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An Everything Tutorial
This tutorial was made for informing people on how to do some very basic things asked every day in some form. So I hope that people will ask less of these questions and then we can help other people with bigger problems instead of helping a different person everyday with the same question.
Things Bolded and Underlined are the heading
Things that has a * are for your information.
*I am still working on this tutorial, trying to make it better and trying to add some more skills for you all. I'll continue working on it and try to come up with some ideas. I need ideas XD, reply with some ideas for spells I could do or even tutorials I might be able to add. Thank you
Tools of the World Editor
Sense it was requested, I mine as well do it! This tutorial will basically teach you how navigate through the world editor! I will try to be very descriptive when it comes to the icons. For I don’t know how to make the pictures go in a certain place, only at the bottom of a page.
Object Editor
One of the major editors in the editor is the Object editor. This editor allows for you to make custom units, items, abilities, doodads, upgrades, buffs and effects, and destructibles. The icon for the object editor is a helmet, should be brownish to black. Click it. There should be 7 tabs. In order, unit, items, descructibles, doodads, abilities, buffs and effects, and upgrades.
The unit tab is where you make the custom units. This does not mean you make a model. In this you take an already created unit and edit it a little bit, from its model to its attack, to its abilities, and even the color of the unit. To create a new unit on the top should be a little helmet, sliver. If you scroll over it, it should read create a unit. Click this to make a unit. You should see tons of unit’s faces (icons). If you click on one of the unit’s faces it will light up green. This means you have selected it. On a little bar right under race, and the other scroll bars is the unit’s name and level. That’s their original name. If you continue up you should see a little text box. This box allows you to recreate its name! Pretty neat huh?
Have you ever gone into a game and killed a building? If you have than you have destroyed a destructible! A destructible is just a big word for doodad that can get killed. The icon to make a destructible is a gate. I usually don’t use these for I’ll just use doodads if I have to. You can explore it a little bit and get used to it.
Items are objects that you find in game to help you along your way. Sometimes they can help you way to much (rigged) other times they can be balanced and work properly. For the item section the “create” new item is a treasure chest. It should bring up a screen similar to the “create” a unit screen.
Doodads are those things that make a game look nice. If you’ve ever seen a tree, bush, or a gate, you’ve seen them in a game. There incorporated in almost every type of game in Warcraft. Only one that doesn’t use doodads is T.D.’s. The icon for create a new doodad is a castle looking thingy.
Abilities are those things units and hero’s use to make the game more strategic. These include the blood mage’s fire strike to any custom ability someone has made. They all start at this tab. The “create” new ability icon is a glove.
Buffs and effects are the things that come when an ability was cast. These things range from aura’s buffs to effects. What is the difference? The buff just makes it look good and shows people that they have the aura. The effect actually affects you in some way. For example, say you have been cold. Your seed has gone down. But if you have endurances aura you just now know you have the aura. The ability itself has the effects.
Have you ever played a melee game? Are you good or beginner? No matter where you are you know that you have to upgrade to help you win. Upgrades are usually just for melee games, sometimes they could be used for custom games. They make it so when you buy it certain types of units get a boost. Like if you buy iron-forged swords you get an attack bonus for the footman.
Every time you make a new object in the object editor it will be at the bottom with the name labeled in purple. If you click your new object you can edit it a lot more. Experiment and see what some things do. The possibilities are endless with the object editor.
Trigger Editor
The trigger editor is what tells the game to do something. If you want to view the whole map in game you have to use triggers. If you want to make the game a melee map you have to use triggers. Triggers are the data that gets put into the game and then does what ever you told it to do! The trigger editor is displayed with a yellow gear. I will discus the trigger editor a lot more in depth in a later tutorial.
Import Editor
The Import editor is the place where you import every model, sound, or anything else you want. The only thing you don’t import is a trigger! I will explain the import editor a little later
Sound Editor
The sound editor is where you import, and pick sounds you want to use with your game. You can also use the import editor for the importing part. To use this editor you also need to use a map initialization trigger.
AI Editor
Have you ever played a computer on a melee game or certain custom games? If you have then you have seen what AI can do. I won’t go to in depth with this. The AI editor is where you create the computers. The editor allows you to tell what the computer does. Like if you wanted to you could make the greatest computer ever that will almost always win by building just the right buildings and always attacking at good moments. If you want to add AI to you maps then you could read up on these tutorials. Not also do they explain a little more on what the editor does but it also gives a good way on how to make a good AI.
