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An Azeroth Flying Mount System Idea

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Level 5
Dec 31, 2007
What happens is if you are on alliance for example, you can fly in alliance territory and contested territory. However when you enter Horde territory you will automatically be dismounted. This prevents mass raids in the cites and newbs from being raided too often whilst giving people the opportunity to use there flying mounts.

You guys: Take a step back there Perry_, you said dismount when you enter horde territory? That wont work well. Me: When you approach or get near horde territory and warning message will come up and make a ping noise to notify players they are getting to close and give them enough time to turn around. Visa versa if horde enter alliance territory. If you do keep going into horde and cross the border you will be dismounted in mid-air as a small punishment for entering, this isn't that bad considering you will land just over the border and can easily walk over and remount, remember if you get a warning message and a fairly loud ping to tell you your getting too close.

This method would give people lots of freedom to ride through Azeroth as most of it is contested territory and also stop mass fly-in raids of lower level areas and major cities.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
No no no and no. Did I already say no? Well again no. No Flying mounts for Azeroth. Azeroth wasn't made for Flying Mounts and there are a bunch of unfinished areas where people would get to even if they're not meant to get there.

And it could also give other problems.
Azeroth was NEVER meant for flying. If you take a look above Stormwind, you'd see nothing except a few WMO's glitching. Also, the Cathedral of Light has two layers, one that is meant to be seen from the Trade District and the Bridge connecting the Trade District and Mage District, and the one that is see from the Cathedral Square, and flying around it would also ruin the feel.
I've thought of this idea many of times, but Azeroth was meant to be path able on a flying mount.
You mean was not meant to be pathable.

Even on the minimap you can see unfinished places. Flying over and onto them would just be ridiculous.
These sorts of areas were usually between zones, like for example between the barrens, durotar, ashenvale, and the land that's shaped like a C, there are big empty flat areas.

Also by swimming along the shore on kalimdor to the very south you can reach a small shore, which has a small path to a huge flat area where you can access silithus, tanaris, and all the other places on the south.
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
You mean was not meant to be pathable.

Even on the minimap you can see unfinished places. Flying over and onto them would just be ridiculous.
These sorts of areas were usually between zones, like for example between the barrens, durotar, ashenvale, and the land that's shaped like a C, there are big empty flat areas.

Also by swimming along the shore on kalimdor to the very south you can reach a small shore, which has a small path to a huge flat area where you can access silithus, tanaris, and all the other places on the south.
Heh, yeah I meant not pathable, I occasionally make that mistake(unlikely though).
Level 11
Jul 25, 2005
If blizzard really wanted to allow the use of flying mounts in Azeroth they would go back and re-terrain areas that are incomplete and such. They might block some areas off with invisible walls that they don't want players entering (They did this with the Black Temple in Shadowmoon valley so players wouldn't fly onto the uninstanced version of the Black Temple.)
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
Also, consider this- what would happen if you passed the accessible locations? You would dismount, but if you had any hight whatsoever, you'd plummet to your death and be forced to walk all the way back(or suffer durability loss and resurrection sickness), I can see a lot of complaint of that brewing, if your idea ever became reality.
Level 5
Dec 31, 2007
Ah Well, but i heard somewhere the after Wrath of the Lich King. Blizzard were gonna try and make Azeroth accessible for flying mounts. Speaking of Wrath of the Lich King, will they have flying mounts there?

EDIT: Replaced Abbreviations
Level 5
Dec 31, 2007
Yes blizzard stated that there will be flying mounts in Northrend, you won't be able to use them immediatly however. Blizzard stated that you will be able to use your flying mount in Northrend around levels 78-80
Yeh that sounds fair, putting a restriction on it and stuff. But yeh I heard that in the future sometime after Wrath of the Lich King they want to try and put flying mounts in azeroth. I'll try and see if i can find that reference.
Also, consider this- what would happen if you passed the accessible locations? You would dismount, but if you had any hight whatsoever, you'd plummet to your death and be forced to walk all the way back(or suffer durability loss and resurrection sickness), I can see a lot of complaint of that brewing, if your idea ever became reality.

Slow fall? Noggenfogger? Soul stone?

People have bypassed long drops all the time.
Level 8
May 7, 2007
I cant ever see flying mounts in Azeroth, they'd have to do something to block so many places off to be able to keep players from exploiting. There'd be so much exploiting players, unless they make certrain little area's such as the entrance in caverns of time, stuff like that. Although it would be cool, I cant see flying mounts in the old lands.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
It is more of a dream than anything. I'd love to fly around azeroth, cause I usually help lots of noobs and would cut down jumping from area to area time alot lower, but looking at blizzards point of view I wouldn't like it. Few areas where you can't enter, probly for future patches/expansions. Also the "blank spots" would all obviously need terrain and probly creatures, doubt they would leave so much terrain empty, but then again it could reveal new areas for patches/expansions or even just quests.
Hunters can easily see these restricted areas using Hawk Eye. You can view above Undercity... Empty areas in Orgrimmar...

