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Age of War 2 1.11

Age of War 2

Main Info

Age of War 2 is the official sequel to Age of War
This map is very similar to those people who have played historical real time strategy games,
in particular the age of empires series.
There are five ages in this map where you can advance through.
You can command a lot different civilizations during this period of time.
Includes 200 food battles, naval warfare and walls and gates.
Over 100 different unit types at your command.
Map has 3 different AIs, many game modes and an in-game alliance system.

The Ages

The Dark Age (1100AD-1249AD)
The Medieval Age (1250AD-1399AD)
The Renaissance Age (1400AD-1549AD)
The Enlightenment Age (1550AD-1699AD)
The Imperial Age (1700AD-1850AD)
*Ages are not an accurate and are not meant to be.

The Civilizations


The British have excellent ranged infantry and a tough navy to beat.

Civilization Bonuses:

Ranged infantry upgrades are cheaper
Town Centers cost 25% less
+100 range for all ranged infantry and ranged cavalry units
+10% ship speed


The French have good ranged infantry and light cavalry.

Civilization Bonuses:

Towers and Castles +20%HP
Villagers +1 wood carrying capacity
Ranged Infantry +10HP
Light Cavalry upgrades are cheaper

The Holy Roman Empire:

The Holy Roman Empire has the most expensive and durable heavy units.

Civilization Bonuses:

Town Centers have 10% more attack damage and +100 range
Monks have 2x HP, 2x mana capacity
Walls and gates have 20% more HP
Light Cavalry are 10% more resistant to melee attacks


The Norse have excellent infantry and good a navy.

Civilization Bonuses:

Heavy Infantry +10HP
Light Infantry +10% attack speed
All Infantry regenerate HP 2x faster
Barracks, Stables, Siege Workshop are built 25% faster


The Spanish has good infantry, cavalry, and early gunpowder units.

Civilization Bonuses:

Town Centers are built 25% faster
Villagers +20 HP and +3 attack
Light Infantry +10HP and +1 attack
Ranged Cavalry upgrades are cheaper


The Russians have cheap infantry and good cavalry units.

Civilization Bonuses:

Heavy siege upgrades are cheaper
House, lumber mill, blacksmith, market, church, university cost 25% less and are built 25% faster
Age 1-2 melee infantry cost less and are trained faster
Cavalry move and attack 5% faster


The Poles have good cavalry units and siege weapons.

Civilization Bonuses:

Town Centers provide +5 population, Castles provide +10 population
Villagers, Engineers, Pack Horses, Monks, and Saboteurs regenerate hitpoints 16x faster
Light Cavalry +2 attack damage
Siege Weapons +20 movement speed

Ottoman Empire:

The Turks have good early gunpowder and excellent siege units.

Civilization Bonuses:

Bombard Cannon research available in age 3, at a reduced price
Gunpowder units attack 10% faster
Siege Weapons get +15% attack and +50HP
Houses give 12 population instead of 10


The Chinese have good early gunpowder and excellent ranged infantry.

Civilization Bonuses:

Light siege is cheaper
Ranged Infantry +10% attack damage
Town Centres +20%HP and +2 population space
+2 starting villagers, -100 starting gold


The Japanese have superior infantry.

Civilization Bonuses:

Heavy siege upgrades are cheaper
Workers gather wood 10% faster
Infantry are trained 10% faster
Infantry attack and move 5% faster


Red Shift
Uncle Fester
Wandering Soul
Mechanical Man



Change Log

-New unit for Turks: Composite Bowman
-Island are bigger, allowing you to build docks on their shores
-New victory and defeat triggers which don't kick players from game

-Alliance system quest updated for alliances to be set up correctly and not crash
-New Map Preview
-Ninjas are no longer built at the barracks for Japan, but at the market
-Siege Weapons and Siege Armor upgrades cost +75 more gold and take 15s longer to complete
-Cavalry Armor tooltip fixed
-Destroyed Castles all give the same amount of resource back from any civilizations (25%)
-Starting gold mines and island gold mines amount reduced to 10000, the same as a regular expansion gold mine
-Map has been wigitized, thus making it load 90% faster

-Siege Weapons and Siege Armor upgrades cost +100 more wood
-Town Centeres upgrade into Castles twice as fast
-Castle repair timed nerfed a bit
-Fixed a bug with the vertical gate not appearing in game

-Monk heal acquistion range reduced so he can heal more effectively
-All gold mines gain +2500 gold
-Removed crappy loading screen freeing up space
-Added many eyecandy doodads

-Fixed the alliance system that caused the game to crash
-Transport Ships cost 50 less gold and are built 5s faster but have 100 less hitpoints
-Added two more relics for a grand total of eight on the map

-Map now supports up to 6 players
-New game mode: Quick Start (-qs)
-New game mode: 3v3 (-3v3)
-1v3 mode is now Stand Alone mode (-sa)
-Fixed Town Center Pathing Map
-Fixed Relic Tooltip
-King now gains XP 2x slower
-King abilies have the same AOE (1000)
-Decree of Invulnerablility duration reduced to 10s from 30s
-Monk Silence aoe reduced to 200 from 300
-Insane AI no longer focus-fires your king
-Goldmine now has a soundset
-Low gold message now appears when you have less than 3000 gold instead of 5000