Basics and Triggers - http://world-editor-tutorials.thehelper.net/cat_usersubmit.php?view=15516
Editor (more in depth) http://world-editor-tutorials.thehelper.net/cat_usersubmit.php?view=53937
Campaign Editor
Have you ever played the single player map, mainly the bonus campaign with Rexar? If you have then you have played a campaign. A campaign is when you can start off in one map, then jump to another without the use of having to make a new map. Pretty cool huh? Well that’s what the campaign editor does. It makes it so that you can make a nice campaign.
*Note that when making campaigns they cannot be multiplayer only single player
Here is a great tutorial on campaign http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6287
Object Manager
This is kind of a tool for the lazy people that don’t want to hit all the other buttons. All it does is track your units, items, regions, and everything else to its respective triggers. That or it will allow you to edit it right there. Sort of handy, I personally just track it down right quick.
Importing Models
I know there are many threads on this but apparently people don’t like to use the search button. So I decided to take a little time to make a tutorial on it.
First download you model. (Duh). Save it to a spot you can quickly go back to. Look for the import editor. It should look like a piece of paper with a bent top right corner and a green arrow pointing to the left. Click this. You should see a big blank white screen with some icons on the toolbar.
· A toolbar is a bar at either the top or the bottom with icons on it.
Remember that icon on the Warcraft editor for the import editor? The same is on the import editor. This icon is for importing data. The one that points to the left is the export. We don’t want to use the export icon so don’t worry about it. Now you should get a screen waiting for you to find a program. Go to your respective folder in which you saved the model. Double click the model icon and it should be imported.
Under file type you should see model. Not texture or anything else. If you do don’t double click it, its fine the way it is unless specified by the modeler.
Take out the Wc3ImportedFile//. If it looks black right now save the map and reopen it or test the map. It should come out normal. If its still black and the model is from the hive make sure it was approved. Otherwise it could be a broken model.
Importing triggers
Have you ever downloaded a skill map? If you have then you know that you have to get the trigger from one place to your map. This can be difficult if you don’t know what your doing.
If the trigger has a unit specified trigger, in other words if somewhere in the trigger it says Blademaster 001, or any other unit, or item followed by numbers, find a different form of the skill. This skill would make it so you would have to reformat it and try to make it so that it works with every unit and not just one. This is a pain and a waste of time.
If it has a sound, go to the sound editor (should look like a speaker with sound waves) double click the sound and copy the variable name. Then remember what sound it was or right it down on a piece a paper. Go through the sound editor on the right side; see if you can find the sound again, then remember where you found it. Yet again you could right it down on a piece of paper. Now go to the triggers name, right click the name and hit the word “Copy” not “Copy as text.” Open up your map; copy the trigger into your map. Keep doing this if there is more than one trigger. Then if the trigger has a red slash through it, go into the actions/events/conditions; look for the action/event/condition that looks like a red gear. Click that action/event/condition and then hit OK. It should be fine. If it’s a sound variable then you need to go back to the sound editor. Find the song on the right again, double click the sound and it should go to the blank side. Double click it again and copy the variable name into the variable slot. Hit OK. Go back to the trigger editor and double click that sound action again and hit OK. It should be fine.
Creating very very very Basic GUI Triggers
I’m going to teach you how to do extremely basic triggers. These triggers shouldn’t even be used in a game for their kind of retarded. It’s only a way for you to get accustomed to the trigger editor and its ways. Do not use this in a map. Make it in a map your not really going to use.
For the events mess around with them, see what they all do. Pick different ones every time to see what they can do and what you can use them for.
*Events are what start the trigger. It’s like saying your hungry so you make yourself some food. You being hungry would be the event. The actions will come later along with the conditions.
Conditions are the blockers. Unless a trigger has the conditions matched up to the trigger will not run. It’s like saying you feel lazy but your hungry, you want to get food but you just have no energy to get up and make some food. The conditions there would be your feeling lazy and you have no energy. For this you don’t have to put anything, if you want to go ahead but I wouldn’t.
For this you want to go to the first drop down box and look for units. Click it and fool around with the units. Once you get a feel for all the things you can do there try to branch off and go to hero or floating text, anything is possible just fool around with it.
