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Age of War 2 1.11

Age of War 2

Main Info

Age of War 2 is the official sequel to Age of War
This map is very similar to those people who have played historical real time strategy games,
in particular the age of empires series.
There are five ages in this map where you can advance through.
You can command a lot different civilizations during this period of time.
Includes 200 food battles, naval warfare and walls and gates.
Over 100 different unit types at your command.
Map has 3 different AIs, many game modes and an in-game alliance system.

The Ages

The Dark Age (1100AD-1249AD)
The Medieval Age (1250AD-1399AD)
The Renaissance Age (1400AD-1549AD)
The Enlightenment Age (1550AD-1699AD)
The Imperial Age (1700AD-1850AD)
*Ages are not an accurate and are not meant to be.

The Civilizations


The British have excellent ranged infantry and a tough navy to beat.

Civilization Bonuses:

Ranged infantry upgrades are cheaper
Town Centers cost 25% less
+100 range for all ranged infantry and ranged cavalry units
+10% ship speed


The French have good ranged infantry and light cavalry.

Civilization Bonuses:

Towers and Castles +20%HP
Villagers +1 wood carrying capacity
Ranged Infantry +10HP
Light Cavalry upgrades are cheaper

The Holy Roman Empire:

The Holy Roman Empire has the most expensive and durable heavy units.

Civilization Bonuses:

Town Centers have 10% more attack damage and +100 range
Monks have 2x HP, 2x mana capacity
Walls and gates have 20% more HP
Light Cavalry are 10% more resistant to melee attacks


The Norse have excellent infantry and good a navy.

Civilization Bonuses:

Heavy Infantry +10HP
Light Infantry +10% attack speed
All Infantry regenerate HP 2x faster
Barracks, Stables, Siege Workshop are built 25% faster


The Spanish has good infantry, cavalry, and early gunpowder units.

Civilization Bonuses:

Town Centers are built 25% faster
Villagers +20 HP and +3 attack
Light Infantry +10HP and +1 attack
Ranged Cavalry upgrades are cheaper


The Russians have cheap infantry and good cavalry units.

Civilization Bonuses:

Heavy siege upgrades are cheaper
House, lumber mill, blacksmith, market, church, university cost 25% less and are built 25% faster
Age 1-2 melee infantry cost less and are trained faster
Cavalry move and attack 5% faster


The Poles have good cavalry units and siege weapons.

Civilization Bonuses:

Town Centers provide +5 population, Castles provide +10 population
Villagers, Engineers, Pack Horses, Monks, and Saboteurs regenerate hitpoints 16x faster
Light Cavalry +2 attack damage
Siege Weapons +20 movement speed

Ottoman Empire:

The Turks have good early gunpowder and excellent siege units.

Civilization Bonuses:

Bombard Cannon research available in age 3, at a reduced price
Gunpowder units attack 10% faster
Siege Weapons get +15% attack and +50HP
Houses give 12 population instead of 10


The Chinese have good early gunpowder and excellent ranged infantry.

Civilization Bonuses:

Light siege is cheaper
Ranged Infantry +10% attack damage
Town Centres +20%HP and +2 population space
+2 starting villagers, -100 starting gold


The Japanese have superior infantry.

Civilization Bonuses:

Heavy siege upgrades are cheaper
Workers gather wood 10% faster
Infantry are trained 10% faster
Infantry attack and move 5% faster


Red Shift
Uncle Fester
Wandering Soul
Mechanical Man



Change Log

-New unit for Turks: Composite Bowman
-Island are bigger, allowing you to build docks on their shores
-New victory and defeat triggers which don't kick players from game

-Alliance system quest updated for alliances to be set up correctly and not crash
-New Map Preview
-Ninjas are no longer built at the barracks for Japan, but at the market
-Siege Weapons and Siege Armor upgrades cost +75 more gold and take 15s longer to complete
-Cavalry Armor tooltip fixed
-Destroyed Castles all give the same amount of resource back from any civilizations (25%)
-Starting gold mines and island gold mines amount reduced to 10000, the same as a regular expansion gold mine
-Map has been wigitized, thus making it load 90% faster