-Relics give 2x more gold
-Units with axes and have a different combat soundset
-Polish Pack Horse now gets the regeneration bonus instead of the speed bonus
-Villagers and Engineers get +2 attack (Spanish villagers +4 attack)
-Militias have been scrapped
-Engineers can no longer become saboteurs
-Saboteurs are now trained at the market starting in age 3 (requires chemistry)
-Villagers, Engineers, and Saboteurs now benefit from the infantry armor upgrade
-Pack Horses now benefit from the cavalry armor upgrade
-German units are no longer slow
-Fixed several hotkeys
-Unit upgrade cost rebalanced
-Leveled upgrades cost less wood, more gold and are researched faster
-Stone Walls have a lot more HP and are much a bit cheaper
-Palisade Walls and Outposts are much cheaper and are built faster
-Siege Weapons now do 1.5x damage to buildings instead of 2x
-Attack and armor types now show the proper values
-Light Infantry have more HP and attack faster
-Battering rams can now hold armored infantry
-Japanese AI can now advance past age 2
-AI has been greatly improved and can even reach age 5

-Tip of the day
-King levels up slower
-Axe weapon sounds now work
-Villagers can turn to militia in age 4
-AI no longer researches useless upgrades
-Lumber Mills are cheaper and are built faster
-Advancing to the next age costs less wood and is faster
-Infantry inside battering rams boost it's speed and attack rate

-market now works properly when buying and selling resources
-new model and icon for the elite cavalry archer
-new icons for opening and closing gate abilities

-unique units are more powerful
-fixed many units suffering from attack animation delays
-composite bowman members now have same HP as captains
-elite ashigaru get +100 range
-chu ko nu now has the proper armor type
-impalers now have a new model
-javelineers and impalers are no longer range resistant or armored
-skirmishers get +100 range and now are affected by civilization bonuses
-light infantry now deal 4x vs cav instead of 3x
-heavy cavalry attack 10% faster
-heavy cavalry ranged resistances now scale up
-heavy infantry ranged resistances now scale up
-light infantry melee resistances now scale up
-light cavalry melee resistances now scale up
-light cavalry now take 20% less damage from siege attacks
-light cavalry only take 2 transport slots instead of 3
-ranged cavalry deal more damage
-ranged cavalry now deal deal 2x vs cav instead of 1.5x
-ranged cavalry now have less HP
-light siege now deal 3x vs cav instead of 2x
-heavy siege deal more aoe damage, but in a smaller area
-trebuchets now have 2000 range instead of 1800
-trebuchets have a larger sight radius
-trebuchets now have the mark target ability to help detect attack range for setup
-ninjas, assassins, and pistoleers have more attack, hp, and are resistant to melee attacks
-reinforcing and capturing siege weapons is faster
-various upgrades repriced

-fixed some tooltips for abilities
-fixed regicide and relic quest information
-battering rams can now attack mechanical units
-light siege deal 2x damage vs cav instead of 3x

-battalions now are in formations, reducing clustering and unit staggering
-floating text above battalions last longer and is brighter
-battalions exiting transports bring out their army faster
-late game battalion glitch fixed

Official Multiplayer Channels

Battle.net: US EAST: Channel: aow2
Garena: WC3 TFT: Canada Room

Read the quest log to maximize your gameplay experience!

Age of War, Age of War 2, Age of Empires, aoe, Medieval, Europe, Strategy, Civilizations, Empires, Conquer, Battle, War, History, Empires, Historical.

Age of War 2 1.11 (Map)

Vengeancekael - [Contact] Date: 2012/May/27 23:31:49 Comment: [Approved] View comment with review Resource Moderation - Rules Vengeancekael - Date: 2012/May/09 20:03:10 Reasons: Other: Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials...
Level 11
Aug 24, 2009
-Fixed the alliance system that caused the game to crash
-Transport Ships cost 50 less gold and are built 5s faster but have 100 less hitpoints
-Added two more relics for a grand total of eight on the map
Level 4
Mar 22, 2010
If he can't fix it well stop insulting him.
At least he just fixed it in 1.04...

So stop with the negative replies since this is a great game
Almost like AoE with some new changes :)
Level 2
Apr 21, 2012
French Soldier #1:Err why we battle??
French Commander:Cuz we need peace we need more land for people
French Soldier #1:Ok
15 Minutes Later...
French Soldier #2:Use musket and fix bayonet!!!
French Soldier #1:Attack!!!
British Commander:TOO MANY!!!!How many of them?
British Soldier #1:It's about 10,000 Soldiers of them...
British Commander:How many of us
British Soldier #1:It's about 300...300 its like movie of 300..
British Commander:SPARTAN!!!!!
Level 4
Mar 22, 2010
heh... too much excitement can kill you!


You sir, just made this game, moar exciting :)

How bout Naval Battle Mode? Where you battle out in the sea where....
nevermind, just play some random ships battle map out there....
But still I like those Ships turning just to fire their cannons... SOOO REALISTIC!
Level 11
Aug 24, 2009
heh... too much excitement can kill you!


You sir, just made this game, moar exciting :)

How bout Naval Battle Mode? Where you battle out in the sea where....
nevermind, just play some random ships battle map out there....
But still I like those Ships turning just to fire their cannons... SOOO REALISTIC!

Ye sheep can be captured since they are neutral random creeps and can be gutted for bonus gold and other prizes OR can be bred into more sheep.