· Actions are what happens when the conditions and matched up and the event has happened. Lets go back to our first example. Your hungry (event) you get up to get some food. (Action)
The Variable Editor is in the trigger editor and it is marked with a big “X.” Variable are little storage units. They store some kind of information so that the game can go back and see what had happened so that you can go back to that point. For example in the next section we are going to make a blink strike. This is going to need 2 variables, if you want to get a head start. 1 is going to be a unit variable, for the sake of learning I will call it the Enemy variable. And 1 point variable, yet again for the sake of learning I will call it Point. To set these variables go to the actions and hit the second drop down box. Right there should be the words “Set Variable” Click that. In the first blank put in the “Enemy” variable we had made. Then hit the second blank. Hit the drop down box and put in “Target unit of ability being cast.” Then use the same action except for the variable put in the “Point” variable we had made. For the value hit the drop down box and look for position of unit. Then it should have a red word unit. Click unit and put in casting unit.
Now you have done variables, events, actions, and possibly conditions.
Creating Some Abilities in GUI
Now that you have some basic idea of the trigger editor we should get little more in depth with the editor. We are going to make an ability in the editor then I will teach you some steps in how to make your own skills.
Blink Strike – Easy
Steps to create your own skills – Easy, Medium, Hard. Depends on what type of skill you want to make.
Blink Strike
We want to create an Anime Fight, Sephiroth, blink strike. We want him to blink to the targeted enemy, attack him, and blink back. Hit and run. First we need to make the spell. Go to the object editor and create an ability. Base it off channel because for me that’s the greatest dummy skill there is. Change the range to what you want and always have options have Visible on it makes it so the icon is Visible and doesn’t disappear.
Now you should have the variables already created. Now what we want to do is do the Events. It should be as follows.
*Leaks are variables that are stored in the games memory and never taken out. This is bad for it causes lag, people leaving, and very unpleasant players.
And there you have it a fully functional blink strike. If you have any problems or need any clarification post here.
Steps to make your own skills
Have you ever wanted to make a nice custom skill but just didn’t know where to start or how to trigger it? Well you’re in luck. I found a simple way to make abilities if you know the GUI actions well. If not then keep fooling around with the actions.
First you want to identify what type of skill you want to make. Do you want to make a channeling skill? Or maybe a aura? Or possibly a skill like blink strike? If you want to do an aura, good luck. They are very hard and take a lot of GUI. If you want to do a channel spell you want to have this event and condition.
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33039 - To make a spell book for all your spells.
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31799 - A hero selection system
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7334 - Daelin’s basic spell enhancing tutorial.
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5896 - variable tutorial
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=51966 - tool tip tutorial (makes your skills look so good anyone will want to play your game over and over again!
Also to complement that tutorial is a good tool to make your words colored in your tool tips. http://www.hiveworkshop.com/resources_new/tools/360/
Maybe you don’t want to make a hero selection system and instead a hero tavern like in DOTA or Anime Fight. http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33339
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34870 - Ralle’s tower defense guide
Maybe you were completely confused about this tutorial then these are for you. There basic tutorials on the world editor (WE) http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8204
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30765 - Maybe your tired of GUI or you are good enough at it that you can go on to JASS, I personally love this tutorial. At the same time good luck JASS for me is seriously hard.
Remember my example, about the Chain Frost Nova? Do you want to make that happen? Well then this is the tutorial for you http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7015
All these tutorials are for your learning benefit. None of these extra tutorials where made by me and I take no credit for them. They where all made by the posters and who ever helped them. If theres anything I might need to add, reword, or explain a little better then leave a comment
This tutorial was made for informing people on how to do some very basic things asked every day in some form. So I hope that people will ask less of these questions and then we can help other people with bigger problems instead of helping a different person everyday with the same question.
Things Bolded and Underlined are the heading
Things that has a * are for your information.
*I am still working on this tutorial, trying to make it better and trying to add some more skills for you all. I'll continue working on it and try to come up with some ideas. I need ideas XD, reply with some ideas for spells I could do or even tutorials I might be able to add. Thank you
Tools of the World Editor
Sense it was requested, I mine as well do it! This tutorial will basically teach you how navigate through the world editor! I will try to be very descriptive when it comes to the icons. For I don’t know how to make the pictures go in a certain place, only at the bottom of a page.