-Siege Weapons and Siege Armor upgrades cost +100 more wood
-Town Centeres upgrade into Castles twice as fast
-Castle repair timed nerfed a bit
-Fixed a bug with the vertical gate not appearing in game

-Monk heal acquistion range reduced so he can heal more effectively
-All gold mines gain +2500 gold
-Removed crappy loading screen freeing up space
-Added many eyecandy doodads

-Fixed the alliance system that caused the game to crash
-Transport Ships cost 50 less gold and are built 5s faster but have 100 less hitpoints
-Added two more relics for a grand total of eight on the map

-Map now supports up to 6 players
-New game mode: Quick Start (-qs)
-New game mode: 3v3 (-3v3)
-1v3 mode is now Stand Alone mode (-sa)
-Fixed Town Center Pathing Map
-Fixed Relic Tooltip
-King now gains XP 2x slower
-King abilies have the same AOE (1000)
-Decree of Invulnerablility duration reduced to 10s from 30s
-Monk Silence aoe reduced to 200 from 300
-Insane AI no longer focus-fires your king
-Goldmine now has a soundset
-Low gold message now appears when you have less than 3000 gold instead of 5000

-Relics give 2x more gold
-Units with axes and have a different combat soundset
-Polish Pack Horse now gets the regeneration bonus instead of the speed bonus
-Villagers and Engineers get +2 attack (Spanish villagers +4 attack)
-Militias have been scrapped
-Engineers can no longer become saboteurs
-Saboteurs are now trained at the market starting in age 3 (requires chemistry)
-Villagers, Engineers, and Saboteurs now benefit from the infantry armor upgrade
-Pack Horses now benefit from the cavalry armor upgrade
-German units are no longer slow
-Fixed several hotkeys
-Unit upgrade cost rebalanced
-Leveled upgrades cost less wood, more gold and are researched faster
-Stone Walls have a lot more HP and are much a bit cheaper
-Palisade Walls and Outposts are much cheaper and are built faster
-Siege Weapons now do 1.5x damage to buildings instead of 2x
-Attack and armor types now show the proper values
-Light Infantry have more HP and attack faster
-Battering rams can now hold armored infantry
-Japanese AI can now advance past age 2
-AI has been greatly improved and can even reach age 5

-Tip of the day
-King levels up slower
-Axe weapon sounds now work
-Villagers can turn to militia in age 4
-AI no longer researches useless upgrades
-Lumber Mills are cheaper and are built faster
-Advancing to the next age costs less wood and is faster
-Infantry inside battering rams boost it's speed and attack rate

-market now works properly when buying and selling resources
-new model and icon for the elite cavalry archer
-new icons for opening and closing gate abilities

-unique units are more powerful
-fixed many units suffering from attack animation delays
-composite bowman members now have same HP as captains
-elite ashigaru get +100 range
-chu ko nu now has the proper armor type
-impalers now have a new model
-javelineers and impalers are no longer range resistant or armored
-skirmishers get +100 range and now are affected by civilization bonuses
-light infantry now deal 4x vs cav instead of 3x
-heavy cavalry attack 10% faster
-heavy cavalry ranged resistances now scale up
-heavy infantry ranged resistances now scale up
-light infantry melee resistances now scale up
-light cavalry melee resistances now scale up
-light cavalry now take 20% less damage from siege attacks
-light cavalry only take 2 transport slots instead of 3
-ranged cavalry deal more damage
-ranged cavalry now deal deal 2x vs cav instead of 1.5x
-ranged cavalry now have less HP
-light siege now deal 3x vs cav instead of 2x
-heavy siege deal more aoe damage, but in a smaller area
-trebuchets now have 2000 range instead of 1800
-trebuchets have a larger sight radius
-trebuchets now have the mark target ability to help detect attack range for setup
-ninjas, assassins, and pistoleers have more attack, hp, and are resistant to melee attacks
-reinforcing and capturing siege weapons is faster
-various upgrades repriced

-fixed some tooltips for abilities
-fixed regicide and relic quest information
-battering rams can now attack mechanical units
-light siege deal 2x damage vs cav instead of 3x

-battalions now are in formations, reducing clustering and unit staggering
-floating text above battalions last longer and is brighter
-battalions exiting transports bring out their army faster
-late game battalion glitch fixed

Official Multiplayer Channels

Battle.net: US EAST: Channel: aow2
Garena: WC3 TFT: Canada Room

Read the quest log to maximize your gameplay experience!