Wolves are gonna be a pain in the ass since they will attack your villagers and sheep. Idk if i should make them a capturable unit so you can unleash wolves on your enemies.
Level 6
Oct 29, 2010
yeah i agree it's pretty cool and also i thought of a mode u could make. Idk what you would call it but your king would spawn and then each time your king dies you have to join the team of the person who killed your king and when your king dies it is revived, and then if someone else kills your king again, you join that team and unally the team u were just on. If someone kills the leader of that team, so if it's 3v1 and then the one guy by himself kills the king of the guy who started the alliance of 3 people, then that team would disband and it would be 2v1v1. Idk if you understand what i just said but i hope you do!
Level 11
Aug 24, 2009
yeah i agree it's pretty cool and also i thought of a mode u could make. Idk what you would call it but your king would spawn and then each time your king dies you have to join the team of the person who killed your king and when your king dies it is revived, and then if someone else kills your king again, you join that team and unally the team u were just on. If someone kills the leader of that team, so if it's 3v1 and then the one guy by himself kills the king of the guy who started the alliance of 3 people, then that team would disband and it would be 2v1v1. Idk if you understand what i just said but i hope you do!

No I don't.

The current King game modes are enough for now.
Level 6
Oct 29, 2010
No I don't.

The current King game modes are enough for now.

no you don't what im saying lol. im not trying to change the king mode the king was just an example you could have it be the starting town hall i you wanted to. Let me try to explain a little better. So it would be like an infection mode. So If player 1 kills player 2s tower hall the town hall doesnt die, it gets all its hitpoints back and now player 2 is on player 1s team. and let's say the same thing happens with player 3 and 4. now lets say player 1 and 2 kill player 3s town hall, then it would be player 1 2 and 3 are on a team vs player 4. If they killed player 4 then the game would be over. BUT if player 4 killed player 2 or 3 then they would be on his team now. but if player 4 killed player 1 then player 1 is on player 4's team and player 2 and 3 are by themselves because player 1 was the player that started their team and since he was captured by player 4 his team disband.
Level 2
Jan 4, 2012
yeah i agree it's pretty cool and also i thought of a mode u could make. Idk what you would call it but your king would spawn and then each time your king dies you have to join the team of the person who killed your king and when your king dies it is revived, and then if someone else kills your king again, you join that team and unally the team u were just on. If someone kills the leader of that team, so if it's 3v1 and then the one guy by himself kills the king of the guy who started the alliance of 3 people, then that team would disband and it would be 2v1v1. Idk if you understand what i just said but i hope you do!

So you are saying is
The One who you've kill will be ally on you
and the ally of you who have been kill will be ally at the killer then unally to the early killer?
Level 3
Jan 10, 2012
What war-lord is saying is like a capture mode, whoever you kill, you capture for your team.

its not the current king mode but a new mode altogether.

the king is just there as an icon of what you have to kill to capture that player
Reviewin' time

First off, I'd like to say that I love how you imported almost all of the AoE sound effects ;D It really gives it that AoE feeling when you train a unit or when you're in a battle.

Next, the terrain is not really that detailed, but with the aid of custom textures and custom models, it still looks good and it's great for strategy maps since there's a lot of space, good tree positioning, symmetry, etc.

Gameplay-wise, you've implemented a lot of the AoE2 modes, which is a real plus and there are multiple factions and AI! There are lots of upgrades, buildings, ages, different types of cavalry/infantry/siege weapon, etc.
You've also added the troop system, it works well, however when you order the leader to hold position, the rest of them won't do the same. And maybe you should select the leader of a troop when you select one of the other troop members.

The low icon quality can be excused, since there are a lot of other imports and the quality is acceptable either way.

Overall, this is a really addictive and well made AoE2 inspired map, with AI, so you can always start a match! It just needs a bit of polishing here and there and it'll be ready for a 5/5 rating as well!

Rating: 4/5 - Recommended

Other suggestions:

  • "Resistant" has an active icon
  • Add an effect to a building that's currently training/upgrading, since they don't have a building animation
Level 1
May 25, 2012
The map is not accepted in my Warcraft game ,it says the map : is to big to open.

Any recommendation how to open it or make any eventual change in editor from the author ?
From me 5/5 and


I have never played AoW2, but scenario is really good. I like squad system. AI are not easy on normal, they have destroy me, but I was playing only once. This map will go in my comp folder ''Ultra Scenarios'' xD

The map is not accepted in my Warcraft game ,it says the map : is to big to open.

Any recommendation how to open it or make any eventual change in editor from the author ?

Do not play map in local area network, play it in single player custom scenarios.
Make map bigger and add more terrains.
Last edited by a moderator:
Level 11
Aug 24, 2009
The map is not accepted in my Warcraft game ,it says the map : is to big to open.

Any recommendation how to open it or make any eventual change in editor from the author ?

The map can not be opened in the editor since it is protected.


You can play the map on bnet or lan since its under the 8mb limit and I got a terrainer making me a 6 player version of the map.
Level 3
Feb 21, 2012
AoW suggestions

Patch 1.05 is a big one, 6 player map with sheep and wolves : D
ETA: 3 weeks.