Object Editor
One of the major editors in the editor is the Object editor. This editor allows for you to make custom units, items, abilities, doodads, upgrades, buffs and effects, and destructibles. The icon for the object editor is a helmet, should be brownish to black. Click it. There should be 7 tabs. In order, unit, items, descructibles, doodads, abilities, buffs and effects, and upgrades.
The unit tab is where you make the custom units. This does not mean you make a model. In this you take an already created unit and edit it a little bit, from its model to its attack, to its abilities, and even the color of the unit. To create a new unit on the top should be a little helmet, sliver. If you scroll over it, it should read create a unit. Click this to make a unit. You should see tons of unit’s faces (icons). If you click on one of the unit’s faces it will light up green. This means you have selected it. On a little bar right under race, and the other scroll bars is the unit’s name and level. That’s their original name. If you continue up you should see a little text box. This box allows you to recreate its name! Pretty neat huh?
Have you ever gone into a game and killed a building? If you have than you have destroyed a destructible! A destructible is just a big word for doodad that can get killed. The icon to make a destructible is a gate. I usually don’t use these for I’ll just use doodads if I have to. You can explore it a little bit and get used to it.
Items are objects that you find in game to help you along your way. Sometimes they can help you way to much (rigged) other times they can be balanced and work properly. For the item section the “create” new item is a treasure chest. It should bring up a screen similar to the “create” a unit screen.
Doodads are those things that make a game look nice. If you’ve ever seen a tree, bush, or a gate, you’ve seen them in a game. There incorporated in almost every type of game in Warcraft. Only one that doesn’t use doodads is T.D.’s. The icon for create a new doodad is a castle looking thingy.
Abilities are those things units and hero’s use to make the game more strategic. These include the blood mage’s fire strike to any custom ability someone has made. They all start at this tab. The “create” new ability icon is a glove.
Buffs and effects are the things that come when an ability was cast. These things range from aura’s buffs to effects. What is the difference? The buff just makes it look good and shows people that they have the aura. The effect actually affects you in some way. For example, say you have been cold. Your seed has gone down. But if you have endurances aura you just now know you have the aura. The ability itself has the effects.
Have you ever played a melee game? Are you good or beginner? No matter where you are you know that you have to upgrade to help you win. Upgrades are usually just for melee games, sometimes they could be used for custom games. They make it so when you buy it certain types of units get a boost. Like if you buy iron-forged swords you get an attack bonus for the footman.
Every time you make a new object in the object editor it will be at the bottom with the name labeled in purple. If you click your new object you can edit it a lot more. Experiment and see what some things do. The possibilities are endless with the object editor.
Trigger Editor
The trigger editor is what tells the game to do something. If you want to view the whole map in game you have to use triggers. If you want to make the game a melee map you have to use triggers. Triggers are the data that gets put into the game and then does what ever you told it to do! The trigger editor is displayed with a yellow gear. I will discus the trigger editor a lot more in depth in a later tutorial.
Import Editor
The Import editor is the place where you import every model, sound, or anything else you want. The only thing you don’t import is a trigger! I will explain the import editor a little later
Sound Editor
The sound editor is where you import, and pick sounds you want to use with your game. You can also use the import editor for the importing part. To use this editor you also need to use a map initialization trigger.
AI Editor
Have you ever played a computer on a melee game or certain custom games? If you have then you have seen what AI can do. I won’t go to in depth with this. The AI editor is where you create the computers. The editor allows you to tell what the computer does. Like if you wanted to you could make the greatest computer ever that will almost always win by building just the right buildings and always attacking at good moments. If you want to add AI to you maps then you could read up on these tutorials. Not also do they explain a little more on what the editor does but it also gives a good way on how to make a good AI.
Basics and Triggers - http://world-editor-tutorials.thehelper.net/cat_usersubmit.php?view=15516
Editor (more in depth) http://world-editor-tutorials.thehelper.net/cat_usersubmit.php?view=53937
Campaign Editor
Have you ever played the single player map, mainly the bonus campaign with Rexar? If you have then you have played a campaign. A campaign is when you can start off in one map, then jump to another without the use of having to make a new map. Pretty cool huh? Well that’s what the campaign editor does. It makes it so that you can make a nice campaign.