There are also many ways to get to these areas.. I just love seeing these glitches and crap. I climbed up a little hill until I got to a really steepe part. I jumped onto an edge and managed in a completely blank area between Stonetalon and Ashenvale. I have used Eyes of the Beast inside SM Library and walked outside of the instance with my pet. Managed falling off the side of the world into a blank area under SM.
Level 8
May 7, 2007
I love glitching, not as in having an advantage over players, but I like to get behind places and stuff. I would post them here, but:

1. Can get you banned from WoW for doing them, sadly
2. Theres so many I know I couldnt post them all.

Although you can search YouTube for videos on them, thats what I use.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
uhh remember glitch falling from world, after u climb to troll battle above IF. gm had to save me -.- i tried saving myself at first, just set auto walk for a fw hoursand ended up below the lake in the redridge mountains, think thats name.
Level 9
Jun 27, 2007
I don't understand all the blind anger in this thread...

What's so bad about getting to unfinished places? Is there any harm in that? I don't see what you people are basing your arguments off of. Bad terrain might look unfinished and unprofessional but do you think the majority would even care?

There'd be a few places that would have be changed of course mostly around cities and such but really I don't see why you people are so quick to pounce on this.
Level 8
May 26, 2007
Hunters can easily see these restricted areas using Hawk Eye. You can view above Undercity... Empty areas in Orgrimmar...

There are also many ways to get to these areas.. I just love seeing these glitches and crap. I climbed up a little hill until I got to a really steepe part. I jumped onto an edge and managed in a completely blank area between Stonetalon and Ashenvale. I have used Eyes of the Beast inside SM Library and walked outside of the instance with my pet. Managed falling off the side of the world into a blank area under SM.

Haha. Shamans can see even more, they can keep recasting and recasting farsight :xxd:
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Flying mounts in Azeroth = SO wrong.

How stupid could it be to fly, let's see.... to the roof of the Stormwind Keep? Flying mounts would grant access to zones that should be off-limits anyway, and Blizz already stated that they won't waste their time on rebuilding Azeroth for flying mounts.

If you fly above stormwind, everything becomes invisible except for the terrain (the whole city is made out of doodads) and you can see some walls of buildings. That's why there are no flying mounts in Azeroth. If there were, the flight ceiling would have to be very low.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
think mentioned if azeroth was edited for the purpose of flight.

i'd kinda like an expansion to add areas to Azeroth like not to middle islands, just areas you can't get to on kalimdor and eastern kingdoms, states that have no entry, or no usage but to fit on map on WoW, so more then likely would need more than them, and fixing up rest of azeroth for flying mount compatiable, and adding new instances and etc would work for an expansion.
Level 12
Jul 2, 2004
First off, what's the penalty system really meant to do? Reduce ganking? You can't gank enemy players in enemy territory to begin with. It's not like bored gankers can stop a lowbie from questing (unless it's harassing quest NPCs) or stop a casual from his daily errands. Otherwise, I find the penalty system unnecessary and frustrating (there's a difference between frustrating and annoying I'll add.)

Second, the original WoW (Azeroth) was never designed for flying mounts. You think that it won't hurt game mechanics, yet what you don't realize is the amount of work needed to rework the areas that have already gone under revisions. Heck, if the work requires that much time, why bother fixing in WoW when you could make a sequel? Not everyone will agree with it, but let's face it: Blizzard have other priorities to appeal to the majority.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
and the majority say "we want wc4" but we want to get into that. The work needed could easily be fit into a expansion lol, alot of work but creating outland or northrend was more work =P ALOT more.
Level 4
Jan 16, 2005
Please do that would be great but it would probably include complets remodding of the ENTIRE AZEROTH PLANE. it would take an entire expansion to encompass the amout of information that would be changed. not to mention the fact that we would have Nether drakes or other otherworldly creatures flying around. it would bring Gankage to a new level! *picture this your a lvl 15 Dranei, youve just got the ablility to go to bloodmyst, and suddenly a orc flies out of the sky and kills you just to fly off again in an instant* Also the continents are in seperate Cells, they do not touch eachother, (Except for Teldrasil) linking them together would one hell of a pain in the butt for bliz. In short I highly doubt it.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
dont need to be able to fly out far in water, limit that obviously.
i said would be nice for an expansion
and who cares, DRANEI ARE GAY, THEY ARE ALLI'S! Besides i don't do pvp servers lol, they should also have flying mounted guards for the capitals, like ogr would have orcs on wyverns shooting ppl wit bows(like an npc thing only) also then probly have race flying mounts.
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