I am strongly suggesting the following changes:

☼ Legend of abbreviations:
-as ~ attack speed
-ms ~ movement speed
-g ~ gold
-l ~ lumber/wood
-bs ~ build speed
-rs ~ repair speed
-BP ~ building progress
-max. ~ maximum
-HP ~ Hitpoints
-aoe ~ Age of Empires
-[+] ~ Very important
-MP ~ mana points
-s ~ second(s)
-regen ~ regeneration
-AoW ~ Age of War
-WC ~ Warcraft

☼ Legend of numerations:
- ☼ Global subject numeration
- - Concrete subject
- * Undercategorizement of concrete subject
- ± Options (recommendations)

☼ Rebalancing of some prizes:
(not all are included; complete recheck of all prizes recommended)
(not all prizes need to be adapted the way i am proposing)

- Swordmen (300g ==> 270g)

- Castle (200g/200l ==> 400g/600l)

- Change of unit upgrade costs:
* Fusiliers
* ...

- Towers (strongly recommended)

- ...

☼ Rebalancing of following units/buildings (considering as/ms | bs & rs):

- Assasins (permanent stealth is quite overpowering since there are only few ways to counter this):
* Instead of permanent stealth:
± A 20 second stealth
± A permanent stealth but 80% ms reduction & 80% as reduction (the so called backstab; when unit breaks his invisibility (like Windwalk))
* Rebalance of the damage they deal by 80% (base: 14 ==> 11)

- Towers (the towers can do a max. dmg of 200 which equals a 1 or 2-hit K.O. which I find too overpowering):
* Instead of a rathar slow as:
± Multiple shot (as with the castle)
± 75% faster as (with comes with a damage rebalance, which I already suggested)
* 50% reduction of rs
* 20% increase of bs
* Additional upgrades to the tower:
± instead of 2; 5 ==> A rather weak tower (similar to an outpost) to start with, but upgradable for 5 times which makes it stronger
(± think of a tower as an immovable archer, then it is balance)
* Damage type: Siege ==> Piercing (strongly recommended)
* Rebalance of buildings that are in BP;
± A building in BP must take 5x more damage than a building already built
(NOTE: for some reason it is rather hard to select a building which is in BP, can you explain me why? (some buildings can be selected properly in BP, for others it seems impossible))
* ...

- Mercenaries (general):
* A new way of handling mercenaries:
± A very low BS (mercenaries)
± Very low & weak stats (a 65% reduction on HP & 35% reduction on damage)
± ...

- Siege weaponry:
* More upgrades for ms & as
* More contralability over siege weaponry
± The workers are raher unuseful
(NOTE: I have only been able to scratch up 2 abondoned siege weapons since I started playing)
± ...
* ...

- Archers:
* Deal lower damage (30% reduction)
* Faster as
* Rebalancing of upgrade costs (already suggested) & Improvement (e.g. Instead of 20% increase in damage for an upgrade to Musketeer, give a 15% increase)
* ...

- Gold mined base (5g) by a worker reduced by 2g
* This will dramatically reduce the fast development speed
(NOTE:this will rebalance the fast development of the game (which is not similar to aoe 2/3 (in aoe 2/3 you needed around 10 minutes to get everything working); here it is less than 4 minutes)

☼ New stuff:

- Instead of a horse serving for a second build option menu (which i find humiliating towards the beauty of the map) make a new option for the builder to scroll between two menus (as with the original aoe 2)

- Treasures (highly recommended):
* Basicaly the same system

- Plantations/Mills; As with aoe 3, this brings in money/food (which can serve as gold):
* Basicaly the same system but then with 50% more workers

* I do not know what the new update on this will contain but I hope the sheep will serve as gold and the wolf are there to harrass the 4 players

- Petards:
* Same system as with aoe 3 (not 2)

- Building menus:
* In order to put every need building in 2 menus you have now 1 option too much; the logical choice is to remove 1 (or make 3 menus (which is rather hard and time-cunsoming)):
± Remove the encampent building (This should be removed anyway ==> see next topic)
± Remove the outpost (highly recommended) and put it in the menu as a tower (remove the tower option then); the outpost can then be upgraded into a tower with an attack
± ...

- Refillment of a squad (highly recommended [+]):
* This is option doesn't need to be in AoW i think, there are some arguments for that; First of all, aoe 2 or 3 did not contain this and second of all it makes killing individual units almost unrewarding since they can be readded).

- Recheck up of the priest:
* The priest is the most versatile unit of AoW, he has 3 abilities:
1) Heal: Is good as it is

2) Silence: I am not sure how this ability can reward a player with such a high MP cost (towards the max. MP pool); since the silence can only be used against other priests and it only lasts for the same amount of time the healing cooldown is (which is low). Some changes:
± Max. MP pool of priest: 500 MP
± MP cost: 210
± Lasting time: 10s
± Casting range: 550 (This way the priest must come dangerously close and is then vulnerable to attacks)
± Cooldown: 90s
± ...
NOTE: A change of the healing MP cost is then needed (e.g. 50) also a faster MP regen

3) Far sight: The concept that a priest this ability has is quite risky, aoe 2 does not contain this and in aoe 3 you only have 2 of such abilities (Spy glass, hot air balloon); Some changes:
± MP cost of 90
± Cooldown of 20
± Casting range 1800
± Lasting time: 1s
± The far sight ability must only last for 1s, if it detects stealthed units then these units should become visible for 8s. Some simple triggers can be used for this.
± Vision range given: 400
NOTE: The far sight ability is at is now is unneeded. It should only be used to see stealthed units.