Age of War, Age of War 2, Age of Empires, aoe, Medieval, Europe, Strategy, Civilizations, Empires, Conquer, Battle, War, History, Empires, Historical.

Age of War 2 1.11 (Map)

Vengeancekael - [Contact] Date: 2012/May/27 23:31:49 Comment: [Approved] View comment with review Resource Moderation - Rules Vengeancekael - Date: 2012/May/09 20:03:10 Reasons: Other: Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials...




Vengeancekael - [Contact]
Date: 2012/May/27 23:31:49

Comment: [Approved]
View comment with review

Resource Moderation - Rules

Vengeancekael -
Date: 2012/May/09 20:03:10


Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials
Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section
Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object editor, overall WE issues): WE Help Zone

Comment: [Approved]
Definitely of high quality. Also AI!
Admin Contact - Resource Moderation - Rules
Level 4
Mar 22, 2010
Great job on releasing the game!

EPIC MAP it really reminds you of AoE II due to it's epic sound effects xD

AND I love the squad thingy, too
Level 11
Aug 24, 2009
Great job on releasing the game!

EPIC MAP it really reminds you of AoE II due to it's epic sound effects xD

AND I love the squad thingy, too

Thanks for the feedback on the beta thread.

There will be a small patch by Friday addressing the following issues:

-Fixing late game AI expansion and worker spam
-Looking in to the ally crash bug
-Minimap Preview and possibly new HD Loading Screen
Level 4
Mar 22, 2010
Thanks for the feedback on the beta thread.

There will be a small patch by Friday addressing the following issues:

-Fixing late game AI expansion and worker spam
-Looking in to the ally crash bug
-Minimap Preview and possibly new HD Loading Screen

It happend to me once when I tried to ally an AI.....
then I never tried to allied again.....
Level 11
Aug 24, 2009
Ok I fixed it, you are supposed to type the player number not the color. It will crash if you type -ally blue instead of player 2 so I just fixed the quest to inform users the proper way of allying players.

Also I'm trying to get widgitizer to work properly to reduce map loading time, but it keeps screwing up some tooltips.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Looks interesting will test it and leave a review later.

Here is my review:

Age of War review:


  • The Monk heal ability heals 0 hitpoint. And he continuely cast it to himself.

  • Lots of imported stuffs like units/building/icons you even have a imported tree and tiles.
  • Lots of upgrades that makes the game more fun.
  • AI supported.
  • Features like the squad captain is amazing, it reminds me of Samurai Warriors somehow.
  • Game also have lots of game mode, which is amazing for a RTS style of map.
  • The game is very balanced and well made.
  • The layout of the terrain is well balanced.
  • Tooltips are well-made, really gives lots of informations on the units being trained.

  • A small suggestion, try to add flowers and other no-path doodads, it won't hurt you on the filesize bro.
  • Also find a better loading-screen, the low-quality animated loading screen that you're using doesn't fit the high quality gameplay of your map.
  • Mind increasing the goldmine' gold capacity? This map can be fun even you play it for 2 hours with you friend or with the ai. But the goldmine can't support that kind of long game.

My Rating: 5/5 and +rep

My notes: A well made map, that Reaper51 gives a lot of time to make. Good Job, and I'm hoping for future updates.
Last edited:
Level 11
Aug 24, 2009
1.01 is out!

-Alliance system quest updated for alliances to be set up correctly and not crash
-New Map Preview
-Ninjas are no longer built at the barracks for Japan, but at the market
-Siege Weapons and Siege Armor upgrades cost +75 more gold and take 15s longer to complete
-Cavalry Armor tooltip fixed
-Destroyed Castles all give the same amount of resource back from any civilizations (25%)
-Starting gold mines and island gold mines amount reduced to 10000, the same as a regular expansion gold mine
-Map has been wigitized, thus making it load 90% faster

As of now, this is the last update for this map!

