troops.
-System is still not balanced
Morale (mana)
-The more mana a unit has, the more damage it will deal. Currently bonus damage = mana/2.
-Each time a unit attacks its mana goes down by 1.
-Each time a unit gets attacked its mana goes down by 2.
-Each time a unit dies nearby allies lose 1 mana and nearby enemies gain 1.
-Each time a unit kills a unit it gains 3 mana.
Stamina (HP percentage)
-The more HP (%) a unit has, the more damage it will deal. Currently bonus damage = attacker HP%/20.
(This means for example 5 extra damage at 100% hp, 1 at 20%)
-Some units get enraged, like Celtic Woad Warriors and War Elephants. They deal more damage when they lose HP. Currently bonus damage = 200/attacker HP%. (This means for example 2 extra damage at 100% hp, 10 at 20%)
-Some units like carnivore animals (creeps) and Celtic War Dogs deal more damage to targets with low HP%. Currently bonus damage = 100/attacked unit HP%. (This means for example 1 extra damage against targets with 100% hp, 5 at 20%)
-System is still not balanced/tested
- Not many strong counters (rock/paper/scissors)
- Heavy dependence on the the stamina/morale system, unit speeds, support abilities and troop combos/roles.
- Some units have bonuses in the form of abilities like:
Spear attack: x1.5 vs Cavalry
Pike attack: x2 vs Cavalry (maybe armor piercing)
Heavy Mace: armor piercing or bash
Siege/Fire attacks: Bonused vs buildings, Ships, Siege weapons
Missile Resistance (3 levels): 15/30/45% reduced damage from ranged attacks.
Feared (2 levels): This unit debuffs the attack damage of enemies around it.
Cleaving Attack: This unit attacks targets near the primary as well.
Run Amok: War Elephants will become neutral hostile attacking friends and foes when heavily damaged.
Heal: Priests and druids can heal allies.
Convert: Priests can convert enemy units.
Attack buff aura: Druids and possible Command units
Movement speed/life regen aura: Supply carts/animals buff
Mana regen auras: Buildings and Supply carts/animals buff
Detection: Can detect spies/assassins and other hidden units.
Not all civs have all units. Units have of the same class might have civ-specific names, stats/skills/level and often model. Some units have Elite versions.
Melee Units
Spearman: Medium/Heavy infantry, usually tier 1. Bonused against cavalry.
Swordsman: Heavy infantry, usually tier 2. All around with generally higher base attack than spearman.
Pikeman: Heavy infantry, usually tier 2. Strong, Bonused against cavalry, Slow moving.
Ranged/Siege Units
Skirmisher: Fast moving, short ranged infantry, usually tier 1.
Archer: Long ranged infantry, usually tier 2. Can upgrade with fire arrows to attack structures more efficiently.
Ballista: Long ranged siege weapon, tier 2. Good against structures.
Ram: Melee Siege weapon usually tier 3, can only attack structures. Can garrison units.
Catapult: Long ranged siege weapon, usually tier 3. Good against structures and massed units.
Cavalry Units (Melee and Ranged)
Light Cavalry: Very Fast moving short ranged cavalry, tier 2.
Horse Archer: Fastest Unit, Long ranged cavalry, tier 2.
Horseman: Fast moving heavy cavalry, usually tier 2.
War Elephant: Super heavy cavalry, tier 3. Cleaving attack. Feared. May run Amok.
Support Units
Supply Cart/Animal: Mobile lumber dropsite/troop enhancer, Tier 2.
Priest/Druid: healer/support, Tier 3.
Spy -> Assassin: Sneaky scout/sabotage unit
Boat: Transports units/Limited fighting skill, Tier 1.
Trireme: Transports units/Heavy Warship, Tier 2. Can ram other ships. Upgrades with siege attack.
Hammership: Melee Warship, Tier 3.
Might add:
Kings/Generals/Commanders/Captains/Satraps: heros or limited units with various buffs
Fireship/Demolition ship: Fire attack/Explosive
Capturable regions giving value to the waters:
Fishing Regions: Controlling these adds food supply.
Trade Routes: Controlling these adds gold income.
Fishing Regions: Controlling these adds food supply.
Trade Routes: Controlling these adds gold income.
Besides Goldmines and forests, there are capturable resource buildings giving various tech and economic bonuses (even more might be added):
Iron: Provides gold income. Allows the training of more swordsmen.
Horses: Allows the training of more cavalry Units.
Elephants: Provides gold income. Allows the training of more war elephants.