Suggestion (extra):
4) Conversion: Converts an enemy unit:
- Casting time: 8s
- Casting range: 700
- Cooldown: 60s
- MP cost: 200
- The unit is instantly killed

- New unit; Anti-priest like: (Highly recommended [+])
* Has a feedback ability which burns the mana of a unit (which only priests have); MP burned upgradable (base 20MP feedback (Fully upgraded: 50MP feedback)


☼ Commentary:

- Originality/concept: 4/5
* The concept of an aoe map is unseen and very original
* Squads are also quite original and unseen
* The standard critical strike is also unseen throughout many custom maps
* Some models have are not original (I do not expect to make your own models but e.g. the Fusilier model is overused these days in custom maps)

- Graphics: 3.5/5
* The terrain is nicely edited (Some variations should make it even better)
* Many imported models (you are not scared to make the whole map 1 big model which I can appreciate)
* The water is nicely edited
* Balanced tree presentation
* Great models:
1) Tree
2) Town center
3) Gold mine
4) University

- Gameplay/balance: 3/5
* Balancing a map is the most difficult thing for a mapper
* There are many topics which are unbalanced. By this I mean that early game the game is quite balanced, but towards mid game the game gets rather unbalanced and units which are not nerfed enough get too overpowering and don't get me started on late game
* The gameplay on the sea is not worked out enough as i would want it to be, this might be unneeded but it can be something to work in the future
* The squad system is beautifully done (For that; all my respect)
* The economy system is quite balance, still it should be nerfed and tweaked here and there

- Animations & sound effect: 4.5/5
* It is regretful that there's no imported loading screen
* The sounds of the original aoe 2 are important which i is well done in addition to making AoW a map similar to aoe
* The sound effects on the units should be more realistic and varying:
± The archer command sound is good (bandit), but when upgraded they change to something that doesn't fit them quite good (rifleman).
± The assasin command sound is the most wrong example that there is in the game; it has the command counf of a demon hunter and demons have nothing to do with aoe or AoW (Quote: ' Are there demons nearby ')

- Total score: 15/20
* 4/5
* 3.5/5
* 3/5
* 4.5/5

☼ Notes:
- If you do not know what I mean with some suggestions or other things I said, message me
- By ' the game ' I mean the map; I see AoW (the custom map) as a copy of aoe to WC 3, that's why I call it a game
- Forgive any spelling mistakes
- What you do with all these suggestions is completely dependant of you, I do not expect all these suggestions to be made. I think some are good suggestions.
- It took me over 20 minutes to write all this, I expect that you give me 20 minutes of effort back to read and do some changes.
- All above all, I have great respect for you making this map.
- Some suggestions may have already been suggested

Level 11
Aug 24, 2009
I am strongly suggesting the following changes:

☼ Legend of abbreviations:
-as ~ attack speed
-ms ~ movement speed
-g ~ gold
-l ~ lumber/wood
-bs ~ build speed
-rs ~ repair speed
-BP ~ building progress
-max. ~ maximum
-HP ~ Hitpoints
-aoe ~ Age of Empires
-[+] ~ Very important
-MP ~ mana points
-s ~ second(s)
-regen ~ regeneration
-AoW ~ Age of War
-WC ~ Warcraft

☼ Legend of numerations:
- ☼ Global subject numeration
- - Concrete subject
- * Undercategorizement of concrete subject
- ± Options (recommendations)

☼ Rebalancing of some prizes:
(not all are included; complete recheck of all prizes recommended)
(not all prizes need to be adapted the way i am proposing)

- Swordmen (300g ==> 270g) (If that happened, people could just spam swordsmen for easy wins since swordsmen are the best t1 units and counter archers and pikemen)

- Castle (200g/200l ==> 400g/600l) (To build a castle you also need a town center which is 500/300 + 200/200 for castle which is 700/400, a decent amount)

- Change of unit upgrade costs:
* Fusiliers (Possibly will increase)
* ...

- Towers (strongly recommended) (idk)

- ...

☼ Rebalancing of following units/buildings (considering as/ms | bs & rs):

- Assasins (permanent stealth is quite overpowering since there are only few ways to counter this):
* Instead of permanent stealth:
± A 20 second stealth
± A permanent stealth but 80% ms reduction & 80% as reduction (the so called backstab; when unit breaks his invisibility (like Windwalk))
* Rebalance of the damage they deal by 80% (base: 14 ==> 11)
(Assassins and other infiltration units have permanent stealth, as long as they don't attack, their DPS is high cuz their HP is low, their main role is to harass undefended expansions, the best way to deal with them is to use detection like outpost or monk far sight ability)

- Towers (the towers can do a max. dmg of 200 which equals a 1 or 2-hit K.O. which I find too overpowering): (This is only for cannon towers which are supposed to be that strong, towers were nerfed a lot in the beta, i like where they are now atm)
* Instead of a rathar slow as:
± Multiple shot (as with the castle)
± 75% faster as (with comes with a damage rebalance, which I already suggested)
* 50% reduction of rs
* 20% increase of bs
* Additional upgrades to the tower: (This I might do, like civ specific towers)
± instead of 2; 5 ==> A rather weak tower (similar to an outpost) to start with, but upgradable for 5 times which makes it stronger
(± think of a tower as an immovable archer, then it is balance)(A tower is like an immovable archer battalion)
* Damage type: Siege ==> Piercing (strongly recommended)(I do not have damage types in my map, those are just for show, I use the demolish ability targeted at certain units to simulated attack bonuses and I use hardened skin for armor not % like wc3, elune's grace is used to simulate melee and ranged resistances)
* Rebalance of buildings that are in BP;
± A building in BP must take 5x more damage than a building already built
(NOTE: for some reason it is rather hard to select a building which is in BP, can you explain me why? (some buildings can be selected properly in BP, for others it seems impossible))(This is a model bug which I have no control over, highlighting a decent section where the building was placed should select it)
* ...