*Note that when making campaigns they cannot be multiplayer only single player
Here is a great tutorial on campaign http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6287
Object Manager
This is kind of a tool for the lazy people that don’t want to hit all the other buttons. All it does is track your units, items, regions, and everything else to its respective triggers. That or it will allow you to edit it right there. Sort of handy, I personally just track it down right quick.
Importing Models
I know there are many threads on this but apparently people don’t like to use the search button. So I decided to take a little time to make a tutorial on it.
First download you model. (Duh). Save it to a spot you can quickly go back to. Look for the import editor. It should look like a piece of paper with a bent top right corner and a green arrow pointing to the left. Click this. You should see a big blank white screen with some icons on the toolbar.
· A toolbar is a bar at either the top or the bottom with icons on it.
Remember that icon on the Warcraft editor for the import editor? The same is on the import editor. This icon is for importing data. The one that points to the left is the export. We don’t want to use the export icon so don’t worry about it. Now you should get a screen waiting for you to find a program. Go to your respective folder in which you saved the model. Double click the model icon and it should be imported.
Under file type you should see model. Not texture or anything else. If you do don’t double click it, its fine the way it is unless specified by the modeler.
Take out the Wc3ImportedFile//. If it looks black right now save the map and reopen it or test the map. It should come out normal. If its still black and the model is from the hive make sure it was approved. Otherwise it could be a broken model.
Importing triggers
Have you ever downloaded a skill map? If you have then you know that you have to get the trigger from one place to your map. This can be difficult if you don’t know what your doing.
If the trigger has a unit specified trigger, in other words if somewhere in the trigger it says Blademaster 001, or any other unit, or item followed by numbers, find a different form of the skill. This skill would make it so you would have to reformat it and try to make it so that it works with every unit and not just one. This is a pain and a waste of time.
If it has a sound, go to the sound editor (should look like a speaker with sound waves) double click the sound and copy the variable name. Then remember what sound it was or right it down on a piece a paper. Go through the sound editor on the right side; see if you can find the sound again, then remember where you found it. Yet again you could right it down on a piece of paper. Now go to the triggers name, right click the name and hit the word “Copy” not “Copy as text.” Open up your map; copy the trigger into your map. Keep doing this if there is more than one trigger. Then if the trigger has a red slash through it, go into the actions/events/conditions; look for the action/event/condition that looks like a red gear. Click that action/event/condition and then hit OK. It should be fine. If it’s a sound variable then you need to go back to the sound editor. Find the song on the right again, double click the sound and it should go to the blank side. Double click it again and copy the variable name into the variable slot. Hit OK. Go back to the trigger editor and double click that sound action again and hit OK. It should be fine.
Creating very very very Basic GUI Triggers
I’m going to teach you how to do extremely basic triggers. These triggers shouldn’t even be used in a game for their kind of retarded. It’s only a way for you to get accustomed to the trigger editor and its ways. Do not use this in a map. Make it in a map your not really going to use.
For the events mess around with them, see what they all do. Pick different ones every time to see what they can do and what you can use them for.
*Events are what start the trigger. It’s like saying your hungry so you make yourself some food. You being hungry would be the event. The actions will come later along with the conditions.
Conditions are the blockers. Unless a trigger has the conditions matched up to the trigger will not run. It’s like saying you feel lazy but your hungry, you want to get food but you just have no energy to get up and make some food. The conditions there would be your feeling lazy and you have no energy. For this you don’t have to put anything, if you want to go ahead but I wouldn’t.
For this you want to go to the first drop down box and look for units. Click it and fool around with the units. Once you get a feel for all the things you can do there try to branch off and go to hero or floating text, anything is possible just fool around with it.
· Actions are what happens when the conditions and matched up and the event has happened. Lets go back to our first example. Your hungry (event) you get up to get some food. (Action)
The Variable Editor is in the trigger editor and it is marked with a big “X.” Variable are little storage units. They store some kind of information so that the game can go back and see what had happened so that you can go back to that point. For example in the next section we are going to make a blink strike. This is going to need 2 variables, if you want to get a head start. 1 is going to be a unit variable, for the sake of learning I will call it the Enemy variable. And 1 point variable, yet again for the sake of learning I will call it Point. To set these variables go to the actions and hit the second drop down box. Right there should be the words “Set Variable” Click that. In the first blank put in the “Enemy” variable we had made. Then hit the second blank. Hit the drop down box and put in “Target unit of ability being cast.” Then use the same action except for the variable put in the “Point” variable we had made. For the value hit the drop down box and look for position of unit. Then it should have a red word unit. Click unit and put in casting unit.
