All assets no longer working?

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Level 5
Aug 17, 2014
I had not imported anything or done anything weird to cause the issue, but suddenly I got the error when an asset cannot load and now all of my assets, imported icons and models turned into green cubes and are not visible in game. wtf happened? Was working totally fine the last few days and all my imports have been unchanged for quite literally years.

EDIT: I tried re- opening the map, nothing. I tried to redo the file path on some models and nothing. I actually deleted all the imports and re-imported some and it was working fine for some time, but then it happened again.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Make sure the imports still exist. Some errors that occur when saving a map can result in all imports failing to be saved and turning into empty files. Logically they stop working when this happens as they are useless empty files. The only solutions are to revert to a previous version before the save error occurred, or to replace all imports with the correct file content.

When a map is saved as a folder it is possible to use the operating system file explorer to manage imports. As long as all imported files are put in an appropriate file structure then repairing them could be as simple as a folder copy and paste.
Level 5
Aug 17, 2014
Seemed to of fixed it by deleting all the assets and importing the same assets from an older save. What probably happened is what @Dr Super Good mentioned. In all my years of working with the editor this had never occured to me so it was very odd for me.
Level 10
Oct 10, 2020
Make sure the imports still exist. Some errors that occur when saving a map can result in all imports failing to be saved and turning into empty files. Logically they stop working when this happens as they are useless empty files. The only solutions are to revert to a previous version before the save error occurred, or to replace all imports with the correct file content.

When a map is saved as a folder it is possible to use the operating system file explorer to manage imports. As long as all imported files are put in an appropriate file structure then repairing them could be as simple as a folder copy and paste.
I've ran into the issue several times and I've never fully completed a map because I just gave up after all my asset's turned into green cubes. Instead of reimporting them one by one for a second time can you give me a rundown as to how to save as folder and do the copy and paste step by step? I don't QUITE understand and seems like it is a much more faster and convenient way to reacquire all lost assets, please and thank you.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
  1. Save your map as a folder. This is done by going to save as and then changing the format type from the pulldown. I forget the exact wording but it might include folder or such terms.
  2. Close World Editor.
  3. Open the map folder using your file explorer. This is standard operating system level stuff.
  4. Manipulate the content of your map folder as you see fit. For example you could paste in files at their correct path relative to that folder. You could also bulk copy and paste the existing imports into another folder outside the map as a kind of backup, or even into another map saved as a folder.
  5. When done manipulating the map files, make sure all applications with any such file open are closed. This is to avoid conflicts with World Editor.
  6. Open the map folder using World Editor. It will load like a normal map archive does.
  7. Save map folder as an archive. Go to save as and this time choose the standard archive format (w3x or w3m) and save where you want. Careful of name conflicts with the folder version of the map as systems might not allow files and folders with the same name.
  8. Test. For example restart World Editor and check the archive version of the map is working as expected. If everything went well all your imports should have been detected (show up in the import manager) and work both in the editor and in game.
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