- Mercenaries (general):
* A new way of handling mercenaries:
± A very low BS (mercenaries) (Those are called militia and they are in my map, you can train them at the market, they just takes 10s to finish)
± Very low & weak stats (a 65% reduction on HP & 35% reduction on damage)
± ...

- Siege weaponry:
* More upgrades for ms & as
* More contralability over siege weaponry
± The workers are raher unuseful (They repair your weapon for free and can capture neutral siege weapons)
(NOTE: I have only been able to scratch up 2 abondoned siege weapons since I started playing) (You have to snipe the workers operating the siege weapon for it to become neutral so you can steal enemy technology)
± ...
* ...

- Archers:
* Deal lower damage (30% reduction) (Their damage output is fine, it has been nerfed in the beta and buffed back a bit later on, i like where their dps is atm)
* Faster as
* Rebalancing of upgrade costs (already suggested) & Improvement (e.g. Instead of 20% increase in damage for an upgrade to Musketeer, give a 15% increase) (Attack upgrades for units give 10% attack damage, Armor upgrades give +1 armor and +10 hitpoints) (Upgrades for cavalry and siege weapons have slightly different numbers, read the tooltips)
* ...

- Gold mined base (5g) by a worker reduced by 2g
* This will dramatically reduce the fast development speed
(NOTE:this will rebalance the fast development of the game (which is not similar to aoe 2/3 (in aoe 2/3 you needed around 10 minutes to get everything working); here it is less than 4 minutes) (This might happen but it won't be too drastic since I want to keep a fast-paced game compared to the age of empire series)

☼ New stuff:

- Instead of a horse serving for a second build option menu (which i find humiliating towards the beauty of the map) make a new option for the builder to scroll between two menus (as with the original aoe 2) (One unit can not have to build menus in wc3)

- Treasures (highly recommended): (These will come as sheep :p)
* Basicaly the same system

- Plantations/Mills; As with aoe 3, this brings in money/food (which can serve as gold): (Idk)
* Basicaly the same system but then with 50% more workers

* I do not know what the new update on this will contain but I hope the sheep will serve as gold and the wolf are there to harrass the 4 players (6 players you mean, since the map is getting bigger next patch)

- Petards: (Petards are meant to be a support unit to snipe certain undefended structures since defenses are relatively tough to take down with just troops)
* Same system as with aoe 3 (not 2)

- Building menus:
* In order to put every need building in 2 menus you have now 1 option too much; the logical choice is to remove 1 (or make 3 menus (which is rather hard and time-cunsoming)):("One unit can not have to build menus in wc3")
± Remove the encampent building (This should be removed anyway ==> see next topic) (I like this building, since it can be easily set up near a battle to reinforce your squads)
± Remove the outpost (highly recommended) and put it in the menu as a tower (remove the tower option then); the outpost can then be upgraded into a tower with an attack (Outposts will stay since provide detection and have huge sight range)
± ...

- Refillment of a squad (highly recommended [+]):
* This is option doesn't need to be in AoW i think, there are some arguments for that; First of all, aoe 2 or 3 did not contain this and second of all it makes killing individual units almost unrewarding since they can be readded). (You can't reinforce that fast, plus each squad costs a certain food regardless of how many members, getting stuck with a squad worth 4 food with one guy is not very fun, plus you pay exactly the price that 1 unit of the squad is worth per number of units in the squad you reinforce)

- Recheck up of the priest:
* The priest is the most versatile unit of AoW, he has 3 abilities:
1) Heal: Is good as it is

2) Silence: I am not sure how this ability can reward a player with such a high MP cost (towards the max. MP pool); since the silence can only be used against other priests and it only lasts for the same amount of time the healing cooldown is (which is low). Some changes: (Silence will be good vs monks and stopping Kings from casting their OP abilities)
± Max. MP pool of priest: 500 MP
± MP cost: 210
± Lasting time: 10s
± Casting range: 550 (This way the priest must come dangerously close and is then vulnerable to attacks)
± Cooldown: 90s
± ...
NOTE: A change of the healing MP cost is then needed (e.g. 50) also a faster MP regen

3) Far sight: The concept that a priest this ability has is quite risky, aoe 2 does not contain this and in aoe 3 you only have 2 of such abilities (Spy glass, hot air balloon); Some changes: (Far sight provides a make-shift way to detect pesky infiltration units when you have no outposts or to scan your enemy's base to see what their building, and what their army comprises of)
± MP cost of 90
± Cooldown of 20
± Casting range 1800
± Lasting time: 1s
± The far sight ability must only last for 1s, if it detects stealthed units then these units should become visible for 8s. Some simple triggers can be used for this.
± Vision range given: 400
NOTE: The far sight ability is at is now is unneeded. It should only be used to see stealthed units.