Man I have shit internet so AI are for me very importmant. I have dl map and gona play it now, but to tell you something honesty: because moderators think to AI is goo then I trust them and here is one instant +r. Good luck :D. After testing will post here more thing if I find some bug or have suggestion BB

AI isn't really goo, it's surprisingly works quite good despite the crappy squad system used. :p
Level 4
Mar 22, 2010
Well AI's are really good, as if you were fighting players but the problem is, they don't build walls and gates

Although sometimes, I get bored of the map though, but still great job!
Level 11
Aug 24, 2009
ughh!!!! this map is crazy right now in the server i play , we need 6 player version now! xd

Unlikely that I'm going to update the map for 6 players.

Completely new terrains would be needed along with new game modes and triggers for battalions to make it available for 6 players (Which is the max possible).

Also tell me about the gate bug, or send me the replay.

What server are you playing on, I wanna join too : D
Last edited:
Level 11
Aug 24, 2009
-Siege Weapons and Siege Armor upgrades cost +100 more wood
-Town Centeres upgrade into Castles twice as fast
-Castle repair timed nerfed a bit
-Fixed a bug with the vertical gate not appearing in game

Thanks for the feedback!
Level 2
Oct 13, 2010
can someone please help me? i cannot open some maps, there is many many maps i cant open and i dont no why, when i tried play the map, in the place of the players, there is nothing, and if i click on start game, nothing hapeen, please someone help me i really wanna to play this mapss
Level 8
Nov 11, 2009
can someone please help me? i cannot open some maps, there is many many maps i cant open and i dont no why, when i tried play the map, in the place of the players, there is nothing, and if i click on start game, nothing hapeen, please someone help me i really wanna to play this mapss

Do you have the latest version of TFT?
Level 3
Jan 4, 2012
This is an epic map! The gameplay is perfect, The terrain needs more variation. Oh, Why is the player cap 4? It would be epic if there were more people to play with. 4/5
Level 3
Jan 4, 2012
MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR BUG, When you mistype -ally ex. -ally2 or -ally3 it crashes. Fix itttt
Level 3
Mar 29, 2012
Not only if you forget to add the space, also if you type another word other than 1-4, it crashes (i.e. -ally alec, -ally josh)
Level 3
Jan 10, 2012
Give a helpful reply please, a mistype leading to crash isn't justifiable by saying, "you're an idiot, type properly", a crash is a crash and it should be fixed. Saying what you just said is complete bullshit. Its the same as saying "don't play my map coz it has bugs." learn to actually do something about the bugs in YOUR map instead of giving rude stupid comments to your audience.
Level 12
Dec 20, 2011
Can't, you gotta learn how to type properly :D

Are you serious bro? The guy was trying to help, yet you say "Hey Ocelot, learn how to type properly, before I try to fix that bug". So if there was this bug reported by some guy who types like this "i haz gotten a maj0r bugz", but it's true, you won't fix it? Now that's just not cool. You say he's gotta learn how to type properly, yet you typed your triggers wrongly creating this bug, I suggest you learn how to type better as well.
Level 11
Aug 24, 2009
The trigger uses an integer since its needed to ally both the player and his computer counterpart.
Long story short; if you end up tying it wrong, it crashes idk why.
So for now just type the right way till I get it fixed.


I got a terrainer working on a 6 player version of this map!
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
wow so much negative replies, dude you gotta fix your own crashes and don't rely on others adjusting to your game

Don't be insulting. If you can't type something as simple of this properly, you are really incompetent.

The trigger uses an integer since its needed to ally both the player and his computer counterpart.
Long story short; if you end up tying it wrong, it crashes idk why.
So for now just type the right way till I get it fixed.


I got a terrainer working on a 6 player version of this map!

I can fix it. It's just returning an invalid player like Mech said, which crashes the game, the same would happen in my map, if you were player 4 on a 2 player map.