Now you have done variables, events, actions, and possibly conditions.
Creating Some Abilities in GUI
Now that you have some basic idea of the trigger editor we should get little more in depth with the editor. We are going to make an ability in the editor then I will teach you some steps in how to make your own skills.
Blink Strike – Easy
Steps to create your own skills – Easy, Medium, Hard. Depends on what type of skill you want to make.
Blink Strike
We want to create an Anime Fight, Sephiroth, blink strike. We want him to blink to the targeted enemy, attack him, and blink back. Hit and run. First we need to make the spell. Go to the object editor and create an ability. Base it off channel because for me that’s the greatest dummy skill there is. Change the range to what you want and always have options have Visible on it makes it so the icon is Visible and doesn’t disappear.
Now you should have the variables already created. Now what we want to do is do the Events. It should be as follows.
Unit – Unit beings casting a spell
Unit – Unit begins casting a spell
Ability is equaled to blink strike.
Unit – Unit begins casting a spell
Ability is equaled to blink strike.
<Both of the next actions are under unit. See why I wanted you to learn all about the unit section? >
Unit- Pause Casting unit
Unit- Pause Enemy <our variable>
<This next action is under unit>
Unit- instantly move Triggering unit to <look for position of unit then use our variable> position of enemy
<Go under unit and find Issue order targeting a unit. >
Unit- order triggering unit to attack enemy
Unit- instantly move Triggering unit to <this is where our other variable takes place> point
<this next action is found right when you hit the drop down bar. After this I like to place what I like to call “ending actions” It cleans up leaks and unpause units>
Wait .10 seconds.
<For this next action I want you to click the drop down box and look for the Custom Script. You’re going to be doing a little Jassing. Jass is case sensitive and if there is no space between 2 words do not put a space!!!>
Custom script – call RemoveLocation(udg_point)
<If you type that right you shouldn’t have any problems. >
<This next action is under unit. It’s the same action as the pause unit just hit the pause unit and make it unpause>
Unit- Unpause Casting Unit
Unit- Unpause Enemy
*Leaks are variables that are stored in the games memory and never taken out. This is bad for it causes lag, people leaving, and very unpleasant players.
And there you have it a fully functional blink strike. If you have any problems or need any clarification post here.
Steps to make your own skills
Have you ever wanted to make a nice custom skill but just didn’t know where to start or how to trigger it? Well you’re in luck. I found a simple way to make abilities if you know the GUI actions well. If not then keep fooling around with the actions.
First you want to identify what type of skill you want to make. Do you want to make a channeling skill? Or maybe a aura? Or possibly a skill like blink strike? If you want to do an aura, good luck. They are very hard and take a lot of GUI. If you want to do a channel spell you want to have this event and condition.
A unit begins channeling an ability
Ability is equaled to <your ability here.>
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33039 - To make a spell book for all your spells.
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31799 - A hero selection system
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7334 - Daelin’s basic spell enhancing tutorial.
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5896 - variable tutorial
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=51966 - tool tip tutorial (makes your skills look so good anyone will want to play your game over and over again!
Also to complement that tutorial is a good tool to make your words colored in your tool tips. http://www.hiveworkshop.com/resources_new/tools/360/
Maybe you don’t want to make a hero selection system and instead a hero tavern like in DOTA or Anime Fight. http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33339
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34870 - Ralle’s tower defense guide
Maybe you were completely confused about this tutorial then these are for you. There basic tutorials on the world editor (WE) http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8204
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30765 - Maybe your tired of GUI or you are good enough at it that you can go on to JASS, I personally love this tutorial. At the same time good luck JASS for me is seriously hard.
Remember my example, about the Chain Frost Nova? Do you want to make that happen? Well then this is the tutorial for you http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7015
All these tutorials are for your learning benefit. None of these extra tutorials where made by me and I take no credit for them. They where all made by the posters and who ever helped them. If theres anything I might need to add, reword, or explain a little better then leave a comment
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