Suggestion (extra): (Maybe)
4) Conversion: Converts an enemy unit:
- Casting time: 8s
- Casting range: 700
- Cooldown: 60s
- MP cost: 200
- The unit is instantly killed

- New unit; Anti-priest like: (Highly recommended [+]) (A unit with manaburn would own the King since he has mana too, monks are relatively weak as is, they don't need a unit to counter them specifically)
* Has a feedback ability which burns the mana of a unit (which only priests have); MP burned upgradable (base 20MP feedback (Fully upgraded: 50MP feedback)


☼ Commentary:

- Originality/concept: 4/5
* The concept of an aoe map is unseen and very original
* Squads are also quite original and unseen
* The standard critical strike is also unseen throughout many custom maps
* Some models have are not original (I do not expect to make your own models but e.g. the Fusilier model is overused these days in custom maps)
(Critical strike and evade is to add battle randomness)

- Graphics: 3.5/5
* The terrain is nicely edited (Some variations should make it even better)
* Many imported models (you are not scared to make the whole map 1 big model which I can appreciate)
* The water is nicely edited
* Balanced tree presentation
* Great models:
1) Tree
2) Town center
3) Gold mine
4) University

- Gameplay/balance: 3/5
* Balancing a map is the most difficult thing for a mapper
* There are many topics which are unbalanced. By this I mean that early game the game is quite balanced, but towards mid game the game gets rather unbalanced and units which are not nerfed enough get too overpowering and don't get me started on late game
* The gameplay on the sea is not worked out enough as i would want it to be, this might be unneeded but it can be something to work in the future (Sea was always lacking)
* The squad system is beautifully done (For that; all my respect)
* The economy system is quite balance, still it should be nerfed and tweaked here and there

- Animations & sound effect: 4.5/5
* It is regretful that there's no imported loading screen (It was deleted a few versions back to save space)
* The sounds of the original aoe 2 are important which i is well done in addition to making AoW a map similar to aoe
* The sound effects on the units should be more realistic and varying:
± The archer command sound is good (bandit), but when upgraded they change to something that doesn't fit them quite good (rifleman).
± The assasin command sound is the most wrong example that there is in the game; it has the command counf of a demon hunter and demons have nothing to do with aoe or AoW (Quote: ' Are there demons nearby ')
(Soundsets are just for fun)

- Total score: 15/20
* 4/5
* 3.5/5
* 3/5
* 4.5/5

☼ Notes:
- If you do not know what I mean with some suggestions or other things I said, message me
- By ' the game ' I mean the map; I see AoW (the custom map) as a copy of aoe to WC 3, that's why I call it a game
- Forgive any spelling mistakes
- What you do with all these suggestions is completely dependant of you, I do not expect all these suggestions to be made. I think some are good suggestions.
- It took me over 20 minutes to write all this, I expect that you give me 20 minutes of effort back to read and do some changes.
- All above all, I have great respect for you making this map.
- Some suggestions may have already been suggested


Btw: Have you tried king mode yet?
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Level 3
Feb 21, 2012

I am thankful for such a fast respond. You may have guessed it but i'm quite experienced with strategy games; like aoe 2/3 & WC 3. Are you such a big fan of them like I am?

The 2 building menus can be easily made (allthough it requires some time), You can check it up on the intner, I assume.

The concept of a hors building walls and outposts ... is quite ... unrealistic, I have already suggested the 2 building menus.

You should make that the reinforcing takes 2x the time it takes now (now it is around 4s) and it should cost (This can be triggered nicely).

Here is a suggestion I forgot to add:

☼ Additional maps; There are globally 2 ways for additional maps to be made:
- Copy-method: A simple copy of the map and a total remake of the terrain, player starting areas, sea involvement, ... .
- 2 maps in 1-method: Altered melee maps (like AoW; which is one of the best I have ever seen) are mostly unfinished and badly made, but some have interesting and unseen original concepts. The concept of a map which allows the hosting player to select a map (the selection goes with triggers (like the civilization pick at the start of AoW, this can be similar to that)). This way AoW should be expanded into a bigger map (now it is medium i think). It can become an epic sized map which has 4 maps inside them (separting each map can be done by using the 'boundary-tile'). Then the simple thing to do is make 3 new maps (get inspiration of the aoe 3 maps (the aoe 2 maps are all the same so I dont suggest you take a look at aoe 2); I would suggest a swamp like map with scarce trees (but many gold mines, this could give an interesting touch to the game).

Who has done the bigger parts & jobs of this map? (by that I mean 30% work etc., not someone who found models for example)

Forgive again any spelling mistakes
Good luck and have fun editing such a great map.

Level 11
Aug 24, 2009
I am thankful for such a fast respond. You may have guessed it but i'm quite experienced with strategy games; like aoe 2/3 & WC 3. Are you such a big fan of them like I am? (Yes)

The 2 building menus can be easily made (allthough it requires some time), You can check it up on the intner, I assume. (The only way I know is to use morph on builders to switch builders)

The concept of a hors building walls and outposts ... is quite ... unrealistic, I have already suggested the 2 building menus.