Mercenary Camps: There are several of those, for cultures which historically provided many mercenaries, each one giving access to different troops. (examples: Thracian, Celtic, Greek, Numidian etc)
All those are randomized in preset locations to differentiate each game. If this harms balance a lot, or many maps are released there might be set resources appropriate to each map
- Settlements exist next to every goldmine and they can upgrade to Colonies and then to Civ Centers.
- They are important choke-points, not only for the mining capacity but also to add population once the farm limit is reached.
- The rest of the structures are build normally by workers.
-In game changeable alliances (and modes allowing them to change or not)
-Vassal/Protectorate System: The ability to make someone your vassal/protectorate ally instead of totally destroying them, taxing a percentage of his income as well as having his army in support.
Various, mostly powerful units, have a set limit which often can be increased by capturing the appropriate resource buildings (Example: Elephant resource allows the training of more War Elephants
The map weather occasionally changes from calm to rain, heavy rain, snow, fog etc. For now it is purely cosmetic but I might add some effects on combat based on it.
SCREENSHOTS (none yet)
None Yet
- (Pson) Choose your favorite faction and help craving it's gameplay (as long as it doesn't totaly stray from map vision or balance)
- (Pson) Last tier of several Upgrades requires a map resource, like Iron, Game, Cloth etc.
- (Pson) Manpower: Each unit you lose will reduce your food cap, which also increases over time.
- (Pson) Mythology Mode: Temples trains powerful myth units and grant access to god powers (like age of mythology)
- (Pson) Devote temple: An option for greek factions (Athens, Sparta, Macedon). Might also give a different priest skill for each god.
Zeus (patron): increases infantry and command unit HP
Hades (death): increases Building, Siege, Assasin attack speed, Double Detection Range for detecting units
Ares (war): increases all soldiers hp and movement speed
Artemis (Hunt): increases ranged units range and sight
Poseidon (Sea and horses): increases ship and cavalry sight and attack speed
- (ldragogode297): Periodically spawning units (I could consider it as some faction bonus or tech research, representing allies/vassals supplying you with troops periodically)
-(DotCa): Improve the camera system
-(GhostThruster): Merge Greek Factions, Micro Focus
HELP NEEDED (and possible team?)
-Model Help/Suggestions/Modeling/Skinning:
I could go with what's available, as I did with my early version and it's still quite ok. But since I've put quite a lot of time into this and will continue doing so, I'd love it to get more of an appropriate feel for it's era. Now how much will deppend on help available since I can't model. This will also count on what factions I'll first (or at all) release. For example there's almost nothing available suiting the Persians.
Best would be to get a modeler partner (or more) that will be fully credited as a team member and a possible public release of models will be totally up to them. No super high skill is needed. Something along the lines of Spear Footman and Mounted Bandits models here on The Hive, at times slightly more complex.
For Some basic units needed:
My idea is to take a basic model like footman or villager (one of those with multiple animations if edit is allowed) and edit it in few variations with small adjustments and texture changes (preferably in game ones) to fit some roles. I'd also love some versions of the archmage 's or any unarmored horse to create some mounted versions.
An example
- Simplest way: Spear version of footman with a large round shield and with appropriate spear animation or edit of this model if creator is willing to do it or grants permission.
- Middle way: Same as simple, but i'd give some instructions for minor texture edits and or a new helmet. I'd be totally happy with this.
- Hard way: Completely new/heavily edited unit to fit the hoplite.
Buildings Needed:
Something simular to units, edit/re-skin of some buildings or new buildings in WC3 style at a specific theme.
For Some Special Units:
I'd love a heavily edited mammoth to fit a war elephant role. In 1-3 variations.
Could use a Chariot and a Slinger model, but could do without them.
If anyone is interested contact me/reply here before starting, for more speciffic details/tasks.
Blizzard style prefared for all resources to fit in with WC3 resource's I'm using.
- If people want to team up for this, I'm open as long as I need help in the field you can provide it.
- I'm not a great terrainier. I guess I can manage a quite good RTS map, but if a skilled person is up for making it better I'm all in.
- I could use a skilled triggered to check my triggers for efficiency once they're finished.
- Suggestions in any field are always welcome.
- People here can shape their favorite faction's gameplay with suggestion's to a degree that it doesn't totally conflict with historical accuracy and my target gameplay.
- Once the map is in a more ready state, I'd love beta testers and balancers.
- If anyone is willing to spot the credits needed before the map is released I'd be grateful and grant an extra honored credit position. Else I'll just do it by my lazy self
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