You should make that the reinforcing takes 2x the time it takes now (now it is around 4s) and it should cost (This can be triggered nicely). (Yeah I make reinforce longer)

Here is a suggestion I forgot to add:

☼ Additional maps; There are globally 2 ways for additional maps to be made:
- Copy-method: A simple copy of the map and a total remake of the terrain, player starting areas, sea involvement, ... .
- 2 maps in 1-method: Altered melee maps (like AoW; which is one of the best I have ever seen) are mostly unfinished and badly made, but some have interesting and unseen original concepts. The concept of a map which allows the hosting player to select a map (the selection goes with triggers (like the civilization pick at the start of AoW, this can be similar to that)). This way AoW should be expanded into a bigger map (now it is medium i think). It can become an epic sized map which has 4 maps inside them (separting each map can be done by using the 'boundary-tile'). Then the simple thing to do is make 3 new maps (get inspiration of the aoe 3 maps (the aoe 2 maps are all the same so I dont suggest you take a look at aoe 2); I would suggest a swamp like map with scarce trees (but many gold mines, this could give an interesting touch to the game). (I'm not planning on multimaps for AoW2 currently)

Who has done the bigger parts & jobs of this map? (by that I mean 30% work etc., not someone who found models for example) (Me, xRiotZx for the current terrains, and Mechanical Man for the squad system)

Forgive again any spelling mistakes
Good luck and have fun editing such a great map.


I have sonofjay working on the new terrains for the 6 player map.
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Level 2
Jul 6, 2011
Love this map one of the best ones i played. however it dose haw some minor issues, most importantly the naming of the japan's units samurai means servant and could be a archer as well as a swords-man or spear-man and ashiagaru means light foot or simply footman not gun. So i would suggest naming them: Katana ashiagaru (long-sword footman) instead of samurai, Yari ashiagaru (spear footman) instead of spear-man and Yumi ashiagaru (Bow footman) instead of (you guessed it) bowman. and then upgrade them all to samurai: Katana ashiagaru = katana samurai ets. and then Yumi samurai = Hinawajū ashiagaru (arquebus) = Hinawajū samurai. That would be a mutch more realistic system.

But anyway love the map so and is soooo locking forward to the 6 player version.:pcon:
Level 2
Jul 6, 2011
Love this map one of the best ones i played. however it dose haw some minor issues, most importantly the naming of the japan's units samurai means servant and could be a archer as well as a swords-man or spear-man and ashiagaru means light foot or simply footman not gun. So i would suggest naming them: Katana ashiagaru (long-sword footman) instead of samurai, Yari ashiagaru (spear footman) instead of spear-man and Yumi ashiagaru (Bow footman) instead of (you guessed it) bowman. and then upgrade them all to samurai: Katana ashiagaru = katana samurai ets. and then Yumi samurai = Hinawajū ashiagaru (arquebus) = Hinawajū samurai. That would be a mutch more realistic system.

But anyway love the map so and is soooo locking forward to the 6 player version.:pcon:
Level 2
Jul 6, 2011
Love this map one of the best ones i played. however it dose haw some minor issues, most importantly the naming of the japan's units samurai means servant and could be a archer as well as a swords-man or spear-man and ashiagaru means light foot or simply footman not gun. So i would suggest naming them: Katana ashiagaru (long-sword footman) instead of samurai, Yari ashiagaru (spear footman) instead of spear-man and Yumi ashiagaru (Bow footman) instead of (you guessed it) bowman. and then upgrade them all to samurai: Katana ashiagaru = katana samurai ets. and then Yumi samurai = Hinawajū ashiagaru (arquebus) = Hinawajū samurai. That would be a mutch more realistic system.

But anyway love the map so and is soooo locking forward to the 6 player version.:pcon:
Level 11
Aug 24, 2009
Love this map one of the best ones i played. however it dose haw some minor issues, most importantly the naming of the japan's units samurai means servant and could be a archer as well as a swords-man or spear-man and ashiagaru means light foot or simply footman not gun. So i would suggest naming them: Katana ashiagaru (long-sword footman) instead of samurai, Yari ashiagaru (spear footman) instead of spear-man and Yumi ashiagaru (Bow footman) instead of (you guessed it) bowman. and then upgrade them all to samurai: Katana ashiagaru = katana samurai ets. and then Yumi samurai = Hinawajū ashiagaru (arquebus) = Hinawajū samurai. That would be a mutch more realistic system.

But anyway love the map so and is soooo locking forward to the 6 player version.:pcon:

Thank you for your feedback.
Next time use the edit button so you don't triple post.
Level 2
Jul 6, 2011
Thank you for your feedback.
Next time use the edit button so you don't triple post.

Ops sry I did´t noticed that thanks for replay i´ll think of that in the future
and sry for squeezing all that text together, but i hope you got my point their are some "Cultural" issues still easy 5/5 :goblin_good_job:
Level 9
Aug 26, 2010
Can you make a squad uniting? I mean for example if I have some bowmen squads sometimes it would be logical to unit them to control them easier.
Also can you add an option to disable fleet? Smth like -nofleet for player1 at the begining disabling fleet for all players.
Level 11
Aug 24, 2009
Can you make a squad uniting? I mean for example if I have some bowmen squads sometimes it would be logical to unit them to control them easier.
Also can you add an option to disable fleet? Smth like -nofleet for player1 at the begining disabling fleet for all players.

You can't unite squads, but you can reinforce them to full capacity if some squad members are dead.

I might add the no fleet option in next patch.

Thank you for your feedback.